
Problem with a select SPARQL query on dbpedia

Hello, I try to get some data about a city using Sparql query on DBpedia. The problem is I can't get the query to work. Currently I do something like this: SELECT ?title,?name,?abs WHERE { ?title skos:subject <;. ?title dbpprop:officialName ?name....

OWL: Abstract classes , anonymous nodes, Regular Expressions

When defining an Ontology using OWL, is there a way to say that a class should always be an Anonymous Node (no rdf:about="...") e.g. <my:FamousQuote/> is abstract and any Instance of this class should always use a subClass (edited here:) that a DataTypeProperty should match a regular expression ? Thanks ...

Should I make it a priority to semantically mark up my pages? Or is the Semantic Web a good idea that will never really get off the ground?

The Semantic Web is an awesome idea. And there are a lot of really cool things that have been done using the semantic web concept. But after all this time I am beginning to wonder if it is all just a pipe dream in the end. If we will ever truly succeed in making a fully semantic web, and if we are not going to be able to utilize seman...

Removing individuals & properties from RDF

Hello, I have a RDF file in my semantic web project and I use Rowlex for manipulating it. I've needed to remove an individual from RDF, so I used <RDFDoc instance>.RemoveIndividual(new OwlThing(<individual URI>, <RDFDoc instance>)); With this code, I had my individual gone, but it's properties still remained. So I figured out that I ...

Individuals and properties in semantic web

Hi, I'm currently working on a semantic web e-learning project. I've made an ontology and classes. However, when populating RDF files, I create an individual (for example a course) and place it in a RDF. Afterwards if I it is needed to relate another individual to this one by an object property (e.g. student-> studyMemberOf-> course), I...

use of Uri and Url in semantic web

Hello, I'm working on a semantic web project and I've encountered some problems about Uri & Url. First of all, a general question: how are Uris referenced by a user application in world wide web? Are there like Urls, stored on some international servers, and the resource is given to user application, when relevant Uri is requested? I ma...

What are the basic principles/tenets of semantic web that an architect should know?

Core principles and tenets for designing a system. is this really web 3.0? ...

RDF integration with C#

Hi, I'm working on a project where i had been asked to do a semantic search. The scenario is a database with a table containing 3 pieces of information, Doctor Name, Patient Name, and Date of Visit. I had been asked to create a form that contains 3 fields: Doctor, Patient and Date. So when a user wants to search for a patient's correspo...

is it good semantic to give a dt more than one dd in the dl?

so i'm thinking something like: <dl> <dt>job title</dt> <dd>job duration</dd> <dd>job description</dd> <dd>company link</dd> </dl> the example is purely make up, so it might not be the best example. but i've come across couple times when there is need for using 2 dd for 1 dt. so do you guys this is good semantic or bad...

Semantics of linking rss and atom feeds in html documents

Say on a site I have a blog and portfolio. These are the two most active areas on this site. In terms of linking separate rss feeds for the blog and portfolio. would it be best to: link the blog and portofolio feed on every page? link the blog only in the blog? Since the files are linked I am wondering if Are feeds downloaded with ...

JAVA Support for Semantic Web

Do java support semantic webservices.Any apis are available for that.. ...

Quick question about the RDF triple

Is it possible to use URI for the subject, predicate and object in RDF or should there be a keywork in atleast one of the triple for eg David Is it possible to have this kind of structure in an RDF file or should all the triples be in URI form. in that case can David be t...

RDFa vs. microformats

What do you think is best? RDFa or microformats? In the future what do you think: Will prevail both (using tools like GRRDL to make them "talk") or only one (like what happen with HD-DVD and Blu-ray)? ...

Using F# for the semantic web implementing in memory triple stores

What is an effective means of implementing an in memory semantic web triple store using the basic .NET collection classes using F#? Are there any F# examples or projects already doing this? ...

Retrieving all the ancestors of a rdf:Class

Hi all, Imagine the following Taxonomy (acyclic & directed graph): <my:Eukaryota> <rdfs:subClassOf> <my:Organism>. <my:Mammal> <rdfs:subClassOf> <my:Eukaryota>. <my:Primate> <rdfs:subClassOf> <my:Mammal>. <my:HomoSapiens> <rdfs:subClassOf> <my:Primate>. <my:Bacteria> <rdfs:subClassOf> <my:Organism>. <my:Escherichia> <rdfs:subClassOf> <m...

How can I extract Information from open Social based networks ?

How can I extract information from opensocial based networks like orkut. ...

Do we have a RDF net?

We can give some information in HTML form. Then different peoples provides different HTML pages which are interconnected and in this way we get WWW. Information can also be given in the with the usage of RDF form (let say XML implementation of RDF). Different peoples can provide different RDF documents and... I expect that we can get a k...

Ontology, semantics, web mining resources

Do you know any good resources where I can read and learn about ontology, semantics and web mining? It could be a book, a website or any other resource. ...

Semantically Correct HTML Checkbox lists

I've got an HTML checkbox list that I would like to display in the following format: Click all that apply: Title A Title B Option 1 [ ] [ ] Option 2 [ ] [ ] Option 3 [ ] [ ] I'm wondering what t...

Understanding what SPARQL is

This is a terribly beginner series of questions, but after reading through a good 30 SPARQL tutorials I can't seem to wrap my head around what SPARQL is or how to begin using it. Is it executed on the client side? Is microsoft somehow going to be able to mess this up? Can you use a common relational database (SQL)? Are there particul...