
Strange problem with SEAM stateful session bean

Hi, I've got a stateful session bean. @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION) @Name("chuckNorrisBean") public class ChuckNorrisBean implements Serializable, ChuckNorris with some function public void roundHouseKick() { ... } interface @Local public interface ChuckNorris { public void roundHouseKick() { ... } } and cal...

How to get JSF2 working with Seam2

Hi all, Is it possible to get JSF2 working on the latest production Seam release (2.2.1.GA)? I get this error on startup: javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletException: Must have a Constructor that takes in a ComponentConfig at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.AbstractTagLibrary$UserComponentHandlerFactory.<init>(AbstractTagLibrary.jav...

Deproxy a Seam component that is being passed as a remote EJB parameter?

This is a cross-post to the Seam forum: A coworker of mine recently brought up a scenario that was a bit surprising to me, it involves 2 components and a remote EJB He has a reference to Component B that is injected into Component A. Compone...

Seam: equivalent of @Startup in components.xml?

Is there an equivalent of @Startup annotation in Seam which I could use in components.xml? ...

How do you create components.xml for debug/development in Seam

Hi. Has anyone created two versions of components.xml like the or the other dev or prod versions? How did you do this? We have some custom components that we are using for Development that is created in components.xml that I would like to move to its own components-dev.xml but I don't how to do this. Any idea...

Help me to understand SEAM and Hibernate?

Hi, I want to use SEAM Framework with Hibernate but do not want to use EJB. I cannot use EJB. First question is, can I use EntityManager? or is EntityManager a part of EJB? How can I get access to use Hibernate in my SEAM component? Thanks, Philip ...

SEAM GWT Integration

Hi, I am trying to integrate GWT with SEAM. i followed the Docs and tried to run the example as follows. I created a GWT project, using Eclipse Galileo and created the classes as given in the example I then added the Seam 2.0.2 jars to the build path I compiled the application, using Google GWT Compiler using the eclipse UI. Final...

Assigning a Seam Component as An event handler to GWT Button

Hi I am designing a web application which will use gwt and seam. I have gone through the examples provided by Seam docs. There the proposed solution is to use remoting to hook gwt widgets to seam components. Is there any other technique by which this can be achieved ? ...

gwt seam application doubt

Hi i have an application running on JBoss Seam 2, which uses rich faces as its presentation layer. My question is can I do away with rich faces and use gwt. what are the stuff that must take into account ? Is it possible ? ...

how to refresh page when i assign new object to a selected object in seam application?

Hi to all, i am developing a seam that i have a requirement that, in a my page i have a edit check box and select one menu fields. When i check the check box i want to enable select one menu and able to select an existing object, when i select an object in select one menu the details will be populated in below boxes, t...

Seam update not working with Composite primary key.

Hi, The database i am using is Mysql and Seam 2.2.1.CR2. The table userroles has 2 columns - userid and roleid and both form a composite primary key. In code when i override the update method, it gets executed and returns the Updated status message but the database layer is not updated as no hibernate update sql is generated and nothing...

How to access *.properties file in Seam application.

Is there a way to access properties files in seam app? I'm looking for some kind of resource loader.. Thanks in advance! ...