My goal is to return a start and end date having same value in a column. Here is my table. The (*) have been marked to give you the idea of how I want to get "EndDate" for every similar sequence value of A & B columns
ID | DayDate | A | B
1 | 2010/07/1 | 200 | 300
2 | 2010/07/2 | 2...
procedure accumulate is defined like this:
(define (accumulate combiner null-value term a next b)
(if (> a b) null-value
(combiner (term a)
(accumulate combiner null-value term (next a) next b))))
problem 1: x^n
;Solution: recursive without accumulate
(define (expon x n)
(if (> n 0) (* x
I am looking for the most pythonic way of splitting a list of numbers into smaller lists based on a number missing in the sequence. For example, if the initial list was:
seq1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
the function would yield:
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]]
seq2 = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10]
would result in:
[[1, 2], [4, ...
For query data like this:
Name , Details
How do I query so that a numerical sequence (1,2,3...) can be added that resets back to 1 each time the name changes (ie from JEFF to BOB)?
Is it possible to use the DCOUNT function?
What ...
hello everyone
i have table a follows
userid answer
1 true
1 true
1 false
1 true
1 true
1 true
2 true
1 true
i want to get the latest count of true sequence per user
so i will get
userid count
1 4
2 1
please help
I am curious about the contraints and tradeoffs for generating unique sequence numbers in a distributed and concurrent environment.
Imagine this: I have a system where all it does is give back an unique sequence number every time you ask it. Here is an ideal spec for such a system (constraints):
Stay up under high-load.
Allow as many...
(Disclaimer - I'm aware of the significance of Seqs in Clojure)
In common lisp the cons function can be used to combine two symbols into a list:
(def s 'x)
(def l 'y)
(cons s l)
In clojure - you can only cons onto a sequence - cons hasn't been extended to work with two symbols. So you have to write:
(def s 'x)
(def l 'y)
(cons s '(l...
I'm using this script to animate some images inside anchors:
$('#locations a').each(function() {
// set opacity 0 take initial position
$(this).css('opacity', '0');
var left = $(this).css('left');
var top = $(this).css('top');
// reset position and animate
$(this).css({'left' : '0', 'top'...
Possible Duplicate:
Python program to find fibonacci series. More Pythonic way.
Hey, i was trying to write a script which sums all the even terms in "Fibonacci Sequence" under 4 millions.
Fibonacci1 = 1
Fibonacci2 = 2
a = 2
i = 4
for i in range(1,4000000):
Fibonacci1 = Fibonacci1 + Fibonacci2
if Fibonacci1 % 2 == 0:
a = a...
I'm trying to get the mean length of fasta sequences using Erlang. A fasta file looks like this
Let's say that I have a list of data: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} where n = 10 elements
I'd like to randomly choose k elements of this set to form a sublist, say k = 5.
In that case, I could end up with a sublist that looks like {9, 3, 5, 2, 7}
I could accomplish this by:
Randomly determining an offset within the list, between 0 a...
Possible Duplicate:
Oracle sequences: CURRVAL not allowed here?
In my program i am inserting a values using sequence.
Procedure 1
Insert tablename(id,name) values(seq.nextval,somename)
now i need to update this same table. how do i do it. I use another Procedure to update.
Procedure 2
Update set name ='someothername'
I'm new to F# and looking for a function which take N*indexes and a sequence and gives me N elements. If I have N indexes it should be equal to concat Seq.nth index0, Seq.nth index1 .. Seq.nth indexN but it should only scan over indexN elements (O(N)) in the sequence and not index0+index1+...+indexN (O(N^2)).
To sum up, I'm looking...
I am working on ASP.Net using C# I want to generate a sequence id that should be like this:
ELG0001 , ELG0002, ...
ELG is the PREFIX and 0001 should be in sequence
i am using sql server 2005
This ID will be generated and added to my database. How can I do this?
can u help me with coding
I want to define a complex type that contains elements that may or may not exist, and also allows for additional undefined elements so I've got something like this:
<xs:complexType name="MyType">
<xs:element name="A" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="B" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0" maxO...
How do you zip two sequences in Clojure? IOW, What is the Clojure equivalent of Python zip(a, b)?
I know how to define such a function. I was just wondering whether standard library provides such a function already. (I would be *very* surprised if it doesn't.)
Suppose I have a single element, and I have a list of predicates (functions). I want to apply each of these predicates to the single element and get a corresponding list of return values. I know that map and friends can apply a single function to each a list of arguments, but is there any concise syntax to apply many functions to a singl...
Hi all,
<asp:GridView ID="gvCentersList" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ShowFooter="true" DataKeyNames="CenterID" CssClass="gv-style">
<FooterStyle CssClass="gv-style_footer"/>
<PagerStyle CssClass="gv-style_pager" />
<AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="gv-style_alter" />
<SelectedRowStyle CssClass="gv-style_row-selec...
Given an array of strings
["the" "cat" "sat" "on" "the" "mat"]
I'm looking to get all combinations of items in sequence, from any starting position, e.g.
["the" "cat"]
["the" "cat" "sat"]
["cat" "sat" "on" "the" "mat"]
["sat" "on" "the" "mat"]
["on" "the" "mat"]
["sat" "on"]
["sat" "on" "the"]
Combinations out of t...
I'm using DB2 and want to update several rows that meet my condition with the same next value from my sequence.
Here is what I tried but this doesn't work as the next value is fetched for each row:-
update dependency dep set vid=NEXT VALUE FOR seq_VID where id in ('8371','8372','8373')
id is the the primary key and seq_VID is a sequen...