
C socket programming: client send() but server select() doesn't see it

Hey all, I have a server and a client running on two different machines where the client send()s but the server doesn't seem to receive the message. The server employs select() to monitor sockets for any incoming connections/messages. I can see that when the server accepts a new connection, it updates the fd_set array but always returns ...

Send instance method to module

Given the following module, module Foo def bar :baz end end def send_to_foo(method) # ...? end send_to_foo(:bar) # => :baz What code should go in send_to_foo to make the last line work as expected? (send_to_foo is obviously not how I would implement this; it just makes clearer what I'm looking for.) I expected Foo.send(:b...

NServiceBus sending data question

hi, i am using NServices to send an object of the class MyMusicMessage as blow: [Serializable] public class MyMusicMessage:IMessage { public Guid EventId { set; get; } public byte[] MusicBytes { set; get; } } when the size of MusicBytes is about 200k, it can be sent well. but when the size is more than 300K,there is a "Messag...

How to send a notification to another user with notify-send ? Bash

Hello all, notify-send display a notification box with the message that you want to display on your own machine. Is there a way to use notify-send to send a notification message to another user and display the message on his machine? Thanks ...

Send multidimensional array to php with jQuery

hy, i have a little, big problem here :) after i upload some images i get a list with all the images. I have some jQuery function for rotate, duplicate, delete, shuffle images! when i select a image and hit delete i send a post to php with the alt="" value of the image,i identify the picture and edit. I want to make a save button, Inst...

which is better to send mail on google-app-engine..

this: The web server can use an SMTP server, or it can use a local installation of Sendmail. i download the Sendmail lib,and find it is so big, and so many doc, i want to know which way is better, and if the Sendmail way is better, how to use it simplely, th...

What structure of data use to communicate via tcp/ip in java?

Let's assume I want to send many messages between 2 programs made in java that use TCP sockets. I think the most convienient way is to send objects like: PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(s.getOutputStream()); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(ps); some_kind_of_object_here; oos.writeObject(some_kind_of_object_here);...

Authentication Error in C# Send Mail App

I'm developing a simple send mail app in C#, using my CMail Server: MailMessage mail = new MailMessage("[email protected]", "[email protected]"); mail.Subject = "Sub"; mail.Body = "Hi!"; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("MyServer"); System.Net.NetworkCredential cred = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("user...

How do I dynamically change the path_to()?

I currently have three methods which I want to collapse into one: def send_email(contact,email) end def make_call(contact, call) return link_to "Call", new_contact_call_path(:contact => contact, :call => call, :status => 'called') end def make_letter(contact, letter) return link_to "Letter", new_contact_letter_path(...

Ruby TCPSocket read_all

Is there a method that can act like read_all, as in instead of using, one can simply TCPSocket.read_all. I am sending objects first by YAML::dump'ing them then sending them but I don't know a way to get their size in bytes. Thanks in advance, ell. Oh and I am very, very new to any form of network programming s...

Is there are any api's available to MMS through any application of iPhone

I am designing iPhone application project. In that I need to send MMS through that application.Is there are available api's to create MMS and send it like an email? ...

In Java, send commands to another command-line program

I am using Java on Windows XP and want to be able to send commands to another program such as telnet. I do not want to simply execute another program. I want to execute it, and then send it a sequence of commands once it's running. Here's my code of what I want to do, but it does not work: (If you uncomment and change the command to "cmd...

Why does the rmail-php-class fail if I setText(), but works if I only setHtml() ?

I use this class for sending e-mail: It was working until I switched from "mail" to SMTP. Now, if I use setHtml($html) it works, but if I also use setText($text), it doesn't work. Can it be that $text contains some invalid characters? Why would those characters work w...

How Do I Execute A Stored Procedure From A BizTalk SendPort?

Hello, I would like to call a stored procedure from a SendPort. I want to avoid an orchestration and instead, create a subscription to the message box based on the receive port and message type. I also need to use attributes from the received message xml as parameters for my stored procedure. My assumption is that I should use WCF-SQL ...

Is MPI_Request global among the MPI processees ?

Hello All, If i declare a table of MPI_Request ( one request for each CPU ), it will be accessible globally when using for MPI_Isend/MPI_Irecv ?? ( In comparison with MPI_comm that is everywhere accessible after initializing the MPI environment ) Thanks. ...

Problem in using a second call to send() in C

Hello. Right now I'm working in a simple Server that receives from client a code referring to a certain operation. The server receives this data and send back the signal that it's waiting for the proper data. /*Server Side*/ if (codigoOperacao == 0) { pr...

How do i send a file with sockets in python?

Hi all, I am already familiar with python and socket usage and can send strings of text over these. But how would i go about sending, say, an MP3 file? ...

How to receive/send files with a java Webservice

Hi! So i'm writing a WebService in Java that should receive a file as an input, and then the WebService does some processing on that file, and finally it should send a new file to the client. My question is : How do I send a file to the client? (and how can I tell them to upload one). Thanks for the help ...

[AS3] Calling Php Script with UTF-8 POST variables

AS3 documentation says that Strings in AS3 are in UTF-16 format. There is a textbox on a Flash Clip where user can type some data. When a button is clicked, I want this data to be sent to a php script. I have everything set up, but it seems that the PHP script gets the data in UTF-16 format. The data in the database (which is utf-8) s...

django sending emails

Hay, i can't seem to send emails using send_mail(), and I'm not sure why. Here's my details EMAIL_HOST = 'localhost', EMAIL_PORT = 25 My view from django.core.mail import send_mail send_mail('Subject here', 'Here is the message.', '[email protected]', ['[email protected]'], fail_silently=False) This fails with the err...