
application.haml not rendering for any view in Rails 3

I've been able to get haml working for a few of my views just fine, but try as I may, I'm not able to get application.haml to render a layout. Right now I'm focusing on a very simple controller with one view (index). The view itself renders fine but none of the code within application.haml works. I've also tried renaming to applicatio...

Rails - Devise - How to Handle Landing Pages Versus App Pages

I have a Rails 3 App. When the user is not signed in... I want devise to show non-signed in pages: SignIn, register, about us, blog etc... When a user is signed in I want it to go to the web app where do I make this switch and how do I set it up? thanks ...

Rails 3 SSL routing redirects from https to http

This question relates to this SO question and answer (rails-3-ssl-deprecation ) where its suggested to handle ssl in rails 3 using routes.rb and routes like: resources :sessions, :constraints => { :protocol => "https" } # Redirect /foos and anything starting with /foos/ to https. match "foos(/*path)", :to => redirect { |_, request| "...

Syntax highlighting with CodeRay and Markdown (RDiscount) in a Rails 3 application

I'm trying to add some syntax highlighting to my blog that currently uses RDiscount. I am converting the Markdown to HTML with RDiscount then parsing the HTML code blocks with CodeRay to add syntax highlighting. This is what I have so far: class Post < ActiveRecord::Base before_save :render_body def render_body self.rendered_bo...

Get website user time and timezone in Rails

Does rails provide solution to get website user time and timezone configured on his local machine, which is used in his web browser? ...

Rails - text_field_tag ---- setting a tabindex?

With the Rails text_field_tag --- how do you set an option for the tabindex? Thanks ...

Having to explicitly render :layout => 'application' in controller actions in my Rails 3 app

I am having to explicitly render :layout => 'application' in my controller actions in order to get my new rails 3 app to actually use the application.html.erb layout file. Any obvious things to look for that I am doing wrong? If I don't call the :layout option it just doesn't render the layout. I get a message like: Processing by Foo...

Rails 3 - Distinct and Random

I am trying to choose 5 distinct brands from among the cars that belong to my users. My current attempt is below (no approach to selecting at random). @range ='DISTINCT brand_id').limit(5) How might I select these five random distinct brands? Thank you very much. ...

RSpec sends emails (not storing in ActionMailer::Base.deliveries) - dont know why?

Hey, Im using rspec and when i run rake spec, the user mailer sends email through smtp and not stores the email in the ActionMailer::Base.deliveries-array (invoked by an user-observer)... Could you give me a hint why? # Rails version rails -v => Rails 3.0.1 # Ruby version with rvm (rvm version 1.0.16) ruby -v => ruby 1.9.2p7 (2010-09...

How can I pass multiple attributes to find_or_create_by in Rails 3?

I want to use find_or_create_by, but this statement does NOT work. It does not "find" or "create" with the other attributes. productproperty = ProductProperty.find_or_create_by_product_id(:product_id =>, :property_id =>, :value => d[descname]) There seems to be very little, or no, information on the use of dynam...

form.fields_for do for a finite number of times

Hello, I have two models, Product and ProductImage, and I'd like to offer the possibility to add up to 6 images to each product. Product has_many :product_images, :dependent => :destroy while ProductImage belongs_to :product So far, my views are the following: #products/_form.html.erb. <% %> ...

How to attach xls files to email when sending from rails, and not getting the attachment corrupt?

If I attach xls files as attachment in the mailer like this attachments["1.xls"] = "1.xls" If I try open the attachment from the received mail, Excel is unable to open and it says the file is corrupted. Please let me know if I am missing something? Please let me know if additional information is needed? ...

Self-Referential Association has a routing error..

I am following Ryan Bate's tutorial: But my setup is slightly different. I am making comments that are self-referential so that comments can be commented on. The form displays in the view, but when I submit, I get this : Routing Error No route matches "/conversations" ...

Why are all strings ASCII-8BIT after I upgraded to Rails 3?

I upgraded to RoR 3.0.1 and Ruby to 1.9.2. Now all the strings in my views are ASCII-8BIT? I believe I have my app set up to use UTF 8 application.rb config.encoding = "utf-8" database.yml development: adapter: mysql encoding: utf8 I'm running OS X RVM rvm 1.0.16 Ruby ruby-1.9.2-p0 Rails 3.0.1 I'd expect that the enodin...

Rais 3 - Setting up PhotoAlbum & Photos

Hello, I've created: PhotoAlbum (id, name) has_many: photos Photo (id, name, photo_album_id) belongs_to: photo_album I want to allow a user to upload 1 or more photos. Per Upload whether it be 1 or more photos, they should automatically be added to a new album. So the way i have it is, a user clicks upload photos: They get the ...

How to render a partial in a plugin from a plugin helper

I have a helper in my plugin test_plugin/lib/test_helper.rb: module TestHelper def test_render render 'test_plugin/test_partial' end end I have a partial test_plugin/app/views/test_plugin/_test_partial.html.erb: <p>Hello World!</p> In my application app/views/tests/index.html.erb when I do this: <%= test_render %> I get ...

Changing error display format in Rails ActionView Helpers

I'm trying to modify the default behaviour of showing errors before the form to show them next to the fields instead. I'm using this to achieve that: ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = do |html_tag, instance| if instance.error_message.kind_of?(Array) %(#{html_tag}<span class="validation-error">&nbsp; ...

How can I add a red error message for wrong input in the form in rail3?

So in rails, if any of the input is not valid, the page returns back to the input page and red errors will show up next to that input_text or textarea. For example, <% validates_presence_of :email %> It will say the error at the top, and the email input text turns into red. However, when I separately made a valid checking statement...

How do I test the title of a page from an RSpec view spec?

I'm learning RSpec 2 with Rails 3. In order to set the contents of the tag in the layout for each page, I have a helper that can be used to set the title and then return it: def page_title(subtitle=nil) if @title.nil? @title = ["Site Name"] end unless subtitle.nil? @title << subtitle end @title.reverse.join " - " en...

Rails - Paper_Clip - Support for Multi File Uploads

Hello, I have paper_clip installed on my Rails 3 app, and can upload a file - wow that was fun and easy! Challenge now is, allowing a user to upload multiple objects. Whether it be clicking select fileS and being able to select more than one. Or clicking a more button and getting another file upload button. I can't find any tutorials ...