
VB6 web application - RM or Non-RM - does it really matter?

I'm supporting a legacy VB6 web application. We generally try to use Retained in Memory (RM) components. However, some components are "borrowed" from a Windows application. Since those components contain forms, they cannot be marked as RM. As a result, we currently have a mix of RM and non-RM components. The question has been raised...

what is retain count in objective c?

in my application i have a uitableview as my first screen with uinavigation controller. in my first screen i put NSLog(@"Home Screen retain Count=%d",[self retainCount]); in it's view did load it shows it correct or it is there is something wrong with this? ...

AppDelegate Being accessed from different classes, from RootController.m

Hi All, My problem is in getting the information from a controller(which happens to be my rootViewController) to another view. In trying to get access to it through the app delegate, I was not able to get it working. I have found how to do this, but this inturn created another problem of getting the view inside a modal view controller t...