
Forcing scroll positioning with Javascript scrollLeft

I have a set of javascript functions I use with a table of input elements to enable navigation. Things like keeping track of the currently focused element, and overflowing from the end of one row to the start of the next. I have scrollbar support with a fixed first column by creating one table that is only one column wide as my fixed col...

Windows Forms ListView missing horizontal scrollbar

I have a Windows Forms ListView in a form (C#, VS 2005) and have it anchored to all the edges of the form so that it entirely fills the form excluding the status bar. The ListView is in detail mode and the columns are very wide - definitely wider than the display area. I have a vertical scrollbar but no horizontal scrollbar. I can scr...

How do you add a scrollbar to a Panel control with many controls in windows form application?

How do you add a scrollbar to a Panel control with many controls in windows form application? ...

Silverlight: MouseLeftButtonDown timer to repeatedly fire an event

I am trying to create a custom scrollbar and am using images as button. For now a simple I can handle the MouseLeftButtonDown and Up event just fine but what I'd like to do is while its held down, every so many millisecond trigger an event is fired. I tried something like this but it isn't quite working. Suggestions? public delegat...

How can I auto-scroll a wxTreeControl widget while dragging with the mouse?

I have a wxTreeCtrl widget with scroll bars, where I want to drag and drop items on other items. But when I drag an item, how can I make the control automatically scroll invisible items into view? ...

C# DataGridView Vertical Scrollbar doesn't paint correctly with build file.

I have a DataGridView with both horizontal and vertical scrollbars. When running the application within Visual C# using "Start debugging" everything looks fine, but when running the application itself after building it the vertical scrollbar doesn't paint correctly (it's not really visible but there is space taken up as if it should be...

How do I change the browser's scrollbar colours using CSS?

From the Google Results page, the examples I saw were working only in IE and one case in Opera. Is there any way this can be done consistently across all browsers? Also, is there a difference between the main scrollbar of the browser (which appears across the whole page) and the scrollbar in a text area withing the page? Can I manipula...

getting the scroll value from a WebBrowser Control C#

I am trying to get the Y scroll index for a web page in the WebBrowser control but I can't access the values for the built in Scroll bar. Any Ideas? ...

[WPF] Testing the scrollbar visibility of a ListBox in code-behind

How to check whether the vertical scrollbar of the listbox is visible in code-behind? I have a listbox with x:Name="listOfItems" and its underlying ScrollViewer's VerticalScrollbarVisibility is set to auto. When the ItemsSource property of the ListBox is set, I want to check whether the verticalScrollbar is visible, but I don't know wh...

How do I get rid of the vertical scrollbar of a textarea in IE?

There is a nasty right-side inactive scrollbar in the textarea in IE, in FF the textarea is clean. How to make it clean in IE as well? ...

Shoes problems: clipboard and scroll bar

The code below has (at least) two problems: the Copy button doesn't update the clipboard, and the edit_box doesn't show a vertical scroll bar when it should. (:title => "Test", :width => 1000, :height => 600) do background "#DFA" stack :margin => 30 do flow do button "Paste" do @sql.text = clipboard ...

flex sprite scroll bars

Please find the code below.When you run the example(attached file) and click on tools(top left)-> zoom in(click 2 times), you will see that the yellow color is scaled and goes beneath the blue color. What I was expecting is the yellow color will get scroll bars and it will not cross the boundaries. I have tried for quite some time but c...

IE7 modal dialog scrollbars overlap content

Here's the offending code. To test it, save it in a file called "test.html" and click the button in the top-left corner. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <title>Blarg</title> <style type='text/css'> body { margin: 20px; } ...

Flex: container scrollbars in HBox

I have an HBox in my flex application. The problem is, when there are too many things inside the HBox a scroll bar appears at the bottom of the app. How can I make it appear in the HBox, so the scrollbar only scrolls thestuff inside the HBox and not the entire app? ...

WPF: ListBox with WrapPanel, vertical scrolling problem

I have a UserControl (XAML below) that has a ListBox that I want to display images inside a WrapPanel, where images are displayed as many as will fit on one row and then wrap onto the next row etc. It works, except when the ListBox grows higher than the available space in the window, I'm not getting a vertical scrollbar, i.e. the content...

Scroll thumb is scrolling past the track skin boundary in Flex app (with screen shot and code)

I created a custom scroll thumb in Flex but the scroll thumb is scrolling past the track skin. Check out this screen shot. This is my code for the track skin, which essentially just makes it invisible so it appears to be rounded: package com.project.skins { import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.geom.Rectangle; ...

Vertical scroll bar doesn't show when it should in IE

I have a long page and it should show the vertical scroll bar in IE but it doesn't. I can click on a button and the scroll bars appear then they disappear when the page is reloaded. Here is the css *{margin:0;padding:0} html, body, form{height:100%} body{position:relative;width:100%;}/*opera 9.5 fix*/ body { font-family:Trebuche...

How can I determine if a div is scrolled to the bottom?

How do I determine, without using jQuery or any other JavaScript library, if a div with a vertical scrollbar is scrolled all the way to the bottom? My question is not how to scroll to the bottom. I know how to do that. I want to determine if the the div is scrolled to the bottom already. This does not work: if (objDiv.scrollTop == obj...

scrollbars in plugin code

I'm working on a plugin for Firefox on a mac. our plugin has it's own scrollbar. How does the event stucture differ for controlling a scrollbar within a plugin, vs in a normal application? Symptoms: code works fine in a stand alone application. Mouse wheel works fine in both cases. In plugin, the scrolling isn't live, and often won't a...

scroll bar problem

how to move scroll bar by javascript , so that the top coordinate of visible area is y px from top coordinate of entire page? ...