
Symbian S60 Code Editor

I am looking for an app that will let me type in code ON my cellphone. I don't need to compile or anything, and its not to program for the cellphone. Just something nice to have when an idea pops in my head. Am I completely overlooking a simple code editor for Symbian S60v3 phones? I am looking for something similar to CEdit which is ...

Decoding a WBXML SyncML message from an S60 device

I'm trying to decode a WBXML encoded SyncML message from a Nokia N95. My first attempt was to use the python pywbxml module which wraps calls to libwbxml. Decoding the message with this gave a lot of <unknown> tags and a big chunk of binary within a <Collection> tag. I tried running the contents of the <Collection> through by itself but ...

Is it possible to programmatically add a softkey shortcut to an application in Symbian

Is it possible for a Symbian S60 application to automatically add itself to one of the softkeys. The best would be if it could be done at installation time but if there is some API that can be used to add a shortcut the first time the application runs that would also be ok in our case. Does Symbian has some best practices around this. I...

RBuf8 to char* in Symbian C++

Hi, I am downloading a text string from a web service into an RBuf8 using this kind of code (it works..) void CMyApp::BodyReceivedL( const TDesC8& data ) { int newLength = iTextBuffer.Length() + data.Length(); if (iTextBuffer.MaxLength() < newLength) { iTextBuffer.ReAllocL(newLength); } iTextBuffer....

Symbian S60 - Multiple connections with a single connection dialog

Hi all, My application needs up to 3 simultaneous download connections. I am currently using a (slightly altered) CWebClient class provided in the Carbide UI framework, however using multiple instances of this for each connection prompts me multiple types to "select access point" An RSocketServ and an RConnection object exist in the cl...

Symbian S60 - Scrolling text in a CEikLabel

I have a single line CEikLabel in my application that needs to scroll text. The simple solution that comes to mind (but possibly naive) would be something like.. [begin pseduo code] on timer.fire { set slightly shifted text in label redraw label } start timer [end pseudo code] Using a CPeriodic class as the timer and label.D...

Symbian C++ - Substring operations on descriptors

Hi What is the preferred/easiest way to manipulate TDesC strings, for example to obtain a substring. I will give you an example of my scenario. RBuf16 buf; ... CEikLabel label; ... label->SetTextL(buf); // (SetTextL takes a const TDesC&) I want to get a substring from buf. So do I want to manipulate the RBuf16 directly and if so wha...

Does PyS60 produce sis files that are native?

I am currently looking at developing a mobile apps for the S60 platform and is specifically looking at PyS60. It seems to suggest that the it can be compiled into native .sis files without the need for an embedded python interpreter. Reading through the documentations I could not find any statements where this is explicitly mentioned. Wh...

Memory management practices and tools for Symbian C++

Hi, I have pretty much finished my first working Symbian application, but in my hastened learning have paid little attention to memory management and pushing to and cleaning up the stack? Could somebody please point me in the direction of some of the best practises to use here, and maybe some of the best leak detection/memory profiling...

Start a SIP call on a Symbian S60 mobile device

I looking for a way to programmatically start a VOIP call using the SIP stack on a S60 Symbian mobile phone. Some of the later S60 devices have a built-in SIP client. Is it also possible to access the SIP stack using some S60 library on those devices. Or does anyone know of an external SIP stack that can be used on S60? ...

Fixed width font - Symbian C++ CEikLabel

I want to change the font I am using in a CEikLabel on S60 device I believe I can do the following const CFont* aPlainFont = LatinPlain12(); aLabel->SetFont(aPlainFont); where LatinPlain12 is one from this list.. Albi12 Alp13 Alpi13 Albi13 alp17 Alb17b albi17b alpi17 Aco13 Aco21 Acalc21 LatinBold12 LatinBold13 LatinBold17 LatinBold1...

Symbian C++ STOMP library

I want my S60 Application to utilize the Stomp protocol. Although it would be fairly simple to implement myself (but nothing is ever as simple as I hope with Symbian) - I am wondering if anyone has any experience in this already. It seems a Stomp library exists in almost every other language already. The closest match for Symbian would...

Symbian C++ - S60 application launches through TRK and Carbide, but not afterwards or when downloaded.

My application has just started exhibiting strange behaviour. I can boot it through the Carbide Debugger (using TRK) and it works fine with no visible errors and is left installed on the device. Any further attempts to launch the application fail, even after a restart. Uninstalling and downloading the .sisx file manually also doesn't w...

S60 application - Symbian C++ - Exit button doesn't work

Hi In my Symbian S60 application, my Options menu works as expected. But the Exit button does nothing. I am developing with Carbide and have used the UI Designer to add items to the options menu. Does anyone know how to enable the exit button, or why else it might not work? Thanks! ...

Carbide / Symbian C++ - Change Application Icon

I am using Carbide (just upgraded to 2.0) to develop an S60 3rd Edition application. I would like to know the easiest way to change the icon (both the application icon on the device menu and the icon at the top left of the main view) because I have the need to skin my application in many different ways as easily as possible. All my eff...

Symbian C++ - Persistent storage of a single variable

Hi I wish to store a single variable in my application that will be saved between runs. This will be a version number that will be used to trigger an update option and so will change only rarely. Does anyone have suggestions on the best way of implementing this? Considering it's such a simple requirement I am interested in the simplest...

Run Python script from Flash Lite

How can I run a Python script from a Flash Lite SWF? One such method is using SWF2GO to package the SWF + Py script together, after which you can launch the Python script by flash commands. Intelli-Launch Technology v2: Python for S60 background script launcher Another hopeful is Flash Lite's fscommand("Launch","myapp.app") fu...

How to find out what languages are available on a Symbian device using the C++ APIs?

Does anyone know how to query at runtime a list of display languages that a Symbian (S60, specifically) device has installed? I've been able to query for the language set, but I haven't found anyway of getting what languages make up that set at runtime. This needs to be the actual language code (i.e, ELangEnglish for UK English, ELangA...

Can a higher edition S60 Platform SDK build for lower?

After installing the S60 3rd Edition FP1 Platform SDK, with the Carbide C++ IDE, you can build programs for phones that support: 3rdE-FP1 but can you also target phones that support the following? 3rdE 2ndE-FP3 2ndE-FP2 2ndE-FP1 2ndE 1stE ...

POST does not work in Nokia S60 3rd Edition Emulator

I tried running a web application that I wrote for Nokia Browsers (Webkit based). The browser supports CSS and JS, yet it seems I can get something as simple as a POST to work. If I use get in forms it works. I wonder if others have faced similar issues and have found a work around for this? Googling does suggest that other developers ...