
In RAILS3 - When Creating a Record with 3 columns - how to only accept if all 3 are populated?

Hi. I have a model in Rails 3. When creating the record, there are a total of 3 columns for the model. Right now, Rails allows for creating a record if only 2 of the 3 records are populated? In rails, how do you tell Rails only create a record if 3 values for each column exist when creating? thank you ...

Rails 3 - AJAX, response JS - How to Handle Errors

Given the following controller: def create if format.js else format.js { render :js => @mymodel.errors } end end What's the Rails way of handling a .JS error response... Do I create .js file with a different file name just for servering Errors? Do I add an IF ELSE in the .js file? t...

attachment_fu testing in rails 3

I am trying to write specs for a working file upload functionality using attachment_fu. However, the sample code given by the author for testing requires me to require action_controller/test_process so that I have access to ActionController::UploadedStringIO class. I have used this before in rails 2.x but for rails 3, it fails to locate ...

Rails controllers, safe to fork a block and then return?

Short and simple question: fork { something_that_takes_a_few_seconds_and_doesnt_concern_the_user } respond_to ... Is there any reason not to do this sort of thing in a rails app? In PHP we're currently relying on external queueing systems like beanstalk or Amazon's SQS coupled with an asynchronous task worker that's pulling things o...

Is it possible to use a class method to define a CSS style?

I am trying to build in color-coding in my site for a particular class method, such that some values display in a different color if they are low. I just defined a class method that translates numbers stored in my database to words that are displayed to my users. # model.rb def numbers_explained numbers_explained = case number wh...

Configure dynamic assets_host in Rails 3

I want Rails 3 to dynamically grab assets depending on current domain: - - Is it possible out of the box? Or I should implement it manually? ...

How to test if correct layout was used in controller using RSpec and Rails 3

I want to write a rspec test that tests if correct layout is used for controller. (Actually I want to test that no layout is used :) ). I did some googling and also Looked here But all of this does not work for Rails3. I have used: controll...

Rails: Keeping all the ActiveRecord "validates" lines in a separate file?

A couple of my model classes are getting a little cluttered with all these "validates" calls, so I thought I'd be able to move them into a separate class and 'require' that, but it doesn't seem to work. class Auction < ActiveRecord::Base require 'auction/validations' ... class Auction::Validations include ActiveModel::Validations...

How to tell bundler to use installed mswin32 version of a gem?

I did the: gem install hpricot --platform=mswin32 It's correctly listed when I do gem list: *** LOCAL GEMS *** abstract (1.0.0) actionmailer (3.0.0) actionpack (3.0.0) activemodel (3.0.0) activerecord (3.0.0) activeresource (3.0.0) activesupport (3.0.0) arel (1.0.1) builder (2.1.2) bundler (1.0.0) columnize (0.3.1) erubis (2.6.6) hp...

Passing variable value form js function to rails view (dynamic select)

Hi, I'm using Ryan's solution to add and remove nested model fields dynamically through JavaScript using jQuery. There are 4 models: client, c_person; project, p_person. And one-to-many associations: client has many c_people and project has many p_people (these are people from client side but they belongs to project). Hope it isn't to...

Problem with simple ajax in rails

I have such view: <h1>Ajax show</h1> Click this link to show the current <%= link_to 'time', {:action => 'time', :update => 'time_div'}, :remote => true %> <div id='time_div'> </div> Controller: class PagesController < ApplicationController def formula end def time render :text => "The current time is #{}" ...

Reopen autoloaded class from within a Rails 3 plugin?

I have a Rails 3 app that defines some classes like normal. I am trying to figure out how to reopen one of those classes within a plugin (generated by "rails generate plugin ..."), and have both of the files (the file in the app itself and the file in the plugin) automatically reload on every request in development mode. A simple exampl...

Rails 3 - Determine if a HASH contains a record

Hello, For a user I have the following as an example: [#<Permission id: 1, project_id: 3, role_id: 1, user_id: 1>, #<Permission id: 43, project_id: 2, role_id: 1, user_id: 1>, #<Permission id: 44, project_id: 4, role_id: 1, user_id: 1>, #<Permission id: 45, project_id: 5, role_id: 2, user_id: 1>, #<Permission id: 46, project_id: 6, rol...

relative_url_root in ActionMailer

What's the equivalent of relative_url_root in ActionMailer? I've tried setting it up in default_url_options, but it appends the parameter in the query string. Adding :skip_relative_url_root = false doesn't work either. Using :host = '' does work, but is that appropriate? Thanks! ...

Options_for_select - how to select what's in the database?

I have a complex form (like Ryan B's Complex Form Railscasts) where I have a few levels of database tables being altered at the same time. The code for this dropdown box works in that it delivers the correct integer to the database. But, despite numerous attempts I cannot get it to correctly reflect the database's CURRENT value. How can...

Toggling multiple divs when those divs are new (no IDs)

I am combining div toggling with complex forms: My specific situation: I have a few nested fields being built in table/new.html.erb and Customer/_customer_note_fields. Ordinarily, I would do something like the following to have toggled divs: # view <a class="toggle" rel="toggle[exp...

Rails 3 - Help with a FORM_FOR tag

Hello, I have the following form_for tag: <%=form_for [:project, @permission], :remote => true do |f| %> <form method="post" id="edit_permission_52" data-remote="true" class="edit_permission" action="/projects/52/permissions/useronspace" accept-charset="UTF-8"> The ID looks right = edit_permissions_52 But the action path is all me...

rails3 default_scope, and default column value in migration

class CreateCrews < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :crews do |t| t.string :title t.text :description t.boolean :adult t.boolean :private t.integer :gender_id t.boolean :approved, :default => false t.timestamps end end def self.down drop_table :crews end end ...

Accessing objects in semantic_fieds_for loop / formtastic

Model has accepts_nested_attributes_for for the relation and the form is as follows: = semantic_form_for @obj, :url => path do |f| = f.inputs do = f.input :name = f.semantic_fields_for :photos do |p| = p.inputs :desc = f.buttons The form works well and everything is fine. However, I would like to display each phot...

Rails 3 Query Interface: using associated models

I'll use the generic blog example. class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :comments end class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :post end When querying Post, how do you access its associations (i.e. :comments)? This should be the easiest thing in the world, but I haven't found any documentation on it. Even http://edgeguid...