
WPF: How to bind RadioButtons to an enum?

I've got an enum like this: public enum MyLovelyEnum { FirstSelection, TheOtherSelection, YetAnotherOne }; I got a property in my DataContext: public MyLovelyEnum VeryLovelyEnum { get; set; } And I got three RadioButtons in my WPF client. <RadioButton Margin="3">First Selection</RadioButton> <RadioButton Margin="3">The Other...

How can I make a radio button for "Other - please specify?"

I am creating an HTML form with some radio button options. I'd like to have one option as "Other - please specify" and allow the user to type something in. Two questions: 1) How can I make a "hybrid" input type of radio/text? 2) On the PHP back end, if the input has the same name attribute as the radio inputs, will the user's ...

How to set the RadioButton icon style to nothing in CSS (in Flex 3)?

You can skin a RadioButton in Flex by setting the following values in CSS: upSkin: Embed(...); overSkin: Embed(...); ownSkin: Embed(...); disabledSkin: Embed(...); selectedUpSkin: Embed(...); selectedOverSkin: Embed(...); selectedDownSkin: Embed(...); selectedDisabledSkin: Embed(...); But, it will still display the little circle icon...

Cocoa radio WebView scrolling

In cocoa using XCode and IB is it possible to have a scrolling view of WebViews from WebKit that double as radio buttons? How do I do this and how do I retrieve which view is selected? ...

About RadioButton CheckedChanged event

Hi there im using a single TextBox for querying differents types of chossings, for example when i select the first RadioButton (Last Name) I search by Client last name, when i choose second RadioButton (Doc. Code) I search by code and so on, please how can i manage or handle exceptions when for example if user choose "Search by Date" and...

WPF binding to My.Settings for radiobuttons (using

Following the advice at I was able to get binding working for checkboxes but not for radiobuttons? After saving MySettings the checkbox value is either true or false depending on if the checkbox is checked or not (as expected), while the rad...

Is it safe to use a component reference in mxml

Consider the following radio button example. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""&gt; <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ private function getRb1():RadioButton { trace(rb1 == null); return rb1; } ]]> </mx:Script> <mx:VBox> <mx:RadioButtonGroup **id="rbg" selection="{getRb1()}*...

How do I make a RadioButton's Bullet align top?

I have a multiline radio button and I want the bullet to be to the left of the content (as default) aligned to the top of the radio button control. What's the easiest way to do this in XAML? ...

How do you populate a radio button or drop down box when editing from a database?

I know this is a similar question to one already asked, but I was hoping for a different answers to a problem. I have a form where you can upload new articles to a database all fine works ace, wonderful, brill. The form uses a drop down menu for the type of article, I have news, gossip, travel, performances and others in my drop down box...

How to avoid Winforms radio button container auto grouping

The background In .Net windows forms (2.0) radio buttons are automatically grouped by their container control, whether it is a Form, Panel or GroupBox. That means that when you select one radio button, every other radio button in the same container is automatically changed to unchecked state. Now, consider the following form layout: ...

How can I determine the SelectedValue of a RadioButtonList in JavaScript?

I have an ASP.NET web page with a databound RadioButtonList. I do not know how many radio buttons will be rendered at design time. I need to determine the SelectedValue on the client via JavaScript. I've tried the following without much luck: var reasonCode = document.getElementById("RadioButtonList1"); var answer = reasonCode.Select...

How can I get which radio is selected via jQuery?

I have two radio buttons and want to post the value of the selected one, how can I get the value with jQuery? I can get all of them like this: $("form :radio") But how do I know which one is selected? ...

Radio buttons on Rails

Similar to this question: What's the correct way of making radio buttons that are related to a certain question in Ruby on Rails? At the moment I have: <div class="form_row"> <label for="theme">Theme:</label> <br><%= radio_button_tag 'theme', 'plain', true %> Plain ...

How do you make an HTML Radio button bold on select ???

In HTML, I have the following radio button choices o Choice 1 o Choice 2 o Choice 3 What I would like to do is when someone SELECTs a radio button from above, that the text corresponding to that radio button selected becomes bold. So, for example - if the person selects "Choice 2", the radio button selection would now look like: o...

hide() radio button *and* its text label in jquery

Hi I am going back over a recent project sorting out accessibility issues and was making sure all form elements had labels. Putting the label text into a tag caused a problem with some kludgy code I had written before. Basically, if you have a radio button and its label: <label for="zone_r1"><input type="radio" name="zone" id="zone_...

remove class from radiobutton

Houw would i do the same thing like this for radio buttons in jquery? $("select option:not(:selected)").removeClass("takethis"); ...

jQuery Validation - Require answer to all questions or opt out of survey

We have a registration form that asks for demographic information with the additional option to not provide any information. However, to keep our numbers adding up properly, we want to require you to enter all information if you select any demographics. A rendering of the form: Gender ( ) Male ( ) Female Disabilities? ( ) Yes ( ) ...

How to create a few radio boxes in ASP.NET MVC?

Hi folks, yeah :( simple question * blush * Lets imagine i have the following enumeration:- string[] languages = new string[] { "en (uk)", // English (colour) "en (us)", // English (color) "fr", // French "es" // Sp...

How to assign one category to a post with radio buttons, in Rails?

Hello, newbie here, first post. I just spent like 4 hours trying to assign one category to a post (trying out a regular blog thing) via radio buttons, to no avail. The association is working fine, and ultimately I managed to get it working with a select menu, but for some reason it seems radio buttons are simply not meant for that. I ...

Best way to databind a group of radiobuttons in WinForms

I'm currently working on databinding some of my existing Windows Forms, and I've ran into an issue figuring out the proper way of databinding a group of radiobutton controls within a group box. My business object has an integer property which I want to databind against 4 radiobuttons (where each of them represents the values 0 - 3). I'...