
Trac vs. Redmine vs. JIRA vs. FogBugz for one-man shop?

Background I am a one-man freelancer looking for a project management software that can provide the following requirements. I have used Trac for about a year now. Tried Redmine and FogBugz on Demand for a couple of weeks. Never tried JIRA before. Basically, I'm looking for a piece of software that: Facilitates developer-client commun...

Bitnami Redmine backup strategy

We started using Redmine at work. I know it uses mySql as the database, and Apache2 as web server. How Redmine can be properly backed up so that it can be reloaded quickly when anything goes wrong? ...

Plugin migrations for Redmine

I'm developing a plugin for Redmine. How do I create a migration for it? If I use script/generate plugin_migration, it'll be placed in /db/migrate folder, but I need it to be in my plugin's folder. ...

How to change Redmine to support versioned files in every issue

Its redmine, a Ruby on Rails application. Currently, every issue can have one or more files. But if a user decide to update/change them, the old files are replaced. My task is to develop something to allow versioned files for every issue: so, if a user update the content of an existing issue, the previous state of the issue is preserved ...

Are there any good webhosting services suitable for a git/redmine installation?

I'd like to roll my own server so I can have my projects available 24/7 but with more flexibility than one of the free providers like github can provide. Anyone have a good hosting service that includes shell access? I've been searching on google, but I get a weird spammy vibe from a lot of the places. ...

Using Redmine with an external Wiki?

We've got a company wiki running Mediawiki on our intranet that has been in use for a while. We just recently installed Redmine and are in the process of getting it configured just the way we like it. I was wondering if there's any way to use our already existing wiki instead of the built-in one that comes with Redmine. We've got al...

Redmine and Scrum

What is the best support for Scrum in Redmine? Best practices? Plugin support? All plugins I've tried are either not that active anymore and/or not up to the task of managing a major project using Scrum. I've googled to no avail... ...

How to add another column to the issues table report in redmine?

I would like to know if someone can help me to determine what steps I do need to modify redmine in the table shown at the url I need to add another column, lets say "close date", where it reports the last date on which an issue became closed state. as I understand redmine, the matter is ...

Bugshooting for Redmine

Is there any bug shooting utility submitting directly into Redmine? Something like is doing with FogBugz. ...

Tried redmine and trac, but none of them allows me to share milestones and bugs between projects

Do you know a good alternative to redmine or trac which allows such a feature? I've also tried fogbugz, but is too poorly integrated with the svn repository browsing (and there is no sign of code review support). ...

Alter existing model with a Redmine plugin

The Redmine plugin tutorials explain how to wrap core models but what I need is to add another column to the journals table. I need a boolean field inserted in the journals model. Creating another model with a 'belongs_to :journal' relation seems like an overkill. Can this be done with a plugin? I should note that I am a rails newbie. ...

mod_ruby on apache: Very slow

Even a request from the server itself takes about 7 seconds ( startpage of a "redmine" installation ).. When running ruby under WEBrick the same request only takes miliseconds... I am absolutely new to ruby, so i have no idea where to start the investgation on this.. Or is the best solution to locally redirect the apache request to a W...

Inserting special character in Redmine wiki page

Hi everyone! I'm using redmine and I'm trying to insert the special character "|" inside a table in a redmine wiki page. I don't want this character to be parsed as a column separator. I've achieved this by doing a < code >|< /code> around this character, but I don't want to use the code tag, since this character will gain code attribut...

Adding extra SQL queries in a Redmine core view (overriding view in plugin)

I'am overriding a Redmine core view in my plugin (/views/reports/_details.rhtml). Just to print some extra data, like how many open issues are assigned and not assigned. I tried to override the controller instead and add a method to do this, but I never got it to work, so I added the code below to the view (yes, it's ugly, but the page ...

Is there a redmine plugin to create multiple issues at once?

Redmine has a nice batch edit feature, but nothing equivalent for "batch create" (please correct me if I'm wrong!) FogBugz lets you quickly create multiple tickets with the same properties (type, status, assignment, etc.) via a ajax-ified text box at the bottom of any filtered view of tickets. Tickets created this way match the values o...

Codaset, Codebasehq, Unfuddle, Trac or Redmine?

I have a handful of small Git repositories I would like to host remotely. They're all private projects, most of them in Java. Codaset, Codebasehq, Unfuddle, Trac, Redmine.. There seems to be an abundance of solutions out there. They're all packed with features and useful functionality. Putting aside pricing and the glossy layouts, what...

Redmine vs. Retrospectiva

Has anyone tried both Redmine and Retrospectiva, and is able to make some comparison between the two? I'm currently using Trac for my projects management and issue-tracking, but I'm looking to test some alternative and the above two seems most likely to fit my needs. I understand Redmine is more of a Trac clone, but Retrospectiva seem t...

Enable Web services in Redmine

Hi, Can any one guide me how to enable web services in redmine, specially XML RPC. And a proper way to implement such web service in redmine. Thanks. Parthiv ...

Redmine Plugins - Detecting enabling and disabling of modules

I'm working with an external framework (redmine) which has one Project model that has_many EnabledModules. Projects can have EnabledModules "attached" or "removed" via the module names, like this: class Project < ActiveRecord::Base ... has_many :enabled_modules, :dependent => :delete_all ... def enabled_module_names=(module_nam...

Using git subtree merging, while also merging in all branches of all merged subtrees

I'd like to use a popular, open source issue tracker (Redmine) that offers git integration. Unfortunately, each project in the tracker can only be associated with one git repo. Creating multiple projects in the tracker is not my ideal setup. With that in mind, I've attempted to use git subtree merging (explained here, and here). I've cr...