
ASP.NET Repeater question

Hi guys, I have a repeater control and under the ItemTemplate, I have Image control. Anyway the old How can I set the ImageUrl programatically? Anyway, the old html code I have was like this: <ItemTemplate> <img src="<%# Eval("ImageSource") %>" alt="" /> </ItemTemplate> But I want to check if the image exists in directory or n...

Getting a column name in a Repeater in OnItemCreated

I am working on a Repeater that reads from a table with a layout something like: string Title string Location bool Water bool Sewer bool Picnic_Table bool On_Beach ... I am creating a list of amenities for each "Title" so I need to loop through the columns and get a list of amenities for each Title (or site). Optimally, I have a loop ...

Databinding repeater makes the Repeater load all items twice

I have a repeater on which I bind a list with 3 items. The databind() is called once, I have checked this using the debugger. I have some strange behavior here because the Repeater seems to walk through this list of items twice. Instead of the 3 items, I see the repeater bind everything twice. /// <summary> /// Handles the Load ...

PopUp Extender outside a repeater

Hey, I have an ajax PopUpExtender outide a Repeter, it must be there becuase i use it Dynamicly on other contorls i want the popup extender will be activated by Command of linkButton in the Repeater, I cant figure out how to add the TargetID to the popupID currectly here is my last shot: protected void lb_viewFileClick(object sende...

Should I use a repeater?

I have a table similar to: ID...NAME.....HTMLTEXT 1....Footer....`<b>test</b>` where each entry has some HTML text and an associated Name and ID. What I want to do in C# is to list each of these entries on a page in such a way that the HTML text should be displayed exactly how it is meant to be (e.g. <b>test</b> should show '...

how to get 5x5 grid in repeater control

hi .. i want to use repeater as a 5x5 grid .. i have a record of 25 five column i want to display 5 in row and i need 5 column like can anyone tell me what should i do for thanks in advance ...

Equivalent of .Net Data Repeater in Cocoa

Hi, I'm a total noob to Xcode and Interface builder. I'm on version 3.2.3 and OSX 10.6.4. What I'd like to know, and haven't been able to find out, is how to display a list of n items. Using .Net, I'd probably use a Data Repeater control and then use that to repeatedly populate the controls I'd like to display. Is there an equivalent ...

accessing paged data source from itemDataBound in

Hello, I've bound my repeater to a PagedDataSource and I want to get the PagedCount from the ItemDataBound event. I've tried a few things and it's not working. Does anyone know how to do this? ...

Sorting xml with either repater/xml functions in

Hi! I need to sort and choose only the last 5 inputs to my xml, Ill give you an idea of how my xml looks like. <News> <Article> <Headline>First</Headline> <Content>First</Content> <ID>1</ID> </Article> <Article> <Headline>Second</Headline> <Content>Second</Content> <ID>2</ID> </Article> </News> And im ...

Nested list within repeater

Hi, I have a repeater which looks like so: <HeaderTemplate> <div> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" id="plhContent"/> </ItemTemplate> <FooterTemplate> </div> </FooterTemplate> I then have a dataset that looks like: Title | Category "Title1","Legal" "Title2","Legal" "Title3","Finance" "Title4","... session in usercontrol empty until page refresh

I'm creating some sort of "wishlist" where users can click on any item in a repeater (clicking on a button). When a users clicks the button I add that item to a session("wishlist"). The session contains a list of strings that are shown in a wishlist. To render the wishlist on several pages I'm using a user control that contains a repe...

Deleting from ASP.NET Repeater item - erroneous deleting...?

I have a repeater which binds a set of data. Within this repeater is a column with various controls for updating, deleting, etc. These are image buttons which fire an onclick event such as "DeleteRecord". All this does is fire a stored procedure, passing in the ID of the record to delete from the CommandArgument of the object. This work...

How can I expose a repeater's templates from another control that contains the repeater?

If I have a custom user control (say, MyCustomControl.ascx) which contains a number of other controls including a repeater, is there any way to expose that repeater's templates as templates for MyCustomControl? For example, I would want to be able to do this: <uc:MyCustomControl ID="MyCustomControl1" runat="server"> <ChildRepeaterH...

Repeater Paging Custom Link Format

I'm implementing repeater paging with a pagedatasource and I'm trying to format the links. I'd like to creating something like this: << < 3 4 ***5*** 6 7 > >> // Where 5 is the current page This isn't that difficult of a task, but its probably been done already, and as such I don't really want to have to do it. Anybody know of any c...

ASP.NET Repeater Control - Referencing Individual Elements

I have a repeater that displays a custom user control on a form multiple times as follows: <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="MyRepeater" ondatabinding="MyRepeater_DataBinding" > <ItemTemplate> <a name='<%# Eval("[\"Key\"]") %>' style="display: none;"></a> <uc1:MyControl ID="Control1" runat="server" ...

Get values of js generated controls, from server side.

Let me explain the case; On the page, i have a repeater which generates <tr>s and <td>s. On clientside, i have a js function which adds or deletes rows into that repeater-generated-table. The problem is, in this function, i dont only generate a simple row, a textbox (which i have to get its value on server side) is generated t...

DataItem on Repeater.Items is always null

I am setting the DataSource of my repeater to a List (MyProducts is a simple class, consisting of only get/setters). After this and DataBind(), I can see in debugging mode that DataItem of each Repeater.Items is null. When making a postback and trying to update MyProducts, the Repeater.Items[n].DataItem is still null and Im not able to ...

ASP.NET Is there a way to add two "OnItemCommand" to my asp:repeater

I have two button with different commands <asp:LinkButton ID="lbEditDetails" Text="Edit..." runat="server" CommandName="EditDetails" CssClass="EditAdults" CommandArgument=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "number_slept") & "-" & DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "booking_ref") %>></asp:LinkButton> <asp:LinkButton ID="lbSubmitD...

<ol><li> tags problem insise asp:repeater

i have small problems with asp:Repeater. I am printing <ol><li> tags inside repeater in one line. How can i print it in two lines like: - test - test2 - test3 - test4 - test5 - test6 ... now is like - test - test2 - test3 ... ...

get control by clientID

hey, i work with c#, i resolve a client id of a Repeater Item control, and i want to use it in other command, how cant i get the control by his client id? TextBox TB = FindControl...? ...