
Rails 3 UJS dry Client + Server Side form validation

Form validation with jQuery is as easy as adding a classname to a field. Form validation with rails is as easy as putting a condition in to your controller (and/or model). I figure there should be a way to write the validations once and have them applied both client and server side. I've always been a fan of writing my own javascript,...

How to pass the params:id in the url explicitly ?

I have a User model and Posts model. I want to display the posts belonging to each user, via a URL say http://localhost:3000/my_posts/1" but Rails is reporting error saying that no matching route exits for http://localhost:3000/my_posts/1. Rails looks at the complete url : "http://localhost:3000/my_posts/1" as a route , but my i...

Spree, Rails 3, and theming

Well, I've been trying to change the default theme of spree by following this tutorial But the homepage doesn't change at all, well since the tutorial is meant for rails 2, I'm just wondering what do I need to change from the tutorial to make it work with rails ...

Which authentication method is a better solution ? restful or authlogic ?

I'm building a Rails 3 web application and i wanna choose between restful authentication and authlogic method. Among restful authentication and Authlogic, which one is better, based on the foolproof security , customisable and hackproof ? ...

How to install authlogic in Rails 3 ?

I find that the the config/environment.rb file looks different in Rails version 3.0. Also when i add the line "config.gem "authlogic".To environment.rb file ...

session generator not working for Authlogic in Rails 3.Help me out !!

I installed authlogic and created a signup mechanism.And for creating a sign in mechanism I tried to generate the session controlers as below but rails 3 throws error as follows. How do I create the user_session and proceed with authlogic in rails 3 ? :~/work_space/rails_apps/sample_authentication$ rails generate session user_session ...

ActiveRecord variable apart from column fields

I have a table with a user_id field. In find, I created a join on user table to retreive the username as: @question = Question.find(params[:id], :select=>"questions.*, users.username as username",:joins=>" inner join users on = questions.user_id"); I created an instance variable in Question class with name username. But I...

Rails 3 - How do I define ActiveModel translations for several attributes?

Hi, I'm trying to an activemodel instance with translations. I find that the only way validations work (with another locale) is by duplicating the error message for every field I defined int he model. So for this model: require 'active_model' class User include ActiveModel::Validations attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name, :email...

Rails, "Weaker validations," and state machines.

I'm writing a Rails ActiveRecord model that needs a weaker version of validations. Essentially, the flow goes like so: Email is received and parsed by application. (already handled) Input from email is used to create/populate new model instance. (already handled) Model is checked for a series of conditions. (conditions already wr...

Rails3: How to insert a value to a column without user interaction ?

I have post and user model and I have Many(posts) to One(User) association. I want to display only the posts which are created by that user(current user). So somehow I have to inject the currently logged in user's id into the "user_id" foreign key of the post model during creation. I'm using Devise as my authentication system. Any solut...

How to change the content of a view page based on current url.

My app has a navigation bar with options:- "create post", "Show posts owned by me", "Show All posts" But of I navigate to the page "show posts owned by me", the navigation bar should no longer display the option "show posts owned by me". Is the any api such as current_url_path so that I can compare current_url_path api's output with...

How the customize or change the route paths in rails?

For example consider the following output from rake routes:- posts GET /posts(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"posts"} posts POST /posts(.:format) {:action=>"create", :controller=>"posts"} *new_post* GET /posts/new(.:format) ...

Rails3 - FIND(:all) with a Join, how to include a record from the JOIN?

Hello, in my users model, I have the following: @users = find(:all, :joins => :instance, :conditions => ['fname LIKE ? or lname LIKE ?', "%#{search}%", "%#{search}%"]) The issue here is that @users only returns data from the user's table, and not the joined instance table. I confirmed this with the SQL query in the logs. SELECT "use...

Rails 3 - how do I avoid database altogether?

Hi, I'm trying to use rails 3 without any db backend, but it still insists on requiring 'sqlite3' gem when I try to access a page, and throws an error no such file to load -- sqlite3, even though no code in the application requires sqlite, except I left database.yml with its default setting for sqlite3, since removing the content raised...

Rails, Outputing a List of Users & Specifying if they are permissioned or not

Here's what I have today: I output a list of @users What I need to do is output a list of users and say if they are assigned to the current project. I could loop through each user and check in the database, but that would be a lot of data base hits, an additional 10 hits for displaying 10 users. My question to you, is there a smart, m...

Trying to make comments of comments. How to arrange models?

My :post model is the parent model. Within a post are many comments. And comments have potential of having many more comments, and so forth. I thought I had had this right, but I were to type : Comment.last.comments I get : NoMethodError: undefined method `comments' for #<Comment:0x1053a1ff0> My Models : #comment.rb belongs_to ...

Rails - how to count lines of code?

I tried rake stats but that seems highly inaccurate. Perhaps it ignores several directories? ...

Redefining :all

I have users in my system that can elect to 'hibernate', at which point they can remove themselves and all of their associated records entirely from the system. I have queries all over my site that search within the User table and its associated tables (separated by as many as 5 intermediate tables), and none explicitly test whether the ...

Resources for learning TDD and getting setup on Windows 7 for doing TDD with Rails?

I am trying to learn TDD, but getting RSpec + Autotest setup on Windows 7 has been a pain. Does anyone have any good resources that can point me in the right direction of getting this thing setup, so I can continue learning how to do TDD in Rails? Thanks. ...

How can I embed a simple shopping cart into my Rails app?

I'm developing a simple event management/ticketing application for LAN parties. I have a need obviously to have the user buy tickets for events. Currently, a User visits an Event page and selects a Ticket. After the user pays for the Ticket, a Registration is created and the User is permitted to further interact with other Users and the...