
PDO + SqlAnywhere, its possible?

Hi, I would like use PHP PDO with SqlAnywhere, but don't have the driver on php site. Can I add a lib of sqlanywhere to use with PDO? ODBC is the last option. ...

SQL Anywhere table length

Hi, how can I see the length of a table (in bytes) on SQL Anywhere? It's possible? Thank you ...

Sql COUNT Performance Question

Structure of Example table: Id, Integer (PK) Name, Varchar(100) Description, Text I need to know if exists difference in performance between: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Example; and SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM Example; Or does not exists differences? ...

Get the last children from database

My situation: Table A ( ID Parent_Id TimeStamp ) The root has Parent_Id null and children has Id of its father. I simple want to get all LAST children of every Table A. Father and Children I don't want. (except last one). Is it possible to build a SQL to get this? PS: I'm on sql anywhere 11. Maybe an ansi sql can solve this, i'm no...