
How to tell ReSharper to use C# 2.0 spec in code issues?

I've begun using ReSharper and really enjoy it. However I have a project which must use C# 2.0 specs. Is there anyway to get ReSharper to base its suggestions off of the 2.0 spec? I keep getting these suggestions to convert things to var and to use lambda expressions, which would be great, but I can't take advantage of them. I'm using ...

ReSharper 5.0 choking on strong-typed view model that's located in same project

I'm using VS2010, ASP.NET MVC 2, and ReSharper 5.0. When I create a new view that's typed off of a model from the same project as my view, ReSharper doesn't see the reference to the model. This is the definition of my view: <%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Web.Domain.UserViewModel>" %> Domain.UserViewModel ...

C# how to treat Resharper errors as compile errors in msvs 2010?

I want to treat resharper 5.0 error "Possible NullReference Exception" as MSVS 2010 compile error. Is it possible? ...

ReSharper 5 Search with Pattern

I just recently ran into the "Search with Pattern" tool in the new ReSharper. I tried to search for private $Type$ $Var$ = new $Type$($TypeArgs$); but when I search it just says "Cannot parse pattern" when I take way the private access modifier it works. But I am trying to explicitly search for it with the access modifier. I have a...

Method Call Replacment with Resharper 5

Im doing some refactoring on a large project and have come across a few instances of method/property duplication. For instance - a 'base page' class with a UserName property (the old property) that still has some usage, and then a user class with the same UserName property (the 'new' property). I want to update all existing code that c...

Force Resharper to open designer when navigating with CTRL+SHIFT+T

When I press CTRL+SHIFT+T dialog for file search pops up, I find file I'm interested in, and when I press Enter - if file is .resx or .dbml - it's opens in text editor. Can I force Resharper to open file in whatever editor is used by default (same as when I double click on file in Solution Explorer)? ...

Resharper error

What does mean this Reasharper error? I just upload project from svn repository. ...

How can I tell ReSharper to stop creating readonly fields?

This question is similar, but my question seems to get asked in an unanswered comment. I create a C# class. I use alt-insert to add a constructor. I add an argument to the constructor, and then I use alt-enter to create and initialize a field from that argument, like so: The problem is that my field gets created as a readonly field...

If I turn off ReSharper 5's IntelliSense, what am I missing?

During my trial of ReSharper 5, I noticed its version of IntelliSense falls behind Visual Studio 2010's in three ways that were key to me: ReSharper doesn't support IntelliSense in the "QuickWatch..." debugger utility. ReSharper's IntelliSense seems to break down for me in .aspx files between the <%= %> tags. I couldn't find a way to g...

How to make Resharper place blank lines after { in c#

Does anyone know how to make Resharper add blank lines after brackets when performing code cleanup? I want to make the following code if (x == y) { int a = x; int b = y; int z = a + b; } Look like this if (x == y) { int a = x; int b = y; int z = a + b; } ...

How to find code which is only called by tests

Occasionally I am looking at some code, I search for usages of a method (using resharper) and find that it is only called by tests. So it's effectively redundant and I can delete it and the methods that call it. Obviously there's no point in having unused code lying around the place, slowing down the build and the test run. What I'd lik...

Some ReSharper key mappings not working. How do I add a parameter through refactoring?

I have ReSharper 5.0 for C# running on VS 2008 SP1. Most key combinations like (Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R) for renaming an identifier or (Ctrl+Shift+T) for going to a file work. I thought I would try some of the other refactorings like adding a parameter to a method, but I get the following error, when I put the cursor over a private method. ...

What are the hidden gems of Resharper 5?

Possible Duplicate: What is your favorite use of Resharper? What is your favorite feature/shortcut/template of Resharper 5 that is not obvious but extremely useful? ...