
radio buttons disappear in ie and chrome

The below is in style sheet select,input ,td a {border:1px solid green; width:25%;height:25px;font-size:20px;margin- left:.1em;} input.myradio {border:none;width:0%;height:0%;font-size:0%;} The below is in html <td><input class="myradio" type="radio" name="poolstatus" value="Add">Add</input><td> It's perfect in firefox but chrom...

MFC: CButton highlighting for a group of radio buttons

I know that I can create an integer variable for a group of radio buttons, set it to an integer, and then call UpdateData(FALSE) to make the window highlight the appropriate radio button control. However, I would like to perhaps use a CButton control instead, but I don't know how to set the CButton state so that a particular radio button...

How to get RadioButtons to work like ComboBox in MVVM pattern?

In the following code, the user selects a customer from the ComboBox and that customer's information is displayed in the box. Now I also want to get RadioButtons to work with the same functionality. I've got the RadioButtons to display the ObservableCollection of Customers, but how can I get the IsChecked to work, i.e. what is the equi...

How to call a form when there are 3 forms in a project and data Transfer between the forms in C#?

Hello, I have 3 forms in my project form1 , form2 , form3 and it was running smoothly now i have added one more in my project form4 . The first three forms are already linked up through ShowDialog(). I don't want to touch Program.cs file. How can i call form 4 first as start up form ? Earlier form 1 was the first form to appear in my...

Set alpha on radiobutton label

I'm trying set the alpha to 50% on some radiobuttons in AS3. The problem is that the radiobutton labels won't change. Anyone know how to fix this? ...

Displaying controls based on radio button selected

I have a group of three radio buttons. Depending on which radio button is selected, I want to disaply one of three controls - a textbox, a dropdown list, or a button. How do I display controls based on the result of a selected radio button? ...

Radio Button List Item is always false

Hi there, I hope you can help. This has been confounding me for hours. I have a RadioButton list in my CustomerGroupConfirm.aspx page: <div> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap"> <asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblContractGroups" runat="server"></asp:RadioButtonList> ...

How do I get a DoubleClick event in a .NET radio button?

I'd like to be able to catch the DoubleClick or MouseDoubleClick events from a standard winforms radio button, but they seem to be hidden and not working. At the moment I have code like this: public class RadioButtonWithDoubleClick : RadioButton { public RadioButtonWithDoubleClick() : base() { this.SetStyle( ControlStyles.Standard...

How to toggle a div based upon the radio type selection?

Hi I toggle a div using something like this - <input type="radio" name="myRadio" value="myDiv_1" />MyDiv <input type="radio" name="myRadio" value="myDiv_2" />MyDiv2 <input type="radio" name="myRadio" value="myDiv_3" />MyDiv3 <div id="myDiv_1"> 1 Some input fields, text </div> <div id="myDiv_2"> 2 More input fields, text </div> <div i...

Grouping radio buttons in Zend Framework

I want to present radio buttons in logical products groups: Broadband products: (*) 2 Mbit ( ) 4 Mbit Voice products: ( ) Standard ( ) Total Bundles: ( ) 4 Mbit + Standard ( ) 4 Mbit + Total All radio buttons have the same name attribute - you get the idea. It seems that Zend Framework 1.8 does not support grouping radio...

how to get the values of the radio button which has been checked , jquery

hi ,, can we get the values of the radio buttons , only those which has been checked , cause i have to implement a form in which there are many radio buttons , so how can i get all the values which has been checked what i have to do is i have 13 subjects like : physics , math , biology ..... and the students can choose any number of...

In Flex, how do I deselect all radio buttons in a group?

In Flex, sometimes when you need to clear a form you run into the problem that radio button groups seem to defy clearing: try as you might, setting selected=false on all buttons, setting selection=null on the group, doing both, doing them twice, etc., you always seem to end up with one pesky little radio button that's still selected. How...

Preselect radio button in Struts2

Using Struts2, I have a very simple radio tag like following <s:radio label="correctOption" name="correctAnswer" list=" #{'1':'1','2':'2','3':'3','4':'4'}" value="questionVo.correctAnswer"/> questionVo.correctAnswer returns 2. So I want the second radio button to be preselected but it is not happening. I even tried: <s:radi...

Request.Form and radio button ids

I have the an approximation of the following input id='rb1' name='rb1' type='radio' input id='rb2' name='rb1' type='radio' e.g. both radios share the same name so only one can be selected I want to be able to use Request.Form to see which one has been selected. However all I get in Request.Form is the name e.g. rb1. Is there any way...

jQuery, dynamic name change of radio button

Looking for something like: $("input:radio:checked").previous("name", "original_name").attr("name","new_name"); I tried a few different seen around here but mostly get the error: Object Expected Any help is appreciated. ...

putting radio group into JTable

it seems JTable can only allow checkbox. how can i put a radio group into a cell on the JTable? ...

how to set position of scrollbar in windows form panel (C#)

I have lots of radiobutton in a panel with auto scroll set to true. One of theradiobutton is checked. I want to make sure that that the checked one should be visible i.e. the vertical scrollbar should be moved so that the checked radio button is visible. Is there any way to do it? P.S. I have tried as bellow but it is not working ...

Issues with CustomContainer for RadioButtons in WPF

Hi I want to create a custom control which would only contain RadioButtons. I imagine it being used as follows: <RadioButtonHolder Orientation="Horizontal"> <RadioButton>RadioButton 1</RadioButton> <RadioButton>RadioButton 2</RadioButton> <RadioButton>RadioButton 3</RadioButton> <RadioButton> ...</RadioButton> </RadioButtonHolder> C...

Breaking up radio buttons into columns in JSF

Hi When I am using h:selectOneRadio and supplying the list of values in a list as the entire radio button section is exposed as a single unbroken list. I need to arrange it in 3 columns. I have tried giving <h:panelGrid id="radioGrid" columns="3"> <h:selectOneRadio id="radio1" value="#{bean.var}"> <f:selectItems id="rval" value="#...

Html form, radio button and Servlet

Hi, I've writen a servlet that builds an html page showing the content of a database. The code is: Statement st = (Statement) conexion.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from audiolist" ); while ( { contador++; out.println("<tr>"); String k = rs.getString("Tittle"); ...