
Hotfix / Patch build & delivery approach

We are in the process of adapting our build & release procedure of one of our Java based products to support patch / hotfix releases. Today, we deliver a full installation package (which is a set of RPM packages wrapped in an ISO) out of our build pipeline. However, we aim to also support incremental / more fine grained upgrade / patch...

Locking a mercurial branch before release

How do I lock the entire branch of a mercurial? I get this requirements normally before the release... ...

Flex 4 + Django: Testing and Release Options

I am creating a django-based site that will serve flash apps that occasionally access data via pyamf. I need to be able to easily test the flash in the context of the django framework, i.e. with all the login cookies and everything available, so that when I make a pyamf call, it has all the user context there. And I need to be able to te...

How to Detect Conflict/Overwritten Files in Hudson or Cruise Control

Hi, Lets say two front end developers are working on the same file just for changing a css propery without knowing each other.They both work in their own branch in the source control. First developer's css changed file deployed to the test system, and it is still in test phase. Before the first developer's change is approved and deplo...

How to integrate QA into the Sprint

One of the challenges with Scrum is how to fit QA into the process. Sure, QA works with the developers on each individual user story during the Sprint, but what about giving QA time with the fully completed sprint to do a full regression and load test before releasing into production? I've seen 2 approaches: launch into production on ...

dependency management and release lifecycle in dotnet

Recently my team has hit the wall while trying to manage dependencies semi-automatically. You know, the trunk/lib folder in svn with a ci-server that commits fresh versions of dlls into that folder. But migration of one of the projects from svn to git exposed the problem that repository is growing too fast and we are trying to use svn a...

SVN-related tools

Hi dear stackers, I'm getting more and more annoyed about some processes that could probably be automatically improved. Indeed, I would like to know if there are some tools that manage to: "force" commit message structure generate automatic changelog between two specific tags notify users by email when a maintenance branch (actually,...

Side Effects of running the JVM in debug mode

I'd like to realease a Java application in debug mode to allow for easier debugging when random or hard to reproduce problems occur on the customer side. However, I want to get a heads up on potential side effects of doing this? From the Java HotSpot Documentation it seems that there should be no performance penalty. From the link ...

What's the best practice to release a product in c/c++ in windows?

As we know a PE binary usually depends on various Dynamic Link Library to work, but how can we make sure such a dll exists for all users? How is a PE product released? ...

What's the principle of installers in windows?

IMO a PE executable can't run on all platforms. I'm guessing that the installer packs executables for various CPU architectures, and chooses the right one after some detecting work. But is this how major companies like MS releases their products? ...

What are good deployment and release strategies for a shared runtime environment?

Bonjour. Status Quo For our customer we are developing some libraries and applications that run as "modules" within a larger application that is delivered as a internal Java Web Start application. The customer maintains the infrastructure that this application is run on. The "server side" is made up of a few web services based on Axis2...

Looking for case studies of managing open-sourcing code from a company.

How do you go about open sourcing - and then managing - the code developed from within your company? This has happened quite a bit: Google, Google Android, RedHat, Canonical/Ubuntu, Apple, Apple CUPS etc. In my company we've developed some ancillary code to help us make the products that we sell. We're not in the business of developi...

How to use mercurial for release management?

This is a cousin question with my earlier question of "How to manage concurrent development with mercurial", which covers individual developer workflow. The answer to this question will actually influence the choice for developer workflow. This is NOT a general "release management best practice" or CI question, as it has been asked many...

How do you know when a big project is good enough to make it version 1.0?

If you have a big project, how do you know when it is time to be version 1.0? ...

A better release management strategy?

I work for a company that makes a web based tool. As part of my job, I was given the task of release engineering for this product(something I had never done before). I've setup the following system using SVN(Sorry, we can't use another repository before someone suggests switching to GIT or perforce or one of the myriad of other options...

Memory management - how best to initialise an instance declared in the header

I've read a few posts on this, but there's still one thing that's not clear for me. I know this might be rather a n00b question, but I've actually got rather far into development without quite grasping this fundamental issue. A symptom of being self taught I guess. You declare a variable in your header, like so: @interface SomeClass ...

Thoughtworks Go Alternatives

Hello, We were investigating the possibility of using Thoughtworks Go to help improve our Build / Deployment / Release process here at work, but due to the price factor and what you actually got we decided against it. I was wondering, are there any alternatives to Thoughtworks Go around? They could either be commercial or open source, ...

Release timetables in Agile Environments

Hello, We are currently utilising an agile environment in work. One of my tasks involve setting up a release timetable. A part of this is providing a time frame of how long a project would take to go from a development environment, to staging and then live. I have conflicting thoughts regarding whether such a timetable needs to be done...

objective-c release

Hi, I have this class in DNS.h @interface DNS : NSObject <NSXMLParserDelegate, NSNetServiceDelegate> { NSMutableArray *servsPublished; } @property(nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *servsPublished; Then in the implementation file DNS.m there's a method where I release it and I get the exec bad access memory error. This is metho...

Dev and deploy management with SVN of a Web Site

Hi We have a .Net solution for a website, consisting of 5 projects, and there are a few(less than 10) developers working on the solution. We deploy almost on a daily basis. The question is, how to setup the SVN repo to support this scenario (the daily deploy), also mentioning that not every commited file should go to production, there is...