
Seeing the value of a synthesized property in the Xcode debugger when there is no backing variable.

I just recently began using synthesized instance variables in my iPhone projects. The problem is, I can't see the synthesized ivars in the debugger. Is there any way to view the properties of an object in the debugger when it's not using the explicitly declared instance variables? I need to clarify the second question. I'm not asking ...

Implementing class descriptors by subclassing the `type` class

I'd like to have some data descriptors as part of a class. Meaning that I'd like class attributes to actually be properties, whose access is handled by class methods. It seems that Python doesn't directly support this, but that it can be implemented by subclassing the type class. So adding a property to a subclass of type will cause i...

C# in VS2005: can you overload the .ToString() method of a property?

C# in VS2005: can you overload the .ToString() method of a property? ...

objective-c properties question

I'm new to objective-c and have been wondering what's the point of creating properties? I can just create a variable in the header? Why create a variable and a property with the same name? ...

is it possible to change method property from public to private and back on runtime from inside class ?

like this: if ($sth) make_private($this->method); or maybe there's some other way to affect accessibility of methods ? Problem is that I written a class where methods must be called once, so I need code to restrict access to given method from outside the class after this method was executed. ...

What's the right way to escape a string before writing it to an Apache Commons PropertiesConfiguration?

We have a ".properties" file that has some values persisted as JSON. I keep getting bitten by special characters, though -- the org.json.JSONObject isn't very verbose about what causes it to choke, so it takes forever to figure out that I wrote {"key":"this is a \"Value\""}, but I read {"key":"this is a "Value""}. Obviously, the latter...

Show DebuggerDisplay in PropertyGrid C#

I was wondering if it is possible to have the debugger display be the text for the class in the PropertyGrid? I cant seem to find this answer anywhere. Here is an example of what I have. [DebuggerDisplay("FPS = {FPS}")] [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class DebugModule : Module { public int FPS {get; set...

Python decorator class to transform methods to dictionary items

I wonder if there is a reasonable easy way to allow for this code (with minor modifications) to work. class Info(object): @attr("Version") def version(self): return 3 info = Info() assert info.version == 3 assert info["Version"] == 3 Ideally, the code would do some caching/memoising as well, e.g. employ lazy attribute...

How can I find which property getters have side effects using NDepend?

A familiar problem using VisualStudio is the mysterious calling of property getters. If these have side effects (the most common being of the form if (foo == null) foo = new foo(); return foo; ), then the fact that the debugger Locals and Watch windows call the properties - without even hitting any break points - can lead to unexpected e...

Java: Accessing properties file inside a war

I already searched StackOverflow for "properties inside war", but none of the results worked for my case. I am using Eclipse Galileo and GlassFish v3 to develop a set of web services. I am using a "dynamic web project" with the following structure Src -java_code_pkg_1 -java_code_pkg_2 WebCon...

Is following Indexer property possible?

Suppose I have an array or any other collection for that matter in class and a property which returns it like following: public class Foo { public IList<Bar> Bars{get;set;} } Now, may I write anything like this: public Bar Bar[int index] { get { //usual null and length check on Bars omitted for calarity re...

Where to place in android project?

I'm developing Twitter application with xAuth support using twitter4j jar file. I want to place my consumer key/secret in file. Where should I put this file in directory structure? ...

Trouble accessing checkbox properties (client-side vbscript)

I have a bunch of checkboxes where a user can select from a list of systems which they want to load. The checkboxes are created like so: '*************************************************************** ' Print systems from DB in a table for the load page. '*************************************************************** Function PrintSys...

How tro retrieve the iPhone's locale setting

Hello, I have googled for it but I am a bit surprised that I couldn't find it. I just want to access what locale the device has configured. I tried to find how to list all system propreties (in case I could find the locale there) but couldn't even find how to do that. I know(/think) I have retrieved the system properties before, but I ...

How to define a struct whose members can be accessed by any internal classes but can only be set by a particular (internal) class?

How to define a struct whose members can be accessed by any internal classes via properties but can only be set by a particular internal class? (If it is possible.) If it is not possible, is there a work-about to achieve the similar requirement? Edit 1: below Reason: I have a class A with two members _x and _arrB. _x can be read but ...

References of ALL Properties MsBuild

Where is a complete reference of ALL MsBuild properties ?? Like this $(OutDir) $(OutputPath) $(TargetName) $(TargetExt) ... ...

i18n in javascript using .properties file

Hello: I'm developing a web application with JSF, so I use a Java Properties File (i.e. to localize strings for the application and this is working OK. Mi question is: how can I call localized strings in this kind of files from my javascript validations so alerts show those localized strings to user? Thanks ...

Are there any reasons to use private properties in C#?

I just realized that the C# property construct can also be used with a private access modifier: private string Password { get; set; } Although this is technically interesting, I can't imagine when I would use it since a private field involves even less ceremony: private string _password; and I can't imagine when I would ever need t...

How to get a getter of a property?

I would like to get a getter of a property so I could pass to a method that requires Func. For now I extracted getter to a Get method and I use this method when I need the getter function. Few words about background: I have class A with properties and I have another class T which keeps track of some properties from A (and from class B, ...

MissingResourceException - Can't find bundle for base name

I know that there are a lot of questions and answers exactly about this error on stackoverflow and other forums. But I still can not find the solution... For speed reasons I have one utility class which loads all static data maps (for example months) depending on locale provided. So this utility class looks something like this: public...