
Mysql question: is there something like IN ALL query?

For example this query: SELECT `variants`.* FROM `variants` INNER JOIN `variant_attributes` ON variant_attributes.variant_id = WHERE ( IN ('2','5')) And variant has_many variant_attributes What I actually want to do is to find which variant has BOTH variant attributes with ID = 2 and 5. Is t...

Passing arguments to scope_procedure in searchlogic

I'd like to use searchlogic's scope_procedure feature like so class MyModelObject < ActiveRecord::Base scope_procedure :my_scope_proc, lambda { |p1, p2| { :conditions => "p1 >= #{p1} AND p2 < #{p2}" }} end Then, I am doing the search: scope = => true) scope.all The above code obviously doesn't...

Association with Searchlogic

Hi I have a post model that :has_many :reply, when using searchlogic, doing Post.reply_content_like("search"), returns a result for every reply under that post, I only want it to return once. Anyone know a way to solve this ...

ruby on rails, searchlogic and refactoring

Hey all, I'mt not too familiar with searchlogic plugin for rails (I did view the railscasts but wasn't helpful in relation to the specific code below). Can anyone briefly describe how it is being used in the three methods below? Thanks for any response. def extract_order @order_by = if params[:order].present? field = params[:order]...

searchlogic and virtual attributes

Let's say I have the following model: Person <AR def name [self.first_name,self.middle_name,self.last_name].select{|n| n.present?}.join(' ') end end How could I do a search on the virtual attribute with searchlogic, something like: 'foo' Of courese I could construct a large statement like:

display all available named scopes of a model in Ruby on Rails

Especially when you are using Searchlogic. It is kinda hard for me to guess what named scope to use to achieve what I need. ...

Use named_scope to find number of associated rows (Ruby on Rails + Searchlogic question)

Let's say I have: class ForumTopic < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :forum_posts named_scope :number_of_posts, ?????? end class ForumPost < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :forum_topic end What should I put in ????? to allow searchlogic query like: ForumTopic.descend_by_number_of_posts Any help would be very greatly appreciated! ...

Combining Searchlogic named scopes with OR

Is something like this possible? Product.price_greater_than(10000).or_tags_name_equals('luxury') The wiki doesn't help much on this... I saw in the wiki: User.id_or_age_lt_or_username_or_first_name_begins_with(10) => "id < 10 OR age < 10 OR username LIKE 'ben%' OR first_name like'ben%'" I really don't get that, how in the worl...

case insensitive in searchlogic

Hi, Can Searchlogic search with case insensitivity? Thanks, Jay ...

Searchlogic and :has_many, :through =>

I'm using Searchlogic to search on many fields in a database. One of those fields is a :has_may, :through => relationship, and I can't get it to work. Here are the relevant parts of the models: Source.rb: class Source < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :authorships has_many :authors, :through => :authorships end Authorship.rb: clas...

How do I search for a phrase using search logic?

Imagine case scenario, you have a list of recipes that have ingredients as a text. You want to see how many recipes contain "sesame oil". The problem with default searchlogic searching using Recipe.ingredients_like("sesame oil") is that any recipe with sesame AND oil would come up, when I'm searching for "sesame oil" which is a problem...

using searchlogic with habtm associations

Hi guys, I have the following issue: I have two classes in my rails app, joined by a HABTM association, like so: #ad.rb has_and_belongs_to_many :specs #spec.rb has_and_belongs_to_many :ads joined by an ads_specs table. I'm trying to perform a search on the Ad class using the excellent searchlogic gem. Everything went fine until I wan...

Search Logic removing records with no association from results when ordering by that association

I'm using search logic to filter and order my results but it removes records from my results when I order by a association and when that association is not always present for all records. For example say I have a user model which can have one vehicle model but does not have to, if I have a results table where you can order by the users ...

rails searchlogic and will_paginate undefined method `order' for #<WillPaginate::Collection:0x37530ac>

Does anyone have the same problem or a working solution? I get always this error message, here are model, controller and view code class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base cattr_reader :per_page @@per_page = 10 end def index @search =[:search]) @profiles = @search.paginate(:page => params[:page]) end <%=...

searchlogic returns nil when I order my records

I can't figure out why ascend_by won't work for me. Here's a console readout >> tapes = => "1278361923") => blah blah blah >> tapes.length => 1436 >> tapes.ascend_by_timestamp => nil I get the same behavior when I use descend_by and other columns. ruby 1.8.7 Rails 2.3.8 searchlogic 2.4.19 ...

How do I order associated objects with searchlogic in views?

Hello again great knowledge masters of stackoverflow, once again the small coder apprentice tabaluga is in need of help The Goal : make the username sortable in the view. The difficulty is, that I am Querying Profiles in the controller ( Profile.username doesn't exist but Profile.user.username does). How Do I accomplish that? My Code so...

Multiple orders in a single search via searchlogic

Is it possible to perform a multiple order_by while searching using Searchlogic? What I want to do is to search somehow like this: User.ascend_by_id.ascend_by_email I saw a corresponding ticket: on github project page. But still would like to hack on that and somehow perform this find. Is it possible? ...

Using searchlogic in Rails to find records by created_at year

I'm working on a Rails app wherein I want to be able to search for records created in a given year using the Searchlogic gem, but I can't figure out how to have Searchlogic only search by year. I tried this in my search form: <%= f.date_select(:created_at_equals, :start_year => 2010, :end_year => 2015, :discard_day => true, :discard_mo...

rails eager loading :select

I have model called VoteTopic with the following associations belongs_to :user belongs_to :category has_many :comments has_many :vote_items, :dependent => :destroy has_many :votes, :through => :vote_items I use Searchlogic gem to query for @vote_topics in the index action as follows.. scope_procedure :all_approved, lambda {status_equ...

rails trim whitespace from searchlogic text field

This works: Baseline Controller @search =[:search]) @baselines = @search.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => params[:per_page] baseline index view <% form_for @search do |f| %> <%= f.text_field :baseline_name_like_or_description_like %> <%= submit_tag 'Search' %> <% end %> Where would I trim t...