
Select latest record with some more conditions

ID Level Effective Date ExpirationDate 000012-12 2 12/01/2005 NULL 000012-12 1 12/01/2005 NULL 000012-12 2 12/01/2005 01/01/2009 000012-A12 2 10/01/1994 11/30/2005 000012-A12 2 01/01/1999 11/30/2005 000012-A12 2 09/01/2001 11/30/2005 000012-A12 1 12/01/2005 12/31/2007 Only most current Records wil...

Voice Recording/Saving in Delphi

Is there a component or code that allows the following: Record a spoken word (or words) and save it/them to a file that can be played back. The file must be able to be played back on XP, Vista and Windows 7. The file can be either stand alone or saved to a datasource. [Using Delphi 7 for creating apps on XP and using Absolut...

Rails output number of records with X in field?

Hi Everyone, I have a number of records in a model called Kases, each kase record has a status which can be Active, On Hold, Invoice Sent or Archived. I am trying to work out how to add a number on the dashboard for the total number of kase records, the total number of kase records marked as on hold, the total number of kase records m...

Iphone - Video Recording Applications - Use Camera Roll or store in app / database?

For those of you making iphone applications that record video Are you utilising the camera roll for storage and then indexing the asset URL? Or are you somehow saving the video to the app / bundle / database? Does the stackoverflow community think it is viable to just store the asset url for replaying or that one should somehow store...

Dynamic MX Records

Hi, I'm trying to figure out a solution to my problem which is as follows: There are two email addresses on my domain that I want to continue hosting at a provider but for all the other email addresses I want to host them on my own servers. Logically, I configure the MX records for pointing to the provider of my email hosting but in this...

Rails ajax form entry shown twice

Hello I want to write a small blog with Ruby on Rails (3), with posts and comments submitted via a ajax form. But when I submit a comment it is often shown twice, and I got no idea why. when I write @post.comments.uniq in the _create.js.rjs file, it works fine but this seems not to be a clean solution. When I reload the page without aja...

Subsonic throws System.InvalidOperationException: Timeout expired.

Dear all, I've set up my system with .NET framework 3.5, SQL server and Subsonic I've added the subsonic files in Visual Studio. The first time I try to update my file(s) with "Custom Tool" within Visual Studio is successful. But when I try to do this several times I get the error: I've updated subsonic to, but still ...

erlang mnesia - illegal record info

I am trying to have a function that ensures the table I need is already created and if not to create it. Here's the sample: ensure_table_exists(Table, MnesiaTables, Nodes) -> case lists:member(Table, MnesiaTables) of true -> throw({error, db_might_have_already_been_created}); false -> mnesia:create_table(Table, [...

how to set video recorder

i checked the video recorder in the test setting for recording the automatic test in the end of the test i got an error in test result "video recording cannot be created" did i miss something ...

how to simulate the inheritance of a record?

I'd like to inherit records, since this is not possible the best solution is to create classes with public fields and use inheritance against them? ...

What record formats are available in Google Ion not listed in core formats?

Looks like the only way to record something is the narrowband codec at 12kbps and 8khz sample rate. Surely audiorecord isnt limited by these rates is it? Where do I look? HTC sapphire source? ...

Recommended macros to add functionality to Clojure's defrecord constructor?

defrecord in clojure allows for defining simple data containers with custom fields. e.g. user=> (defrecord Book [author title ISBN]) user.Book The minimal constructor that results takes only positional arguments with no additional functionality such as defaulting of fields, field validation etc. user=> (Book. "J.R.R Tolkien" "The L...

Record my animation and upload it to my server

Hello, I write some flash animation application that user can customate. I wont to record the animation inside the flash and send it to my java server - prefer in mpeg. In short, the idea is record some event in my flah game and the outcome will be some video/movie in my server side... I will happy for Any help, idea wil... Thanks. ...

Web app screen recording

Hi, I'm looking for a plugin and server solution for screen recording a web application. The application is flash based. I know I could use software like Cantasia, but I need the solution to work automatic, without user interaction. any ideas? ...

Retrieving date from .xml

In retrieving records from .xml file using php, I get this error: This website is temporarily unavailable. Please check back later. Unfortunately there were no suitable nodes available to serve this request. What's the problem? In my xml file, I got a lot of Array(). Will this cause the error? ...

Is it possible to get incoming call data to application in Android

Hi All, I would like to know if we can get Incoming call data to the application in Android. I will be using this incoming call data to record the call or for the purpose of call streaming from my application. I read Audio manager and Telephony manager class provided by Android , but I could get an API which can give the data of incom...

Server that records live streams?

Does anybody know of a server that can record live streams published by a FMS? ...

NetStream client property not working on recorded flv video

Hello, I have a flex app (3.0) working with a red5 server (0.63). (yes, we did not upgrade yet). My App records a video in Red5, and during the recording we use the ns.send to send some messages (such changing images). When playing back the live stream, it works perfectly. But when I playback the recorded videos, it does not work. Usin...

Simultaneous AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput

Hi, I need to be able to have AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput working at the same time. The below code works, however, the video recording does not. The didFinishRecordingToOutputFileAtURL delegate is called directly after startRecordingToOutputFileURL is called. Now if i remove AVCaptureVideoDataOutput from the AV...

"Serialize" VHDL record

Suppose I have the following type definition which relies on constants to indicate vector length of the record members: type point_t is record x: std_logic_vector(X_WIDTH-1 downto 0); y: std_logic_vector(Y_WIDTH-1 downto 0); end record; I would like to convert these kind of records into std_logic_vectors to put them into, say...