
Protocol Buffer and UTF16 Unicode.

How do you use Google Protocol Buffer with UTF16 Unicode? ...

How to understand NSObject, it is both protocol and interface.

You can see following in NSObject.h file // 1. here is a protocol @protocol NSObject // 2. here is an interface, conforming to the above protocol @interface NSObject <NSObject> { ... // 3. what is the meaning of "( )" below? NSCoderMethods is a protocol @interface NSObject (NSCoderMethods) NSObject is so important that...

Protocol buffers logging

Hi, In our business, we require to log every request/response which coming to our server. At this time being, we are using xml as standard implementation. Log files are used if we need to debug/trace some error. I am kind of curious if we switch to protocol buffers, since it is binary, what will be the best way to log request/response ...

Guidelines for designing forward compatible communication protocols?

I'm working on a communication protocol between embedded devices. The protocol will definitely need new commands and fields in the future. What do I need to do to make sure I'm not painting myself into a corner? ...

Protocol charset conflict, ESMTP vs. XML in an email body

We have a process in which XML is transferred to us via ESMTP in an email body. The character set of the email body is specified as ISO-8859-1, and no encoding is specified for the XML. According to the protocol, the default is UTF-8. The problem is our XML parser is throwing an exception when it encounters the ® character because it ...

C++ question: feature similar to Obj-C protocols?

I'm used to using Objective-C protocols in my code; they're incredible for a lot of things. However, in C++ I'm not sure how to accomplish the same thing. Here's an example: Table view, which has a function setDelegate(Protocol *delegate) Delegate of class Class, but implementing the protocol 'Protocol' Delegate of class Class2, ...

Is there any protocol like UPnP for router Loopback? (Loopback NAT)

We can use UPnP protocols to Forward users port. SO TO DO SIMPLE NAT TRAVERSAL. But problems appear after such operation. My main point is - you can forward users port - bind it to globall adress, you can acsess it from glogal internet, but you can not from local network (ower the NAT). So I wonder if there is some protocol set that al...

Qn. on payload in ZVT protocol Hi All, I'm implementing a driver for the ZVT protocol, using a simple state machine. To receive a message it parses the received bytes until it gets an ETX, then reads the next 2 bytes as the checksum. Is it true that the contained APDU will never contain an ETX as a data by...

Best Protocol for Server-Mobile Client Communication?

which protocol would be the best choice for the communication between server and mobile client app?? RESTful? SOAP? XML-RPC? or something else like Native TCP? mobile clients include iphone, android. ...

Protocol for VisualSvn

Need to get port opened on vps server by the server company. The port is for VisualSvn so i can connect to it from my pc. Question is, what is the protocol for this traffic, TCP UDP ICMP IP ?? ...

sending email using http protocol?

hi, i've read on that it would be possible sending email using the http protocol - where can i find info about it? i'm looking for a way to send a personalized newsletter off my server withouth putting heavy traffic on my webserver. would this be possible? thx ...

Should I set up a protocol for Objective C array objects to avoid a compiler warning?

I have a class, let's call it ABC, with an NSArray *objects property, and the objects in the NSArray can be one of two different classes, X and Y. Both X and Y have a path property, but the compiler doesn't know this. Therefore, even though ABC will always find the path property on my array objects, I get compiler warnings on my code -...

Client server protocol with XML messages.

I have to implement client server protocol over socket in java, and sending the data as XML messages, so i implement one by my self, but i want to know is there any standard API, or standard way to do this in java. ...

Objective-C delegate coding practices

I have some coding practices involving delegates that I'm not sure of. First of all, if a delegate protocol has no optional methods (all required), is it a recommended practice to use respondsToSelector: to check whether the delegate object implements that method? And second, do I need to check whether the delegate isn't nil before calli...

How do I register a protocol to work with my program?

I'd like my program to be summoned when a browser tries to open a page with the protocol "tf2emp://xxxxx". The program will then have to download content based on the 5 digit number given in said protocol. My program is written in python, and I'm using wx for the gui. ...

What is the best approach to supporting different versions of a propietary protocol

I have written a protocol that gets used by one of my company's applications. We've come to a point where the protocol needs to undergo some significant changes to support further development, but we require that the new implementation be backwards compatible. I would like to know the best approach to achieving this without a lot of hear...

Is AMF3 protocol is good for flash/flex client server development ?

I need to develop client server application that involve gaming. I have no experience in flash and I was reading about the AMF3 protocol that is compact and fast, is it better than xml/json for data exchange? Also I need it to be on port 80. ...

Simulate interface in java with objective-c

Hi all, I came from a java background, and I was trying to use protocol like a java interface. In java you can have an object implement an interface and pass it to a method like this: public interface MyInterface { void myMethod(); } public class MyObject implements MyInterface { void myMethod() {// operations} } public class My...

UTF-8 Subject line appears as question marks in Gmail

Hi, I am trying to send an email with Chinese characters in the subject line from my program to a gmail account, but the subject line appears as ????. This is how the subject line is encoded: =?utf-8?B?Rlc6IOiri+W5q+aIkee1piDoiIfkvaDotbfkvobnmoTlkIzkuos=?= Is there anything wrong in the encoding? Is there anything that I have to bear ...

How to use protocol instead of delegate in iPhone

Scenario: Need to execute CustomWebview delegate on view controller. Please help me with this code. Instead of using callback, I need to use "Protocol". Can it be done or we can only use callback in this scenario. On ViewController.m - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; //MyWebView *webView = [[MyWebView alloc] initWithDelegat...