
problem with overriding autologin in spring security?

greetings everybody iam using spring security 3 remember me service as follows <http> <remember-me/> ....</http> and i want to perform some logic in the autologin so i tried to override the AbstractRememberMeServices as follows: package; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRespo...

Spring Security RememberMe Services with Session Cookie

I am using Spring Security's RememberMe Services to keep a user authenticated. I would like to find a simple way to have the RememberMe cookie set as a session cookie rather than with a fixed expiration time. For my application, the cookie should persist until the user closes the browser. Any suggestions on how to best implement this?...

Problem with sfRemember cookie / sfGuard Remember me

I'm using Symfony 1.4 with Doctrine. Sorry if this is a silly question but what exactly does one need to build on top of the sfDoctrineGuardPlugin to get the "remember me" functionality working? When I login a user, the sfRemember cookie is created with the default 15-day lifetime, and the remember key is saved in the plugin's sf_guard...

ExtJS: Login with 'Remember me' functionality

I'm trying to create a simple login window with the very common 'Remember me' functionality. The login validation is done AJAX style, thus the browser won't remember my input. My approach is to use the built-in state functionality, but how to use it confuses me. Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider({ expires: ...

Making Authlogic 'not remember me'

I want my user session to end when the user closes the browser. But authlogic seems to remember the session even when a new browser is opened. I have tried setting @user_session.remember_me = false but that doesn't help. I drilled down to the save_cookie method which is indeed saving the cookie with :expires => nil. Am I right in assumin...

remember me in login form

I have a "login" control that I'd like to have a "remember me" option. How can I accomplish this? ...

How can I set a logged in session to be remembered for 2 weeks in CodeIgniter?

If a user logs in and selects "Remember me for 2 weeks", I want the session to remember them for 2 weeks. If not, it should expire in 2 hours. How do I do this? ...

How to handle "Remember me" in the Asp.Net Membership Provider

Ive written a custom membership provider for my ASP.Net website. Im using the default Forms.Authentication redirect where you simply pass true to the method to tell it to "Remember me" for the current user. I presume that this function simply writes a cookie to the local machine containing some login credential of the user. What does...

How does Remember Me work in Spring Security?

I'm curious how does Remember Me work and how does it work in Spring Security? I understand that server sends long-lived cookies to the client. And then client sends cookie back and server can recognize the client because there's something like hash-map on the server with relations cookie --> session. I don't understand how does the se...

What's the best way to save user login and password in flex?

Hello. What's the best way to save user credentials in flex? Local storage doesn't seem like good place for storing confidential data, because it saves information as a plain text. ...

PHP session garbage collection becoming an annoyance, i need some help to modify this behavior.

I have been having this problem for some time now, I dont exactly know that if this is the issue but I am pretty confident that it is, I have my remember me session set too expire after 1 week, but when I go to my site after a few hours of inactivity my remember me session is gone, i check my servers tmp dir and the session flat file is ... "Remember Me" cookie

I have implemented remember me option in my webform by using this, protected void LBtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.ChkRememberme != null && this.ChkRememberme.Checked == true) { HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(TxtUserName.Text, TxtPassword.Text); cookie.Expires.AddYears(1); Response.... "Remember Me" does not work through FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage()

In my login page I'm using FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage() to redirect to Home page after the user is validated. But it doesn't seem to obey CreatePersistenceCookie parameter. I have searched in Google and modified my Web.Config but still Remember Me functionality does not work. this is my sample code structure (using

Remember Me problem in ASP.NET MVC 2

Greetings. I have a problem with Remember Me possibility. It didn't remember my login. First of all I checked FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie( userName, createPersistentCookie ); in SignIn method. The second parameter is true if I checkbox is cheked. Also I've checked the cookie named .ASPXAUTH (

Saving login status with JavaScript cookies

Hey guys, I'm working on the login/ucp module of an application and I'd love to add a "remember me" option to remember the currently logged-in user and keep them logged in next time they visit. I know this requires JavaScript cookies, and I've never done anything like this before. Do you have any boilerplate code or tutorials that cou...

Best practise for remember me feature

I am using 2 variables in cookie(7 day expiration) which is user id and hash. Hash is sha1 encode of user agent and user id. In this case some hacker can login who is know stolen cookie's browser. Which way should i follow or which practise is best for remember me security problems ? ...

How can I create a secured "remember me" system using PHP?

I have a login system. How can I implement a secure remember me system using cookies. What value should I have to store in cookie username and password, but how I can secure it? ...

Membershipprovider: Automatically logging out when session ends

Hi! I have some problems with getting my website to log out the authenticated user automatically when the session ends (the user closes the browser). This is what I have in my web.config: <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms name="AuthCookie" protection="All" loginUrl="~/default.aspx" path="/" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="2592...

Springs Simple <remember-me/> not working :-(

I am trying to make use of Spring Security's <remember-me/> authentification. The line in my security context looks like this: <security:remember-me key="89dqj219dn910lsAc12" user-service-ref="jpaUserDetailsService"/> Although I use my own implementation of UserDetailsService (tested & working), I have also tried with the default one...

Simple Spring <remember-me/> ... help please

All I want, is a simple remember-me. I read What I have done so far: Created my own UserDetailsService to work with Hibernate / JPA. My impl. does not consider any remember-me stuff Considered configuration through appContext <security:remember-m...