Just wondering what the difference between using the runscript and browserbot.getCurrentWindow() method of calling javascript methods.
Is the runScript approach simply a way to inject extra JS to the page and the getCurrentWindow() a way to invoke existing code?
One curious thing I noticed is that
I'm using Selenium RC in a Ubuntu system.
I want to automate the tests, and I need to start Selenium-server.jar on startup of the machine.
I created seleniumServer.conf in /ect/init/ with:
start on startup
start on runlevel 3
exec xvfb-run java -jar /home/condde/selenium-server-1.0.3/selenium-server.jar -port 4444
I have an application in which you select an area of a map and our
product price list changes (dependant of map area, size etc.)
So in my test, I use runScript() to call the JS method underlying the
map, the prices update and I do a simple check on the price that is
set ala Assert.AreEqual(priceValue, selenium.GetText(priceElement));
I'am trying to process simple selenium test with python driver.
sel = self.selenium
#print sel.get_html_source()
sel.type("email", username)
sel.type("password", password)
Everything works fine while ...
Hi there, I have been testing a twitter web-based application using Selenium RC in Ruby.
What I want to accomplish is:
Click "Connect with Twitter", pops up the twitter oauth page, type username and password, and click Allow button.
However, when it connects with twitter, it directs to twitter oauth page which is different URL from the...
I'm using Sauce RC to run my Selenium RC tests.
It gives you a nice UI in which to control settings. and usefully there is a log window. Unfortunately for no apparant reason the log window has stopped showing any log entries.
Normally it would update every second and show everything that was going on.
Does anyone else use Sauce RC an...
I've been developing a workflow for practicing a mostly automated continuous deployment cycle for a PHP project. I'd like some feedback on possible process or technical bottlenecks in this workflow, suggestions for improvement, and ideas for how to better automate and increase the ease-of-use for my team.
Core components:
Hudson CI ...
I try to start my selenium test using command line but test are fired to http://mycomputer and not to http://mycomputer/myapplication
D:\projectsnet\Production\MyWebTests\tools\selenium-server>java -jar selenium-
server.jar -Dhttp.proxyHost=mycomputer -Dhttp.proxyport=4444 -htmlSuite "*firefox" "ht
tp://mycomputer/myapplication/" "D:\my...
I've found many tutorials for selenium in java in which you first start selenium using s.start("captureNetworkTraffic=True"), but in python start() does not take any arguments.
How do you pass this argument? Or don't you need it in python?
I'am trying to use jquery's selectors as custom Selenium locate strategy.
Exactly as in this article http://johnjianfang.blogspot.com/2009/04/how-to-use-jquery-to-create-custom.html
Unfortunatly when I use selenium.click('jquery=a.mylink') method nothing happens.
But selenium.click('css=a.mylink') still works perfectly.
I did a little...
I perform a process using selenium (i.e open pages, click on links,..) and I want to get the network traffic only of the last page and only on error. That is, when opening a moving to a new page the "network log" on the selenium host needs to be empty. If an error occurs on the page, I call captureNetworkTraffic and get the last headers....
I have built a couple of test cases as stand alone python classes using Selenium. I can run each of them using Selenium RC. Ultimately I want to use Selenium Grid to run all of the test cases.
How would I do this?
Do I need some kind of wrapper to hold of of the python test cases together? How do I get Selenium Grid to run a collectio...
Trying to do something simple -
I have a set of statements to clear browser cookies:
public void clearCookies () {
Now, if I use this function in a test script (using TestNG), calls to this work perfec...
I have a test hub .Net application which can fire off different selenium tests.
I'm looking for a good way to record the results of that specific test and tell the user if there has been an error.
I've added the "-log selenium.log -browserSideLog line" but, can I access the log programatically?
The idea being that at the tear down st...
I have a set of test steps that I have to execute with different parameters. I have scripted this in Eclipse/TestNG, driven by the parameters supplied via an excel sheet.
Now, the test steps involve setting the property of a page, and then opening another page to confirm that the property is set. So, in effect, I use a simple selenium.o...
Selenium 2/Webdriver has all sorts of great benefits but there is one big drawback: it doesn't support running on a grid out of the box.
Has anybody switched from using a SE1 grid to using SE2 serially and been satisfied with the results? I'm wondering if the benefits of SE2 make up for the expected loss of speed due to running serially...
Sometimes the Selenium RCs that I start on my test server take a long time to fully start up and begin listening on their designated port (upwards of 15 min.) It is a powerful system and they usually start up with a couple of minutes max, so I don't think it is a system resource problem.
Has anyone experienced this or know why this may...
Selenium has the deleteallvisiblecookies construct which deletes all cookies when the tests run in the same domain.
For products that invoke access control e.g. typically the URL is trapped by the access manager product and the user is redirected to a different domain to log-in and then redirected back to the original URL is the login i...
Can someone please tell me why Selenium can't return from opening this internal HTTPS URL?
After a call to selenium.open("https://red1cert.red-usa.com:37443/index.php3"), Selenium hangs and after a very long while, it terminates with server error. Help please.
Whenever I try to run a Python test with Selenium RC, it doesn't work. Here's the output I get when I try to run test_default_server.py:
$ python test_default_server.py
Using selenium server at localhost:4444
ERROR: testLinks (__main__.TestDefaultServer)