
How do you specify a required switch (not argument) with Ruby OptionParser?

Say I'm writing a script and I want to require a --host switch (with value of course) but if the --host switch isn't specified I want the option parsing to fail. I can't seem to figure out how to do that. The docs seem to only specify how to make the argument value mandatory, not the switch itself. ...

To take the backup of required files of SVN repository

Dear All, I need to take the backup of one folder of my SVN repository. for this i have tried with svndump and svndumpfilter commands but of no use. Can any one pls. explain how to do this with an example. Thanks Mohan ...

iPhone Core Data application will terminate save database required?

Hello, I have an application that allows you to edit some percentages, however it will only let you commit those changes if the percentages add up to 100. However because the Core Data template includes the save code in the application will terminate. If the user changed something and then exited the application, the item would be of co...

Jquery validate: re-validate a validated form after checkbox changed with different rules

I am trying to validate a form with a couple of elements being required if a checkbox is NOT checked. Now if I submit the form the rules fire - and then I check the checkbox on - the validation rules have already fired - and even though the checkbox is now checked - the validation rules still apply and the form will not submit until I ...

JSF required field validation-need help

Hi, I am Rashmi.I have two forms in a single JSP page which are developed using JSF.Each form has one required field input and a submit button.On click of any of the button from any form,both forms should get validated and display required message.Please need help.......... sample code: <body> <f:view> <h:form id="form1"> <h:...

required element content

I'm trying to create xsd for an element like this: <ElementType attr1="a" attr2 ="b">mandatory_string</ElementType> and I want to make the mandatory_string required. What should I add to this xsd: <xs:complexType name="ElementType"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:string"> <xs:attribute name="attr1" type="StringLength...

Javascript error: Object required...tough time fixing this

The situation is this: a friend of mine asked me to help her with a website she's working on called Her original designer created this code but didn't finish the project. So here I am to help save the day. Now, once a photo has been added to the party template and the mouse is placed over the image, an...

PHP: check if any posted vars are empty - form: all fields required

Is there a simpler function to something like this: if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { if ($_POST['login'] == "" || $_POST['password'] == "" || $_POST['confirm'] == "" || $_POST['name'] == "" || $_POST['phone'] == "" || $_POST['email'] == "") { echo "error: all fields are required"; } else { echo "proceed..."; } ...

Javascript: Where is the error IE is finding in this script?

IE continues to give me an error on the next-to-last line stating "Object required". I am not sure where the issue would be. Any advice? function showdiv() { document.getElementById("dialogue").style.display = ""; document.getElementById("screen").style.display = ""; document.getElementById("screen").style.width = getBrowserWidth(...

codeigniter file upload - optional ?

I'm sure this is simple but I can't see how to make uploading a file with CI optional. If you leave the file input box empty, the error "You didn't choose an upload file" appears. The reason I want it to be optional is that my form edits a directory type listing, and I don't need to upload the image each time I edit the listing. Is th...

How to examine required libraries?

I developing a web application with a lot of libraries like, Spring, Apache CXF, Hibernate, Apache Axis, Apache Common and so one. Each of these framework comes with a lot of *.jar libraries. For development I simple take all of the delivered libraries and add them to my classpath. For deployment not all of these libraries are require...

Custom Attribute in C# : How to create an Attribute which defines several other Attributes ?

I've the following Attributes defined on my Name field: [Required(ErrorMessageResourceName = "ValidationErrorRequiredField", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(MyResources))] [Display(Order = 0, Name = ResXStrings.UserName, ResourceType = typeof(MyResources))] public string Name { get; set; } I want to create a custom Attribute which l...

Required field Validation implementation Client Callback

I have a grid which have required field validation. This grid is repopulated when user clicks on Add in pop up and saves, it repoulates the grid of the parent page using Client Callback mechanism. At this point it does bind required field validation at all. There is post which discuss about the behaviour but it does not specify about Req...

BlackBerry API Required

where can i find BlackBerry API which will help me to develop blackberry application?please help ...

Jquery Validation plugin custom required text

Hi All, I am using the Jquery Validation plugin ( to valid a form on my page. I am using the "required" class to validate an input on my page and want to show custom required text when the field is empty. How can I do this. Code is as follows: <script> $(document).ready(function() { ...