
VIsual Studio 2010 colour schemes compatible with ReSharper?

Are there any colour schemes for VS 2010 (preferably dark schemes) that include settings for ReSharper 5.1? All attempts at google-fu have failed me. The one I'm using at the moment messes up when R# tries to highlight a line because the colours are too similar. I know I could do this myself... and will if I have to. But if there ar...

Can Resharper be turned off for a while?

I'm pairing with someone who is against using resharper (don't ask me why) so I'd like it to hide without uninstalling - is this possible? Thanks in advance ...

How can I automate placement of header text (copyright notice, etc) in C# files?

What is the best way to automatically place copyright notices, disclaimers, etc. in all of our C# files? Yes, we could copy & paste but is there a more automatic way? Any macros that would place them? Edit: This is for all new files only. We are not concerned about existing stuff as they will be updated as necessary on a case by case ba...

Am I implementing this simple contract incorrectly?

This is my code: public class RegularPolygon { public int VertexCount; public double SideLength; public RegularPolygon(int vertexCount, double sideLength) { Contract.Requires(vertexCount >= 3); VertexCount = vertexCount; SideLength = sideLength; } [ContractInvariantMethod] private vo...

Resharper doesn't automatically convert to auto properties in Serializable classes - should I?

I ran across this issue today and was able to determine that, when doing code cleanup, R# will not convert properties from having backing fields to auto properties in classes that are decorated with the SerializableAttribute, e.g. using System; namespace DataContracts { [Serializable] public class Class1 { private ...

ReSharper stops working

Running solution with VB.NET & C#, ASP.NET, VS 2008 with ReSharper 5 Most of the time, ReSharper is working (redundant code grayed out, squiggles, etc.) Sometimes, on the same code where it was working, nothing is highlighted to show ReSharper is enabled. I haven't done anything except modify code and debug. What is going on that tur...

ReSharper cleans our code and changes the using directives so that StyleCop rule SA1200 fails. What to do?

If I use the Code Cleanup ReSharper feature I get this start of a file: using System.Web.UI; [assembly: WebResource("", "application/x-javascript")] namespace SiteSeeker.Web.WebControls { using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Reflection; using System.Web; using...

ReSharper Type Members Layout pattern to the public enums after constructors

I use this pattern for Type Members Layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- I. Overall I.1 Each pattern can have <Match>....</Match> element. For the given type declaration, the pattern with the match, evaluated to 'true' with the largest weight, will be used I.2 Each pattern consists of the sequence of <Entry>...</Entry> ...

Does anyone have or know where I can find a description of the Resharper Powertoys

Resharper has a bunch of powertoys, but no documentation that I can find on what they do and how to use them. Anyone have a source of this info? CsUnit PowerToy- Cyclomatic Complexity PowerToy dotTrace 3.1 Integration PowerToy ExploreTypeInterface PowerToy FindText PowerToy GenerateDispose PowerToy LiveTemplatesMacro PowerToy MakeMet...

How to set ReSharper variable naming rules so that it allows underscores?

Hi, Whenever I use a variable name that stands for a primary key as int pk_MyObject = GetPrimaryKey(myObject) ReSharper complains about the pk_MyObject and offers me to rename it pkMyObject. How can I add a new rule to ReSharper so that it does not complain about variable names such as xx_YYYYY ? ...

Auto-generate variable *name* to match parameter you're providing?

R# 4.5 (answers to 5 are welcome) VS2008 (answers to VS2010 are welcome) C# (FWIW) I'm using a constructor (the question applies for methods, too), and there's Intellisense: I don't yet have a value to specify for this first parameter, "firstName". Today, I type "firstName", then let the IDE create that variable for me (which I init...

Disable Resharper with comment

Edit: Problem is solved by updating. Resharper is really annoying me and marking code that is 100% correct as wrong, it keeps wanting me to change an Action to an Action<T1,T2...Tn> when this obviously incorrect. It flashes everytime I type something so is really distracting. Is there a way to disable resharper totally inbetween two c...

Visual Studio: Sorting and Filtering Intellisense List

Hello, Is it possible to set option that for example: I have object Object1 After typeing a dot after it there are displayed all properties methods, event and so on Object1. These are in alphabetical order. Is it possible to order it by tyoe for example only events or only Properties ? I also have resharper Thanks for help ...

How do I turn off try/catch block code completion in ReSharper?

When I start typing a try/catch block, ReSharper causes it to be expanded from try { to try { } catch(Exception) { } I appreciate ReSharper trying to do me a favour, but this is one of those instances where I'd prefer to do it myself seeing as I'm often going back and adding the try block later, or typing a try/finally block withou...

Force Resharper to open designer when navigating with CTRL+SHIFT+T

When I press CTRL+SHIFT+T dialog for file search pops up, I find file I'm interested in, and when I press Enter - if file is .resx or .dbml - it's opens in text editor. Can I force Resharper to open file in whatever editor is used by default (same as when I double click on file in Solution Explorer)? ...

How are you using the pattern matching functionality in ReSharper 5?

Resharper 5's new pattern matching seems very powerful, though it takes a bit of tinkering to work out how to use it. For those who aren't familiar with this feature, it allows you to search for specific patterns within your code. Instances of such patterns may optionally be replaced with an alternative. In IntelliJ this was called st...

Why won't the following keyboard shortcut work for a Resharper action on VS 2010 ?

Although it most likely doesn't have anything to do with resharper... here's my setup VS2010 Ultimate 10.0.31319.1 JetBrains Resharper 5.1 (C# Edition 5.1.1727.12) I've configured the shortcut via VS2010 Tools > Options > Keyboard > C# Scheme Command Resharper_UnitTestSession_RunAll Shortcut Ctrl+Alt+\ (Global) Use...

Help me understand Resharper background compilation

So Jeff Atwood rightly complained about Visual Studio not performing background compilation see: The solution from most sources seems to be Reshaper which will incrementally perform background compilation as you write. This leads to their great realtime re-factoring...

Resharper: Code Style Sharing - Enforcing

We have a team of 40+ engineers working on a common code base. We're using resharper, and have been sharing our suggested settings by having a 'definitive' configuration file emailed out which people can import. However, as time goes on we wish to tighten up on various things on new versions and new work, without requiring refactoring o...

Resharper error

What does mean this Reasharper error? I just upload project from svn repository. ...