
Create a GUI from a XML-Schema automatically

I have to write a desktop application to edit data stored in a XML File. The Format is defined by a XML Schema File (.xsd). The Format is quite complex. Are there tools which can generate a basic gui automatically? It's not yet decided which language to use. I have experience in Python and C++ using wxWidgets and C# (.Net1) using Windows...

MySQL scheme database builder

I'm currently putting together (on old fashioned paper) a layout for my new database, but was told I should probably lay it out as a scheme, which is true. Is there a tool that allows me to create my table structure/scheme in a plan type layout interface with all relationships and when it's finished it automagically creates the tables i...

Error handling and data integrity when changing table schema

We have a few customers with large data sets and during our upgrade procedure we need to modify the schema of various tables (adding some columns, renaming others, occasionally changing data types, but that's rare). Previously we've been going via a temporary table with the new schema, and then dropping the original and renaming the tem...

Programmatically administering custom attributes in ADAM

Has everyone ever programatically created a custom attribute? (At the moment I've just used the Scheme snap-in) Ideally I want (admin) users to be able to administer an ADAM instance through a web interface. I'm writing web-services to be able to do things such as create new users but it's also been requested that custom attributes be ...

Pros/Cons for containers for child nodes in XML?

I've noticed that different XML schemas define child elements differently. Some define them directly under the parent nodes like so: <parent> <foo /> <foo /> ... <foo /> <bar /> <bar /> ... <bar /> </parent> where as others define container nodes around the child nodes like so: <parent> <foos> ...

Database VIEW does not reflect the data in the underying TABLE

Input: The customer claims that the application (.NET) when querying for some data returns data different from when the customer looks into the data table directly. I understand there could be various reasons and in completely different places. My purpose is not to solve it here, but rather to ask experienced DBAs and DB developers if:...

Swing GUI generator for XML

My application has an XML configuration file which users now edit in a text editor. I want to provide a (Swing) form for editing this configuration. I have a DTD for the XML, but the application does not accept all XML documents validated by the DTD i.e. the application imposes more restrictions than those in the DTD. I was about to sta...

How to store datetime in database if time portion is optional?

Should I store it in a single timestamp/datetime field or separate date and time fields? I prefer to store it as a single timestamp field but I need to know when a user didn't enter a time portion. How to best store this in the database? I'm using postgresql. Thanks. ...

Why does EclipseLink think my database schema doesn't exist?

I'm working on a web project using EJB 3.0, and whenever EclipseLink tries to interact with the database, it says that the schema I'm using doesn't exist (which it does). I get a massive, unhelpful stack trace from GlassFish 2.1, which begins with: EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - 1.1.0.r3639-SNAPSHOT file:/C:/Docu...

MODIFY COLUMN in oracle - How to check if a column is nullable before setting to nullable?

Hello all, I'm trying to fill in for a colleague in doing some Oracle work, and ran into a snag. In attempting to write a script to modify a column to nullable, I ran into the lovely ORA-01451 error: ORA-01451: column to be modified to NULL cannot be modified to NULL This is happening because the column is already NULL. We have sev...

.NET: How to change the value in a DataTable

In ADO.NET i'm using GetSchemaTable to return the schema table for a results set. DataTable schema = rdr.GetSchemaTable(); gridSchema.DataSource = schema; gridSchema.DataBind(); Unfortunatly the "ProviderType" value is displaying as an integer, rather than the OleDbType enumeration value that it is: ProviderType Desired Display ...

Delete foreign keys in sybase 12.5

Hi, I have two tables: CREATE TABLE ( cntry_id VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_country PRIMARY KEY (cntry_id) CREATE TABLE ( city_id VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, cntry_id VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_city PRIMARY KEY (city_id), FO...

DB Schema Organization

I'm currently in the planning phase of building a scheduling web app (for volunteer staffing of events), and I've got a question for those with more experience. Background: There's a calendar of events, and any user at any time can register for any of the events. At a later time, but before that event, one of the admins will step in an...

Hibernate: Specifying columns in a one-to-many relationship

I'm trying to build a Hibernate layer for a database schema I have essentially no control over. Simplified, there are two tables. Table parent has two important columns: parent_id, integer, primary key, autoincremented parent_code, string, unique key, generated by a black box somewhere (let's say this is a UUID for sanity's sake) Plu...

C# / Access Getting Primary Keys from Access 2003

I'm using OleDb to interact with an Access database, and I'm trying to find out how to get the primary keys of each table, but in such a way that they are associated with the tables. In other words, I don't just want a flat list of the primary key column names--I want to be able to determine which table they belong to. Any idea how to d...

XML Schema: Setting a default value for a complexType?

Let's say I want to set up a generic complexType like so: <xs:complexType name="button"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <xs:element name="href" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <xs:element name="label" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="...

Why isn't this a valid schema for Rx?

Hi! I'm using YAML as a configuration file format for a Python project. Recently I found Rx to be the only schema validator available for Python and YAML. :-/ Kwalify works with YAML, but it's only for Ruby and Java. :( I've been reading their lacking documentation all day and just can't seem to write a valid schema to represent my fi...

How to programmaticly generate .NET classes from XSD? (Like xsd.exe do)

I'd like to generate the classes the xsd.exe way and not the linqtoxsd way. Thanks, --Ran. ...

Need list of all SharePoint Farm users with associated objects and permissions

Greetings, I'm looking for a little SQL to QUERY (with NOLOCK, of course) from the raw SharePoint SQL Content DBs to produce a list of users, objects and their assigned permissions. I have done other "raw" queries without problems.... for a list of all users enrolled within a site ... but I'm stuck on how to determine WHAT OBJECTS (Web...

How to implement one time (per user) messages in a web app?

When you want to alert a user of something once (one time notes about new features, upcoming events, special offers, etc.), what's the best way to do it? I'm mainly concerned with the data representation, but if there are more issues to think about please point them out. This is my first time approaching this particular problem. So my ...