
I can not run some of SPARQL quesry in jena.!!

I create a simple query to show subjects with value of DataType property. this query run in the Protege3.4.3.but when i run in the Jena i revive this title "com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.ResultSetStream@16be68f".why? this is my query: PREFIX VB:http://VBnet# SELECT ?x ?y WHERE { ?x rdf:type VB:LearnerInformation . ?x VB:Name ?y Lear...

suitable languages for a semantic web project

Currently I am thinking and searching for the adequate programming languages for a project (more than one programming language will be used). Questions: Is there a big mistake presented in my list (other than my belief of go as a suitable language)? Any tipps before I start? project: opensource project with semantic web (including rdf/...

how we can create a quesry based on SPARQL to see the value of some data type property?

I create this query: PREFIX VB: <http://VBnet#&gt; SELECT ?x ?y WHERE { ?x VB:HasName ?y } HasName is one datatype property. When I run this query in Protege, system show me just the subject without any value for datatype property. mwans ?y is empty. Also when I run in jena system show me just:(String) How can I see the val...

how can i add some trrriple to my ontology by jena?

I have instance1 of class1 and instance2 of class2. Also i have defined HasName(object property)in my ontology .Now, how can i add the tiple (instance1 HasName instance2) to my ontology by jena? ...

Creating links to ontology nodes

Let's say that, being abstract from any language, we have some ontology made of triples (e.g. subject (S) - predicate (P) - object (O)) Now if I want to, for some reason, annotate any of these triples (nodes), than I'd like to keep links to them that I can use in web documents. Here are some conditions: 1) Such link must be in a form ...

Modify the predefined ontology by using jena.

Hi every one. I created my ontology by Protege. my ontology has some classes and instances. Now i'm going to add other classes and instances by jena that's why i write the below code to create a new class and one instance in this class. the name of new class is "person" and the name of new instance is "base". when i run this code in jav...