
Objective-C : Iphone Programming Reset a database (TableView)

Hi, i created a Navigation Controller application sample using core data but the thing is i don't know how to use core data and i need to create a button in the navigation bar to reset the entire tableview.. it is possible? If you want some code just create a new project in xcode and you will have it all. ...

add item to combobox outside of the array - flex

I've got a combo box that's data provider is coming form a database query. Now I'd like to add one hard coded item to be included in the combobox a sort of reset item that would reset the combobox to display its prompt message. Any idea how to do this? Thanks! ...

UINavigationController reset inner UIViewControllers

Hi, I have very unique problem. My app has UINavigationCnotroller with a set of UIViewController's. Most of the time everything goes fine but at some point, when I press Back button, the UIViewController to which I return suddenly reloads. i.e. the loadView called second time and the interface becomes squashed.. Prior to this I had UITa...

nested CPS "reset"

Hi, using the CPS compiler-plugin of Scala 2.8, there are the two magic controls reset and shift. Reset delimits the continuation and shift captures the continuation. There is an example of using CPS with NIO, using nested resets as a type of "forking"...? I don't exactly understand the purpose of nesting the resets, what's the effect? ...

Password reset by email without a database table

The normal flow for resetting a user's password by mail is this: Generate a random string and store it in a database table Email string to user User clicks on link containing string String is validated against database; if it matches, user's pw is reset However, maintaining a table and expiring old strings etc seems like a bit of an ...

The Cleanest Reset for an ARM Processor

Lately, I've been cleaning up some some C code that runs on an ARM7 controller. In some situations (upgrade, fatal error, etc...) the program will perform a reset. Presently it just jumps to 0 and assumes that the start-up code will reinitialize everything correctly. It got me to thinking about what would be the best procedure a la "Leav...

Why is there the need for browser resets?

Okay that's probably not the best title, I know why we need browser resets: because browsers have different defaults set. My question that was too long to put into a title is: If everyone needs to use a reset stylesheet 90% of the time, why do browsers need to set default styles? We're just going to remove them anyways, right? ...

Visual Studio: reset user settings when debugging

In a C# Winforms-App I have several user settings stored. Is there an easy way to clear those settings each time I start debugging the project from Visual Studio 2008? Otherwise it always starts up with the settings from the last debug-session. Thank you! ...

Reset an validation control via javascript?

How do I reset an validation control via JavaScript? The current code sample clears the error message text but does not reset the validation control for the next form submission. var cv= document.getElementById("<%= MyValidationContorl.ClientID %>"); cv.innerHTML = ''; Update: Here is the full code sample of the form. I can...

NSTimer Reset Not Working

hi, i have a nstimer and it works perfectly counting down from 2:00 but when i hit the reset button it does not work it just stops the timer and when i press start again it will carry on with the timer as if it had never been stopped. Here is my code `@implementation TimerAppDelegate @synthesize window; (void)applicationDidFinishLaunc...

reinitializing javascript object's properties

In my Javascript drag and drop build app, a variety of buildings can be built. The specific characteristics of these are all saved in one object, like var buildings = { house: ['#07DA21',12,12,0,20], bank: ['#E7DFF2',16,16,0,3], stadium: ['#000000',12,12,0,1], townhall: ['#2082A8',20,8,0,1], etcetera } So every building has a number o...

Clearing ColorConvertedBitmap in C#

Hi guys, the problem is: I want to use the same ColorConvertedBitmap object for two purposes, firstly I set everyting: ColorConvertedBitmap conv = new ColorConvertedBitmap(); conv.BeginInit(); conv.SourceColorContext = new ColorContext(PixelFormats.Bgra32); conv.Source = myImage; conv.DestinationFormat = PixelFormats.Pbgra32; conv.Dest...

iphone reset tableview

I'm having navigation controller with few views. I've table view in one of the views. I'm showing tick mark when user selects a cell in table view. Upto this point, its fine. When user goes back to previous view and comes back, i want to reset the table view. How? ...

Java - How to reset JLabel constraints after initializing it ?

I initialize a JLabel in Java frame like this : contentPane.add(myLabel, cc.xywh(1, 1, 31, 6, CellConstraints.DEFAULT, CellConstraints.BOTTOM)); But before showing the JFrame i make a small condition which if returns true i want to set myLabel to be set to DEFAULT instead of BOTTOM, but i can't find anyway except redefining it again l...

Windows 7 File Date Question

apologies for not asking a strictly programming question, but this will move on to programming once my confusion is cleared. i am about to write a program that can modify file date stamps like created, modified, last accessed date. as i am investigating on Windows 7, it seems to provide more date fields. exactly how many file attrib...

Renaming and resetting Chapter in LaTeX

Hi, I have two questions in LaTeX: How to reset the chapter counter to 1 or to set it to any other number?; How to rename Chapter 1 to Paper A? To rename it to Paper 1, I have this solution: \renewcommand\chaptername{Paper}. The first chapter then becomes Paper 1. But I can't get to rename 1 to A so as to get Paper A. Thanks in adv...

Google maps V3 API - css reset causes scrollbars

This is in my reset script: html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, t...

OpenFlow crashes app whem trying to reset/ recreate

I am trying desperately to change the images on an OpenFlow instance with no luck. I am kind of giving up so I am trying now to remove the instance and create a new one. But I can't avoid crashing the app. The code to create it is: AFOpenFlowView *of = [[AFOpenFlowView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, 320, 380)]; [of setCenter:...

How to reset UIWebView's zoom? I'm already using scalesPagesToFit = YES;

Hi guys, I've been looking for the past week for the answer to this question. I have a UIWebView, inside of a UIScrollView. Everything works great, but I want the content of the UIWebView to reset its zoom, when the orientation changes. In the HTML inside the UIWebView, I set the width of the viewport (w/ a meta tag) to "device-width"...

How to boot android phone programmatically?

I want to reboot targeted phone by SMS. Is it possible? How can we implement this? ...