
Wrapping TStringList in a Record

I tend to use Delphi's TStringList for text manipulation, so I write a lot of procedures/functions like: var TempList: TStringList; begin TempList:= TStringList.Create; try // blah blah blah do stuff with TempList finally TempList.Free; end; end; It would be nice to cut out the creation and freeing for such a co...

Edit and save multiple records in cakephp

In my cakephp app I have an Option model. In my option/index view I display 2 options with inputs and radio button fields. I want to update both of them, but I get a weird behaviour. The option I alter doesn't get saved and instead a new option is inserted with the new value. Here is my view <h2 class='page-title' id='manage-option...

Displaying huge arraylist in jsp

Hi All, I have 15000 records in an arraylist each record size is around 2MB. I have display this list on a jsp page in the most efficient manner. Please suggest the best method to do it. I can not filter data on server side. User needs all records on jsp page at once. Thanks in advance. ...

c# linq update all records in database

hi, im trying to update all records in a sql table using the following code but no data is updated. does anyone know why? using (DataContext db = new DataContext()) { foreach (Item record in db.Items) { record.Description += "bla"; db.SubmitChanges(); } ...

php get DNS records

HI Does anyone know how its possible to retrieve the DNS records for a domain. I have been using php and this function: dns_get_record to do this so far but have realised that this command gets cached DNS records and therefore not the up to date information. Does anyone know a way around this in php or some other language? ...

ASP.NET MVC - How to get random records from model?

Hello there, I don't know if there is an easy way to do it but basically what I would like to do is: var highlights = db.Banners.Where(h => h.Category == "highlight").ToList().GetRange(0,4); I have this model Banners where I have some highlights but I would like to retrieve just 4 random highlights each time in different order. So th...

Number of Records in Insert Statement (Oracle)

I'd like to report on the number of records inserted in an Oracle insert statement. I'm inserting from a statement, so I could run my select twice and a count, but I'd rather keep it all in a single statement. Is there a way? ...

saving a records containing a member of type string to a file (Delphi, Windows)

I have a record that looks similar to: type TNote = record Title : string; Note : string; Index : integer; end; Simple. The reason I chose to set the variables as string (as opposed to an array of chars) is that I have no idea how long those strings are going to be. They can be 1 char long, 200 or 2000. Of course when...

Passing & storing multiple records into database at a time, in ASP.NET application

Hi, We have a data table in our ASP.NET application. It is holding 800+ records. Now we need to store all these records into database at a shot by using a SQL Server Stored Procedure. Would you please let me know the best way to implement it and a reference code sample. Thank you, Regards. Venkat. ...

ASP ADO Connection

i want to make connection of ASP to a database and display the records, add update and delete them all in one coding. Waiting for your kind response. ...

How to get Access 2007 to run VBA subroutines when scrolling through records in a form

I have a series of "on Change" Enabled/Disabled subroutines in the VBA for a form. When scrolling through the form to view records however, only the main routine runs--the subroutines don't. As a result, questions appear disbaled that have responses displayed. How do I get the subroutines to run when a record is viewed/changed? ...

Javascript: How to sort an array of records by values in one of the fields?

Hi, Suppose I have an array of records: [{a:0,b:0},{a:2,b:1},{a:1,b:2}] which I wish to sort in descending order of the "a" field in each record, and alert the sorted records as a new array (ie the new array would be [{a:2,b:1},{a:1,b:2},{a:0,b:0}]) - how would I go about this? I've tried a few approaches but am banging my head against ...

Delete all records in NSManagedObjectContext

Hi, is there a way to delete all the records from an NSManagedObjectContext? I'm using the following code to insert data: NSManagedObjectContext * context = [[NSApp delegate] managedObjectContext]; NSManagedObject * basket = nil; basket = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"ShoppingBasket" ...

MOSS2007 - content type with calculated field sent to record center

Situation: I have a site-collection A with a document of content type X and a calculated field Z, with let's say name and date concatenated. In this site-collection A the column Z shows up nice. I also have another site-collection as record centre. I have made a document library for content type X and a record in the routing table to se...

Delete multiple records from a table using subsonic T4 templates?

Hi, Using templates, how can I delete multiple records from a table in same Delete statement? Please advise. Thanks Pankaj ...

Preparing a database in access? need help!

I am working in a small law firm and my boss has asked me to put a database together to help with outgoing mail. There are 5 different tables that exist in Access. (Applicants, Attorneys, Lien Claimants, Employers and Workers Compensation Boards) All of the tables include addresses only. Each Applicant has an attorney, one or possibly...

Records in Delphi

Hi dudes, some questions about records in Delphi: As records are almost like classes, why not use only classes instead of records? In theory, memory is allocated for a record when it is declared by a variable; but, and how is memory released after? I can understand the utility of pointers to records into a list object, but with Gener...

Records and Generic Containers in Delphi

I'm going slightly mad (singing Queen's song) about records with Generic Containers (TList). First, see this code: TItemRec = record private FSender : TAction; FOwnerPack : HModule; FDockPanel : TdxDockPanel; procedure SetDockPanel(const Value: TdxDockPanel); procedure SetOwnerPack(const Value: HModule); p...

SQL find duplicate records occuring within 1 minute of each other

I am checking website entrys that are recorded in a database columns: browser, click_type_id, referrer, and datetime if multiple rows have the same browser, click_type_id, and referrer and are timestamped (occur within 1 minute of one another) they are considered a duplicate. I need a sql statement that can query for these duplicates ...

Delphi: Records in Classes

Following situation: type TRec = record Member : Integer; end; TMyClass = class private FRec : TRec; public property Rec : TRec read FRec write FRec; end; The following doesn't work (left side cannot be assigned to), which is okay since TRec is a value type: MyClass.Rec.Member := 0; In D2007 though the fol...