
Resharper plugin to sort the methods alphabetically?

Does something like that exist? ...

How do I upgrade ReSharper 4.5 settings to ReSharper 5.0 settings

I've recently upgraded my code from Visual Studio 2008 .NET 3.5 to Visual Studio 2010 .NET 4.0. I've used ReSharper 4.5 and now I'm using ReSharper 5.0. I want my ReSharper 4.5 settings (the ones in .resharper file) to be upgraded to ReSharper 5.0 settings. Is there an automatic way to do it? Should I do it manually? Would just overwr...

Resharper 5 - are speed & memory bloat issues solved?

I am on Resharper 4.x and VS2008. R# seems to slow down the living crap out of VS2008. And of course, the memory usage can easily go to 500MB on a middle of the road Winforms solution with 7-8 solutions. Now that Resharper 5.x is out, can anyone tell me whether either perf or memory issues have been improved for use with VS2008? ...