
Multidimensional array iteration

Say you have the following array: $nodes = array( "parent node", "parent node", array( "child node", "child node", array( "grand child node", "grand child node"))); How would you go about transforming it to an XML string so that it looks like: <node> <node>parent node</n...

C#: Avoid infinite recursion when traversing object graph

I have an object graph wherein each child object contains a property that refers back to its parent. Are there any good strategies for ignoring the parent references in order to avoid infinite recursion? I have considered adding a special [Parent] attribute to these properties or using a special naming convention, but perhaps there is a ...

Making change recursively: How do I modify my algorithm to print all combinations?

I have an algorithm that recursively makes change in the following manner: public static int makeChange(int amount, int currentCoin) { //if amount = zero, we are at the bottom of a successful recursion if (amount == 0){ //return 1 to add this successful solution return 1; ...

Counting elements in a tree in Haskell

Hi Basically I've made a polymorphic tree data type and I need a way of counting the number of elements in a given tree. Here's the declaration for my Tree data type: data Tree a = Empty | Leaf a | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) So I can define a tree of Ints like this: t :: Tree Int t = Node (Leaf 5) 7 (Node (Lea...

Dijkstra recurisve

Hi i'm having trouble doing an homework , i've to make recursive version of Dijkstra Algorithm , can somebody help me? ...

Copy-Paste Data with tree structure

Hello, I have a treeList, loaded with data from SQL DB. The logigs in sql for tree is standart: ID, ParentID and other fields. Now i want to implement Copy-Paste in this tree. When I click on tree, and select "Copy" button on some node with some tree structure, i select to DataTable all information about that object and all his children,...

Recursion paths from coordinate to coordinate

I'm working on a java assignment for a class and I'm unsure how to solve this problem. I don't want it completed for me, but get me started in the right direction. I'm mostly unsure of the recursive part of the program. I'm not very good at programming. problem: NorthEast paths are obtained from a two-dimensional grid ...

Solving recurrences

Am trying to solve the given recursion, using recursion tree, T(n) = 3T(n/3) + n/lg n. In the first level (n/3)/(log(n/3)) + (n/3)/(log(n/3)) + (n/3)/(log(n/3)) = n/(log(n/3)). In the second level it turns out to be n/(log(n/9)). Can I generalize the above equation in the form of n.loglogn This is a general doubt I've, I need an in...

How to write a recursive macro call on a &REST parameter in Lisp?

Hi, I've been writing some simple test cases for one of my assignments, and have built up a bit of a test suite using macros. I have run-test and run-test-section and so on. I'd like run-test-section to take a number of parameters which are run-test invocations and count up the number of PASSes and FAILs. run-test returns T on PASS, an...

Can a recursive function write to a file in C++?

I'm going to have two class functions. The first class function opens the file. Then it calls a second function that writes to the file and recursively calls itself. When the second function finishes, the original function closes the file. Is it possible to do this? ...

Lisp, a couple of questions about lists and recursion

Hey guys, sorry to overflow with so many questions. I have the following: (defun recursive-function (string) "returns list of strings" ;I am trying to return flat list ; create list L (append (mapcar 'recursive-function L))) But since recursive-function returns a list, I end up with a list of a list of a list..., whereas I want just ...

Why isn't this recursion working in C#?

public static bool AllNodesChecked(TreeNodeCollection nodes) { foreach (TreeNode node in nodes) { if (!node.Checked) { return false; } AllNodesChecked(node.Nodes); } return true; } Test tree is A1(checked) -> B1(unchecked) A2(checked) A3(checked) but it isn't retur...

Whats wrong? Trying to build a tree.

Calling the function MakeTree(4, gameboard) does not work properly, it only prints out the first validMove-Nodes. What am I doing wrong? private Move MakeTree(int depth, Board b) { Move Tree = GenerateValidMoves(b, b.MyLocation); if (depth == 0) return Tree; foreach (TreeNode<Move> Child in Tree.Children) ...

Why doesn't my Haskell function accept negative numbers?

I am fairly new to Haskell but do get most of the basics. However there is one thing that I just cannot figure out. Consider my example below: example :: Int -> Int example (n+1) = ..... The (n+1) part of this example somehow prevents the input of negative numbers but I cannot understand how. For example.. If the input were (-5) I wou...

divide and conquer and recursion

I wonder if the technique of divide and conquer always divide a problem into subproblems of same type? By same type, I mean one can implement it using a function with recursion. Can divide and conquer always be implemented by recursion? Thanks! ...

C++ Recursion problems <confused>

I am working on understanding recursion, and I think I have it down alright... I'm trying to build a search function (like the std::string.find()) that searches a given string for another string for example: Given (big) string: "ru the running cat" search (small) string: "run" I'm trying to return a index for the where the wor...

Java/C/C++:find leaf of the shortest path of a binary tree without reconstructing tree (help with recursion)

I have these 2 sequences for a binary tree (not a BSD): InOrder: 3 2 1 4 5 7 6 PostOrder: 3 1 2 5 6 7 4 We know that the last element in postOrder is the root, so we locate the root at the inOrder sequence and subdivide like this: - all the elements at the left of the root go to the left subtree - all the elements at the right of the ...

How can I group an array of rectangles into "Islands" of connected regions?

The problem I have an array of java.awt.Rectangles. For those who are not familiar with this class, the important piece of information is that they provide an .intersects(Rectangle b) function. I would like to write a function that takes this array of Rectangles, and breaks it up into groups of connected rectangles. Lets say for examp...

Why is recursive regex not regex?

I was reading through some of the responses in this question and saw that a few people said that recursive regular expressions were not strictly speaking regular expressions. Why is this? ...

Matching arrays in php

I need check whether a given array will match another array. I can't figure out how to either manipulate the first array, or to match it some other way. I need to match this array: Array ( [1] => site [2] => blog [3] => index.php ) to match this: Array ( [site] => Array ( [path] => site ...