
Is there any performance overhead in using RaiseEvent in .net

Is there any performance overhead in using RaiseEvent in .net I have a code which is similar to following. Dim _startTick As Integer = Environment.TickCount 'Do some Task' Dim duration As Integer = Environment.TickCount - _startTick Logger.Debug("Time taken : {0}", duration) RaiseEvent Datarece...

Firing MouseLeftButtonDown event programmatically

Hi, I'm trying to manually fire a MouseLeftButtonDown event on a WPF control programmatically, as I am using the Microsoft Surface SDK, which does not fire MouseLeftButtonDown events, but ContactDown events. Basically I'm trying to push the MouseLeftButtonDown event down to the control, to fire off the correct behavior on the control, w...

Event Handling an Abstract Class

Basically, I have a custom child form class which has events that will be passed to the parent. In the custom child form, I have a declaration of a "MustInherit" class that inherits the DevExpress User Control Class. The reason for this, is I have many user controls that derive from this base class, and the child form can have an instan...

Event not Firing in MS Access VBA

I have a form in MS Access which has an image. The image has an Click event which opens a modal form. The modal form has an OK and Cancel button. When you click the OK button, an event is supposed to fire which tells the main form which button was clicked. (This is to simulate the DialogResult functionality in C#). However, the code...

WebKit .Net RaiseEvent/Click equivalent

I'm experimenting with the WebKit .Net component in an application. Usually with the standard WebBrowser component I can select an element by id and then raise an event on it using the RaiseEvent method or, for clicks, simply use the Click method. However, I can't seem to find similar functionality in the WebKit browser - how should I go...