
ASP Repeater - ItemTemplate

Good afternoon. I have a Repeater with a ItemTemplate that prints one column with data. <asp:Repeater id="OtherProductsRepeater" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> ( </ItemTemplate> </asp:Repeater> How can i modify the code to instead of one column create three columns to show the data? Thanks in advance. ...

Display/Hide part of a list

Hi I have an (unordered)list (generated by a repeater) of items. However, I'd like to show the first three items, and have the rest hidden by the main content div. When a button is pressed, I would like the list's div to expand, pushing the main content div down and showing the rest of the list. I was thinking of using slideDown(), bu...

What is the best way to display comments in ASP.NET ?

I'm developing a social network using Microsoft Technologies. I want to make a Wall similar to the one in Facebbok. What is the best way to do it and display comments ? Repeaters ? I'm using classic ASP.NET not MVC ...

How to Get Specific Button pressed in a repeater when using ModalPopupExtender

I have buttons contained within a repeater. A ModalPopupExtender is used to confirm event for each button. I create standard panels outside of the repeater and I attach each button in the repeater to these panels from inside the repeater. The problem is once the button is pressed in the popup I can't figure out how to determine which row...

DataSourceID vs DataSource - Messing with my Custom Repeater

I have made a Custom Repeater. In the DataBind event, I am using a PagedDataSource (which persists) and I am determining how to grab my data from there. This works fine when I bind a datasource directly to the control. However, when I use the DataSourceID property, it binds the data, but my PagedRepeater doesn't work anymore. This leads ...

How can i display "Loading..." when repeater gets data

I have a data repeater in ASP.NET page. It loads lots of stuff and its taking 4 - 5 seconds to display images. I can' t page or get a part of items i need to display all of the data so i need a loading message or gif but how can i do that? Can anyone help me? Thanks ...

put tag on N'th item by using the asp:repeater

hello. I want to put <br> tag only in front of 6th item. how can I do this? <asp:Repeater ID="rptWinner" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate></HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <%# GetWinnerID(Container.DataItem) %> </ItemTemplate> <FooterTemplate></FooterTemplate> </asp:Repeater> ...

Can i bind an the datasource Index in a repeater/grid

Hi All, I have a repeater.. and in my repeater i have a link that fires some JS. I would like to pass the itemIndex of the datasource in the JS. Is there some way to do this without using OnItemBound or OnItemCreated?? like.. <a href="#" onclick="dosomestuff(<%# this.item.index %>); return false;">Add Stuff</a> i know the syntax i...

Apply tablerow click to all cells but one

I have an ASP.NET page that uses a repeater to populate a grid. There will eventually be a dozen or so columns, one of which is a linkbutton that does a postback (it removes the row). The rest of the row I want to be clickable and navigate to the specified url I set up at runtime. Here is the code for a row in the repeater: <tr class=...

Updating an image's ImageUrl within a Repeater

I hope someone can help me. It's a pretty newbie question, I'm afraid. I have an image inside a repeater, and I would like to change its IMAGEURL based on parameter that's being passed to it. <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <asp:Image ID="imgType" runat="server" /> </HeaderTemplate> ...

Button inside a repeater with dropdownlist

I have a repeater with a literal, a dropdown list, and a button. <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="rep_ItemDataBound" onitemcommand="Repeater1_ItemCommand"> <ItemTemplate> <div class="buypanel"> <ul> <li>Choose finish <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlFinish" runat="server"></asp...

page variable in a repeater

Hi I'm having a bit of an issue with a repeater I'm building a categories carousel with the dynamic categories being output by a repeater. Each item is a LinkButton control that passes an argument of the category id to the onItemClick handler. a page variable is set by this handler to track what the selected category id is.... ...

Repeater in Repeater

I have a repeater inside a repeater. Where the parent repeater is bound to a Datable which has a column with a Datatable in it. I would like to bind the child repeater to the datatable column in the parent repeater's datarow Is this possible? i was thinking i could do this directly in the aspx file like: DataSource="<%# DataBinder.Eva...

Handle the Flex Repeater when the result length equals 1

Hello, I'm using the flex repeater to show some components in the screen by xml. When the xml returns only one result, I don't have the index of the array, so I cannot access the object. How I can handle this? Tks. ...

Flex Repeater: Delay repeater until rest of view has loaded

Hi, I have a flex repeater for an accordion inside a TitleWindow that is quite slow, I've already set recycleChildren to true, which has helped, but it's still slow on the first load and causes the animation to stutter when I open the TitleWindow. The repeater is just one part of what's visible in the TitleWindow, what I would like to ...

Components inside a repeater not resizing as expected

I have an mxml panel in which I'm using a repeater. The panel can be resized horizontally and I would like for the repeated components to resize together with panel. Here is a simplified example of how things look like: <mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" ...> <!-- scripts and some controls --...

ASP.NET Button click not caught (button in user control which is dynamically loaded in Repeater)

I have written a user control that captures some user input and has a Save button to save it to the DB. I use a repeater to render a number of these controls on the page - imagine a list of multiple choice questions with a Save button by each question. I am loading the user control inside the repeater's ItemDataBound event like this (co...

How to find a label in a asp repeater

Structure of my asp: repeater repeater updatePanel label1 (rating) button (updates rating) some_picture (thing being rated) /update panel /repeater Imagine the output of the above repeater containing 100 rows. (1 label, and 1 button on each row). Goal: when I click the button, I want the appropria...

UpdatePanel, Repeater, DataBinding Problem

In a user control, I've got a Repeater inside of an UpdatePanel (which id displayed inside of a ModalPopupExtender. The Repeater is databound using an array list of MyDTO objects. There are two buttons for each Item in the list. Upon binding the ImageURL and CommandArgument are set. This code works fine the first time around but the Com...

asp repeater item retrieve and change property

yo, i have repeater <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Bind("Photos") %>' OnItemCreated="Repeater1_itemCreated" > <ItemTemplate> <div class="thumbs"> <a href='Images/Parts/Photos/<%# Eval("PhotoId") %>.jpg' rel="lightbox-parts"> ...