
Using Selenium to determine whether checkboxes with a specific class are checked

I'm using Selenium with PHPUnit to try to tell whether a bunch of checkboxes with a specific class are checked and I'm having a bit of trouble. My code: $count = $this->getXpathCount('//form//input[@type="checkbox" and @class="required"]'); for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) { $this->assertTrue($this->isChecked(sprintf('xpath=//form/...

Selenium, Using multiple firefoxProfileTemplates at once / specifying from selenium object rather than at server launch?

I am using Selenium RC for website testing and I need to use multiple proxies at once and am doing this using: firefoxProfileTemplate when I start the selenium server. This, however, doesn't allow me to multi-thread selenium as each selenium object still uses the same firefoxProfileTemplate, and therefore the same proxy, (I am using Pyth...

Parallel testing with Selenium Grid (using C# unit tests)

Following AutomatedTesters response: Is there any way to run parrallel tests with C# code, without using class libraries other than the Selenium Core? I have the following setup: Selenium Grid Hub: Selenium RC 1 : Selenium RC 2 : Both remote controls are running *firefox. If only 1 of the remote c...

Selenium RC, on Linux, is there a way to make all browser instances run in the background?

I've been looking into this, as far as how I can run selenium browser instances in the background. I found some things about using a virtual GUI instance, or something like that, but it was all for Windows. I'm using Ubuntu linux so I'm wondering what the easiest way would be to suppress the actual browser instances showing up for the u...

Packaging/Hosting Selenium scripts

A certain test script of mine needs to be run by the "operations" team periodically. My script uses the following components - 1. TestNG 2. Excel (for the input specifications) 3. Selenium RC, ofcourse. It currently runs in Eclipse. Is there a way I can package and host it in an, ideally, web accessible location, that folks in operatio...

Creating a test hub so users can trigger and watch Selenium RC tests running.

Appologies if this is a bit of a noob queston. I have Selenium RC setup on a server and a test hub application. When a user selects to run a test from the test hub, which browsers will the test be run on. Those on the server or those on the users machine? Basically I want my test hub app to serve 2 purposes, for a user to trigger and ...

selenium+junit+ jmeter

any one using selenium scripts with jmeter for performance testing ...

Selenium RC and PHP for beginners

I am running a ubuntu server with apache/php/mysql. I want to use selenium on one of my php projects. Basically, I want a setup where I can more or less copy paste code from the Firefox Selenium IDE (format set to php) into my php project, like this: <?php require_once 'PHPUnit/Extensions/SeleniumTestCase.php'; class Example extends P...

Using Jquery with Seleninum RC user-extension.js

Hi everyone, I want to include Jquery to our current automation project running Selenium RC ( written in java ). So we can rely on that JS library for writing our java script code extending the current user-extension.js. I have heard and searched the web and many say it can be done, by include the source in the user extension o even ...

Select selenium element by name with parantheses?

I have the following input element: <input name='selected(1234)' type="checkbox" /> When I record, I get this: Command: click Target: selected(1234) This doesn't find the element, and neither does Target: name=selected(1234) My assumption is that the parentheses are somehow messing with the lookup. What's the proper way to do this...

Simple Selenium Test Gives XHR ERROR : 404

Hello, I'm using selenium-rc with C# to test my mvc2 application. Currently all I am doing is opening the home page with selenium RC. when I run my test I see the selenium remote control open in a browser and I see my application open correctly in a browser but selenium shows a 404 error and aborts the test. In an attempt to g...

Selenium wait for download?

I'm trying to test the happy-path for a piece of code which takes a long time to respond, and then begins writing a file to the response output stream, which prompts a download dialog in browsers. The problem is that this process has failed in the past, throwing an exception after this long amount of work. Is there a way in selenium to ...

Grab img filename from id using Selenium RC

I'm trying to grab the image filename - my webpage, based on inputs, is loading on of several images and I want to grab the filename of the image. If I know the id or the alt-text, can I grab the image filename? Right now, I'm using "get_html_source" (python, btw) and parsing it from there. Is there an alternative, or is selenium not ...

Intercepting a Javascript function call with Selenium

Hi, I have a test where I have to check that when a particular item is selected on a web page, the item is loaded into a flash object on the same page. This being done via Javascript. I have to check whether the parameters being passed to flash by Javascript are correct(i.e. the right item is being passed to flash). The only way I can i...

Using Selenium RC with PHP without terminal?

I am looking into using Selenium RC with PHP but so far, all examples require that you use the terminal to run the php script. Isn't it possible to just run the php file and selenium code without access to terminal? ...

Apache decoding encoded URL instead of passing encoded URL?

I have a Selenium/PHPUnit test that needs to open a URL that contains an encoded URL. $redirectToLocation = urlencode('/myothercontroller/action'); // %2Fmyothercontroller%2Faction $this->openAndWait('/controller/action/thenRedirectTo/' . $redirectToLocation); But when I run my test, the browser tried opening the decoded URL: /contro...

Get Text From All Elements Matching a Pattern in Selenium

I have a site with elements of the form: <td id="subject_23432423">content I want to read</td> How do I use Selenium RC (with the Python bindings specifically) to read the content from all these elements? I've gone through all the commands, and while there's a lot of options to find a single element, none of the commands seem to handl...

Grails + Selenium + EasyB +spring-security-core: ifAnyGranted Isn't Working

Grails 1.3.5 and have selenium-rc, easyb, and spring-security-core plugins installed. Everything seems to work really well except this one case I've run into. I have a page I am testing which has the following markup: <sec:ifAnyGranted roles='ROLE_ADMIN'> <span class="menuButton"> <g:link mapping="adminPage"> <g:mess...

How to detect if a URL fires upon loading a page

We're trying to validate if a URL fires upon loading a web page. Is there a way to do this programmatically using Selenium RC? The event does not appear within the page HTML or DOM. Thanks. ...

Organizing Selenium RC tests fro different user permissions

Hello, I am writing Selenium RC C# test scripts in Visual Studio 2008 for a web application where different logins open the app with user granted permissions. So basically userlevel1 can see tabs A ans B whereas user2 can see tabs A,B, C and D. About 80% of the functions are common to all users and the rest 20% differ. What would be...