
ASP Repeater with Linq to entities object - child list problem

Hi I have a Linq CodeBehind Function Like this var result = from m in context.Products.Include(n=>n.Categories) where m.IsActive == true select m; The m is Product Class which holds the list of categories. On the ASPX page in repeater I want to have acces to first category where my product is. I trie...

ASP.NET Button Inside Repeater Inside UpdatePanel Won't Fire!

Hi. ASP.NET 3.5 SP 1 / Visual Studio 2008 V 9.x RTM I am trying to get a button inside a repeater inside an updatepanel to fire. I't won't. I have tried adding a trigger outside the ContentTemplate and inside the UpdatePanel to no avail: <Triggers> <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="BtnAddStatus" EventName="Click" /> ...

insert dynamic text "google ads" on a repeter

I want to insert Google ads on a repeater on the 3rd iteration. I'm trying to figure out how to do this, here is what I have. Thanks for your help <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" > <HeaderTemplate> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <div class="Pl"> ...

Pagination support for Repeater

While I was trying to play with Pagination Support in Repeater, PagedDataSource rescued me. I made the following method and would like to share with all of you whether there is any pitfall or is there any chance for more improvement. Here it is, /// <summary> /// Create pagination for Repeater /// </summary> /// <param name="context">H...

CheckedChanged EventHandler of dynamically added Checkboxes not firing inside UpdatePanel of a Repeater

Hello! I´ve read most posts here but i can´t figure out why the "CheckedChanged" Event is not firing. Here is my situation. I´m using a Repeater to generate Items out of a Database. Each ReapeaterItem should include an UpdatePanel, because i have to Update the Controls inside the UpdatePanel and do not want to reload the complete page....

Binding ArrayCollections of Arrays

Hi there! I've been kinda stuck in trying to organize data and bind them to a Repeater in one my applications. What I did at first, was to save an array of arrays, so that I could've accessed any value very easily. But then I realized that I needed to bind them to a Repeater, so I had to switch to an ArrayCollection of arrays. But the Bi...

In ASCX-control not doing IF/ELSE condition

There ASCX-controls that the program-loaded onto the page. In a Repeater control in which, depending on the conditions displayed a different set of COLUMNS and DataTable with a different set of columns. So, on the ASPX-page, this construction work Good. <ItemTemplate> <tr class="objectrow" href="<%# GetCompleteViewObjectLin...

Repeater in my user control is empty on postback

I've looked at a lot of similar questions here, but to no avail. So here goes... I'm creating a set of user controls that display a list of grid-like tables. Anyway, the objective is to list the grids, mess with the each grids data (client-side) and press save. The grids work great, but when I press save teh repeater in the VIEWER is...

ASP.NET Vertically wrapping a list generated by a repeater

I've got my repeater generating a list of links that need to appear in a certain order. Meaning I need my list to appear like so -Item1 -Item4 -Item2 -Item5 -Item3 Every solution I've found involves knowing whats going to be in your list and setting classes where the list should break. My issue is that it could be anywhere from 1 to 1...

asp repeater databound

I guys, isn't present databound event on asp repeater server control? I just want to bind all my data, and at the end creates a new ItemTemplate and add it, but just when is all data binded ...

Double-columned in ASP.NET

A dataset will be shown in 2 different columns. Can I use for this the repeater-control or is there a more appropriate control ? Does anyone know a good example? ...

Need help using C# FindControl

I have a repeater inside a panel. Inside this repeater I have another panel.Upon certain conditions, I want to set this panel.visibility = false. In the code behind, I try locating the panels on OnItemDataBound and set visible=false. But it only returns Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. I guesing it's because it ca...

Repeater control. Using a table that spans rows

The following "FindControl" method fails to find the imgAd control. Any idea why? Could it be the Table that contains it? The intent of the table is to line things up in columns across rows. <asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="phPageContent" runat="Server"> <asp:Repeater ID="repBanner" runat="server"> <HeaderTem...

ASP.NET - Using CheckBoxes in a Repeater.

I'm a tad confused. I have a Repeater which populates a list of Checkbox controls and Label controls. But it doesn't seem like the checked state of the checkboxes is remembered in ViewState until AFTER the first postback. Scenario: I have 5 items in my custom checkbox list. I select the first 3 and submit the form. The first 3 are ...

DataBinding Not Working In My ASP.NET UserControl

<asp:Repeater ID="repFilter" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <div id="posting" align="center"> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <div class="friends_area" id="record-"> <%# ((Ale...

Im trying to make a Repeater table visible = false.

I have a document management system which creates a report showing people who own which document. There are times where people have 0 documents and in that case I would like the repeater table for that person to not be visible. I have looked around for a while and have not had much luck, maybe its because I am new or maybe its because ...

How do you handle when you have too many tabs in your masterpage of your application?

Hi, Actually I think it is a bit design issue. Question is, if you have programmatically generated tabs -let's say by using repeater control- at the top of your masterpage, how do you handle them after you have too many -so that they do not overlap the view-port of the browser? I don't want to reinvent the wheel if there are already ...

c# bind 2 lists to repeater

Hi [c# linq] i have 2 datasources, 1 coming from an xml document and 1 coming from an sql server database, both return an IEnumerable<EventsDetails> is it possible to bind both of these lists to a single repeater? ...

ASP.NET: Controls.Count always zero

Hi. I am trying to fire "Controls.Clear" but it never works because Controls.Count is always zero. This shouldn't be the case. I have pasted the program logic below. The comments are built by a control - Comments.ascx - which fires the below OnInit event: protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { _presenter = new Com...

Using DataBinder.Eval() in style attribute of an control

Hello I've a linkbutton inside repeater control which renders multiple link buttons. I want to set the style of each and every linkbutton dynamically. I'm trying style="color:#6D7B8D;font-size:<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Title")%>;" But i'm getting "The server tag is not well formed" error. Any ideas? ...