I'm running into some issues when trying to add Devise to my Rails 3 app. I started by creating a new Rails 3 (rc2) app with a "Home" controller and "index" action and verified that "/" would render "#home/index". Next I set devise 1.1.1 in my Gemfile, installed Devise, created a User model, and migrated the database. Now "/" returns No ...
hello coders and codetts
I am working with rails 3 and cucumber, all is going well except for this little problem
Given I am on the "edit automobile" page
No route matches {:controller=>"automobiles", :action=>"edit"} (ActionController::RoutingError)
Now the path is set in paths.rb as edit_automobile_path
and in the routes.rb I ha...
I'm trying to upload a file to s3 using paperclip and get this error when making a new object and referencing the variable:
the aws-s3 gem is installed
the s3.yml file has the correct credentials
a = Attachment.new
NameError: uninitialized constant AWS::S3::Connection
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/aws-s3-0.6.2/li...
So I'm getting started learning Rails. Now that Rails 3 is out, I want to stick to learning the Rails 3 way of doing things. One of the things I want to learn how to do is how to consume web services / work with third party REST APIs / create "mashup" applications. I've only done minimal work like this with PHP and pre-built libraries.