
Twitter URL encoding. Getting error when placing UK Currency sign in URL?

I'm attempting to setup a retweet button with some pre-written post text. However I need to place a pound sign in like so: £50k I've search the web and for the UK currency sign I've been told it is supposed to be replaced with the code: %a3 However when I attempt to click on the link I get the error message: "Invalid Unicode value in...

Change post permalink structure on WordPress to use custom taxonomy

Hi there! I want to change the post permalink schema on my WordPress 3.0-beta1 to use my new custom taxonomy. Today I can use /%category%/%postname%/ and the /my-category/my-post/ URL, that's nice but I need to use another taxonomy instead "category" one. I tried to use /%acervo%/%postname%/ but my URLs came with %acervo% on the URL i...

Rewite (or hijack) an absolute URL request made from a flash (swf) file in a browser

Is there a way to rewite (or hijack) an absolute URL request made from a flash (swf) file in a browser? Eg I have a flash application that is requesting The code in the flash application cannot be changed but I want to be able to either use another flash or some javascript to write that URL as the image...

Apache Rewrite rule confusion

I'm trying to convert a simple url (below) in to a blog-style url, but not quite sure how to do it, all of my other rules are working fine, but I can't seem to figure this one out. URL I want to convert: URL I want it to create: What ...

zend server ce::rewrite_mod:: What should I do to enable rewrite mod in zend server ce?

zend server ce::rewrite_mod:: What should I do to enable rewrite mod in zend server ce? ...

PList Chicken/Egg Scenario

Hi, I want to read/write to cache.plist If I want to read an existing premade plist file stored in the resources folder I can go: path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]; NSString *finalPath = [path stringByAppendingPathWithComponent@"cache.plist"]; NSMutableDictionary *root = ... But then I wish to read it from the iPhone. Can't,...

web site in pure php with clean url

Hi I have enabled mod_rewrite in my Xampp apache. When I run my php info page, I saw mod_rewrite under Loaded Modules. So I think it's enabled. Then I create a folder clean-url under htdocs. Inside clean-url folder I have 3 files 1) index.php here I put Welcome 2) Test. php 3) .htaccess Here I put RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(...

Smart URI handling for a CMS engine?

I am writing a CMS engine that improves upon the blog engine on my website. So far, the existing blog only has one smart URI handler - one that converts /123 into /blog.php?p=123 and that's currently done by a few mod_rewrite statments. I am afraid that this method is unwieldy and kludgy for when I have more "smart URIs" in my CMS. At t...

Locking down multiple sites in Sitecore

Hi I have two sites running under one Sitecore 6 installation. The home nodes of the sites are as such: /sitecore/content/Home /sitecore/content/Careers Assuming the primary site is at, the careers site can be accessed at My problem is that, by prefixing the uri with /sitecore/content/, any sitecore it...

Old mod_rewrite (htaccess) rule still applies

I had a rule in the .htaccess file in my root directory that said: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php I've completely rewritten the file since then, and the rule is still being applied. I tried restarting the Apache server and the physical server with no luck. I've also scoured the directory and there are no other .htaccess files in there or ...

Jetty RewriteRegexRule gives 404

I'm using jetty.xml very similar to the one found here: I have a WAR file deployed to webapps directory: webapps/myapp.war. I also have a jetty-rewrite.xml file, with contents as shown here: I use start.jar to run Jetty like java -j...

When to give in and start The Big Rewrite?

I've had my share of projects where the first thing I think is: "This code sucks; let's just rewrite it in framework X." Everybody feels the urge at some point. In fact, I think I've had the urge to rewrite pretty much every project I've ever been on. However, it is accepted wisdom that a total rewrite is generally a bad idea. The quest...

github url style

Hi all, I wanted to have users within my website to have their own URL like (similar to GitHub, e.g. my account is http:// github. com/sr3d). This would help with SEO since every profile is under the same domain, as apposed to the sub-domain approach. My site is running on Rails and Nginx/Passenger. Current...

Apache mod rewrite rules to Zeus rewrite rules

Hi, This morning I wanted to move my development website online (in a protected folder), but I figured out that our host (on a shared server) does not use apache mod_rewrite but Zeus rules. I've never heard about that before but it seems that apache rules could be automatically converted via a command line, but as you can guess I have no...

Load Spikes on a Apache MySQL Server with Wordpress MU

Hi there, I am trying to investigate the reasons for some mysterious load spikes on a Linux Apache server (2.2.14) running PHP 5.2.9 on a dedicated server with enough processing power and memory. My primary web application is a Wordpress MU (2.9.2) installation. I have investigated and ruled out DOS attack, MySQL or Apache configuratio...

Codeigniter's URL Rewriting Problem

I’ve using the following htaccess script so that i can hide index.php from the uri. RewriteEngine on RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|resources|assets|robots\.txt) RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA] But i’ve facing a major problem :( I’ve a directory named asset...

YUI Compressor + gzip causes Illegal Character error in jQuery

When I minify jquery using YUI compressor, it works fine. When I then add gzip compression (and serve this version via mod rewrite), the gzipped version throws this error: illegal character in jquery.min.js on line 1 Line 1 is: �������M�����������s�8�0�?�!sz�dKr�=� This results in a "jquery is not defined" error. I am using the follo...

Specifying custom URL schema in appengine using app.yaml?

I am trying to have a custom URL which looks like this: which would hit this script like this= can this be done using app.yaml? the basic idea is to call "details" with the input "" ...

Changing IIS URL Rewrite config location

Hi When used at site level, the IIS7 URL Rewrite 2 module saves its configuration in the web.config file of that site. I'm using Sitecore CMS, and best practice is to store any web.config customisations in a separate config file for ease of upgrading, staging/production setups etc. Is there any way to specify a different config file fo...

NGINX rewrite for static dir

I'm trying to translate: to: Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my rewrite? rewrite ^~/static/(.*)/(.*)$ ~/static/$2 last; location ^~/static { expires max; root /var/www; } ...