
searchlogic or ActiveRecord error undefined "local variable or method" for belongs_to association with different foreign_key

Hi folks, big problem u = User.username_like('hans').first # works u.projects # error undefined "local variable or method" for project What's wrong with that? Model Code class User has_many :projects end Class Project belongs_to :owner, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "user_id" end please help, thanks in advance :) ...

Searchlogic on associations

I have the following associations: class BookShelf { has_many :books } class Book { has_many :pages belongs_to :book_shelf } class Page { belongs_to :book } If I have a BookShelf object, how could I use searchlogic to search pages that belong to the books in the current book shelf? Currently I'm using this one: @bookshelf ...

Which version of searchlogic works with Rails 2.1.0 ?

Hi, I just installed searchlogic 2.4.24 for my Rails 2.1.0 app but got the following error :- ..aliasing.rb:31:in alias_method':NameError: undefined methodmerge_joins' for class `Class' Is it a version conflict? Does anyone know which version of searchlogic works with Rails 2.1.0? Thanks! ...

search by attribute_like_any using multiple words in one field [searchlogic]

My form <% form_for @search do |f| %> <%= f.input :name_like_any %> ... <% end %> Controller @search = @search.name_like_any(params[:search][:name_like_any].split(/\s+/)) @products = search.all This returns the correct result, but now my form shows the name as ["foo", "bar"] instead of what the user input ("foo b...

How to extend/subclass SearchLogic::Search?

Here is what I'm trying: app/models/product.rb class Product < ActiveRecord::Base class << self def searchlogic(conditions = {}), scope(:find), conditions) end end end app/models/product_search.rb require "searchlogic/search" class ProductSearch < SearchLogic::Search include SearchLogic ...

Searchlogic Results Duplicating with Each Association

When I chain searchlogix conditions that associate different tables, the results duplicate. When I chain searchlogix conditions querying fields from a single table, the results work perfectly. Below is an example of chaining conditions across multiple tables (machine belongs to a manufacturer and machine habtm tools and systems). Mach...

How to sanitize form params for use with Searchlogic? [Rails]

Example form <% form_for @search do |f| %> <ul> <li> <%= f.label :item_number_equals, "Item number" %><br /> <%= f.text_field :item_number_equals %> </li> <li> <%= f.label :description_keywords, "Description" %><br /> <%= f.text_field :description_keywords %> </li> <li> <%= f.check_box...

Will searchlogic work with Rails 3?

If not what are my alternatives? ...

Weird SearchLogic error (Rails)

My search form is triggering this. undefined method `id_like_before_type_cast' for #<Class:0xb5ffff68> Here's the line from the form: <%= f.text_field :id_like %> ...

Rails - Searchlogic to search condition as an array of value

I have two models Employee & Unit. Unit has many Employees. I am using SearchLogic to search employee model. What is the equivalent of below SQL in Searchlogic employees.unit_id IN (1,2,3) I have tried both unit_id_equals_all[] unit_id_equals_any[] But nothing works. Can anyone help? Thanks, Abhilash ...

How do I force searchlogic to perform OUTER JOINs on web forms searches?

Scenario: :author has_many :posts My searchlogic-based web form search for authors: f.text_field :name_like # author name f.text_field :posts_title_like # post title searchlogic named scopes use inner joins, so I'll only get authors returned if they have posts. Authors without posts are not returned. How do I force an outer join w...

How do I use searchlogic to search on a belongs_to association?

Contact belongs_to status_contacts I only want those Contacts where no value has been assigned. I installed the searchlogic plugin. I tried: contacts = Contact.status_contact_null And got an error. How can I get a full sense of how to use associations with searchlogic, and how can I use it for this particular search? ...

Rails app with nested resources, need help with SearchLogic

I am trying to setup searchlogic on nested resources. I have Category has_many :products also Category has_many :brands through :products So structurally its Category/Brand/Product As a user navigates the site they click a category, which uses the Category#show action. #Category_controller def show @category = Category.find_by_u...

How can I make a searchlogic named scope return DISTINCT (non duplicates?)

I have a searchlogic that searches for not_null on an association that can occur many times, but I only want to display one UNIQUE/DISTINCT instance of the object: Company.contact_emails_id_not_null I only want one Company, no matter how many contact_emails are associated to that Company :through => :contacts ...

How can I group AND's and apply an OR between groups in searchlogic in Rails?

I want to do the equivalent of (A<y AND B>x) OR (C < y AND D>x). how can i do that? Right now, I am creating separate queries: @companies_with_email = Company.contact_emails_date_sent_gt(@monday). contact_emails_date_sent_lt(@friday). find(:all, :select => "distinct companie...

How do I add an element that shows what was searched in Searchlogic?

I am using the gem Searchlogic for Rails. Everything is working great. The only question I have left is how to have an element display, after the query, that says something like: Search Results for "whatever" I can't find anything in the docs. Anyone have suggestions? Here is my code: /posts/index.html.erb <% form_for @search do |f...

How Do I get searchlogic to work with rails 3?

I put searchlogic in my gemfile... and now my rails server won't start :( this is the errormessage gems/ruby-1.8.7-p299/gems/activesupport-3.0.0/lib/active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing.rb:31:in `alias_method': undefined method `merge_joins' for class `Class' (NameError) from /Users/omiohoro/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p299/gems/activesup...

How to have searchlogic initialize with no records
