
jQuery animate on window scroll: moving more object in parallel problem and unwanted delay on objects with fixed css position

I want to move 4 objects of the DOM when a user scrolls the page. you can check the page i'm talking about at this address: as the user scrolls - i'm using $(window).scroll(function() - i check if the window.scrollTop is more than 10 pixels to move some objects. This seems to work fi...

Scrollable text in Android widget

I have created a widget to display some long text. I want this text to have "marquee" effect . I've already set TextView propertie ellipsize="marquee" but it doesn't works . Any idea? Edit: For example Stocks widget of HTC ...

UITableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath: help

I have a regular UITableView without any sections set up. I'm trying to automatically scroll to a row at a given index path like so... [table scrollToRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:[self getIndexToShow] inSection:0] atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:NO]; But when ran I get this error... 2010-07-19 18...

Is it possible to create a jQuery event that triggers when a scrollbar is released?

It's my first question on SO, so I hope I'm doing it right. Basically, I would like to know how would one go about creating a jQuery event that would trigger when a scroll marker is released if scrolling with mouse (and also when scrolling with keyboard). When searching the Internet I have found a special scrollstop event here that trig...

How to scroll to bottom in a ScrollView on activity startup

I am displaying some data in a ScrollView. On activity startup (method onCreate) I fill the ScrollView with data and want to scroll to the bottom. I tried to use getScrollView().fullScroll(ScrollView.FOCUS_DOWN). This works when I make it as an action on button click but it doesn't work in the onCreate method. Is there any way how to s...

C#: How to programmatically scroll TreeView control?

Have a good day, Please advice how can I scroll a .NET TreeView Control programmatically. It doesn't implemented any public methods to scrolling. Thanks in advance. -- Murat ...

Making these arrows scroll? jquery & html

I am trying to create a little filmstrip with images. I want to be able to scroll horizontally to view all of the images. I have: <div class="gallery"> <div class="back" style="opacity: 0.6;"></div> <div class="thumbs"> <ul class="ad-thumb-list"> <li> <img id="thumb01" src="../jpeg/t...

Div with overflow:auto, end reaches = start a function.

Possible Duplicate: JavaScript: Scroll Position of div with overflow: auto Hi, i want to start a function XXX(); when the scroll-end from a div (overflow:auto;) is reached. <div style="width:200px; height:500px; overflow:auto;"> /* content here */ </div> Is this possible? greetz from germany Peter ...

body size when you have a window scroll

Hi all, I have a basic question... When you have a html page with a scrollbar, the size of the body element remains equal to the window size, not to the effective width of the page inside the window... why? Is there a way to modify this behaviour? ...

How do I make a Control follow its parent in a scrolling TreeView?

I've got a TreeView with a bunch of child nodes in it, all of which have child nodes of their own. A user asked me to provide auto-completion when editing any of the "grandchild" TreeNodes, so I had to implement a floating TextBox that sits directly over the TreeNode. Problem is, if the user scrolls the TreeView with her middle mouse b...

c# FlowLayoutPanel scroll, background distorts + flickers

I have a windows form application that has a background. Within it, I have a flowlayoutpanel with a transparent background. When I scroll, the following happens: I also see some flickering. I've tried all the doublebuffered business, and it doesn't work. Any suggestions? ...

Using a graphic to scroll the timeline in AS3

Hello. I have a movieclip with the instance name 'core'. Core contains 500 frames, and from the root timeline I want to be able to click on a movieclip I have with the instance 'scroller' and have it scrub through the 500 frames, forwards or backwards within a confined area. I have tried a few things like Timelinemax but am having trou...

Common Scroll bar for two Jtable

I have two JTables sharing the same Model object and the first JTable returns the first two columns and the next JTable returns rest of columns.I have a common scroll bar and moving the scroll bar moves both at the same time.Initially I have 10 rows in the table and I try to add 22 rows on click of a button.When I add the rows I delete ...

HTML table fixed header overflow scroll.

I have defined a table with thead and tbody the header section of table remains fixed.This whole table is defined inside a div container. I have given the main container 'height:inherit;' property so that the container fits in between the main header and footer, and also the table body named tbody is given 'overflow-y:scroll;' the scrol...

how to scroll window onload with jquery

Hi, I have a form in the middle of a table. I would like this form to always be in the center of the window vertical and horizontally, even when the window size is smaller than the table. I am thinking on using the scrollTo function of jQuery and call it onLoad and onResize, but I am a begginer a...

When I scroll a listview with a custom adapter too fast up and down, getView() starts behaving oddly. Why?

I have a listview with a custom arrayadapter that handles about 15 strings. The style of each row alternates (between labels and values for those labels--for example row 1 could be "email address" and row 2 would be the actual email address). I'm changing the style of each row to alternate like this in the arrayadapter's getView() method...

How can I know which childview is shown on the current Device screen in a scrollview?

How can I know which childview is shown on the current device screen, in a scrollview? I want to make an infinite Ruler App, so I need to dynamically add and remove view when the view is flipping, but how and where can I find out which childview is shown on the current device screen, so I can add or remove the correct view when I get th...

Unknown space to the right of the grid view

My xml code is: <GridView android:id="@+id/gridView_calendar" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_weight="1" android:numColumns="5"/> But there appear to the right of the gridView a blank. Its size seems for scroll bar. I don't know how it comes. Can anybody help me? Thanks...

How do I use javascript control ipad to scroll uniformly (without friction)

I would need to listen to onscroll, and know how fast it is scrolling. Any one have any ideas how this should be implemented? By using onmousedown and onmouseup? And how should I calculate the speed? ...

Flex 4 Spark List setting scroll position

Hello! How can I set the scroll position for a Spark List control please? Thank you! ...