
UART speed possibly wrong

My brain is fried, so I thought I would pass this one to the community. When sending 1 character to my embedded system, it consistently thinks it receives 2 characters. The first received character seems to map to the transmitted character (in some unkown way) and the second received character is always 0xff Here is what I observed: T...

Can I use a serial port as TCP/IP interface on Red Hat Linux?

Background We want to run an FTP server on a Red Hat Enterprise OS. The problem is, the machine we have does not have an Ethernet port/interface (please don't ask why; it's just a project requirement). We only have a serial port. Question Is there COTS / open source software that I can use to make serial port "look" like a an Etherne...

Is 0x9B (155decimal) a special control character? Why is it missing from ascii tables?

Hi, I'm working on an embedded system, and i'm having dramas getting it to send a certain chunk of data across the serial port. I narrowed it down and found that if a 0x9B is present in the message, it corrupts the message. So i then look up 0x9b (155) on, and it's missing! Isn't that a bizarre coincidence! A...

timing of reads from serial port on windows

I'm trying to implement a protocol over serial port on a windows(xp) machine. The problem is that message synchronization in the protocol is done via a gap in the messages, i.e., x millisecond gap between sent bytes signifies a new message. Now, I don't know if it is even possible to accurately detect this gap. I'm using win32/serport.h...

Find out CRC or CHECKSUM of RS232 data

I need to communicate with a RS232 device, I have no specs or information available. I send a 16 byte command and get a 16 byte result back. The last byte looks like some kind of crc or checksum, I have tried using this with no luck. Anyone can reverse engineer the crc/checksum algorit...

access DLLs with java script

I need to read the serial port as an input for a web based applicaton. I know that the browser can't do it, but if I build an DLL and send it to my client, can I access this DLL and read de serial port with an java script or i will need something like ActiveX? ...

Reading Binary data from a Serial Port.

I previously have been reading NMEA data from a GPS via a serial port using C#. Now I'm doing something similar, but instead of GPS from a serial. I'm attempting to read a KISS Statement from a TNC. I'm using this event handler. comport.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(port_DataReceived); Here is port_DataReceived. ...

Trouble parsing NMEA data from Serial Port.

I'm retrieving NMEA sentences from a serial GPS. Then string are coming across like I would expect. The problem is that when parsing a sentence like this: $GPRMC,040302.663,A,3939.7,N,10506.6,W,0.27,358.86,200804,,*1A I use a simple bit of code to make sure I have the right sentect: string[] Words = sBuffer.Split(','); ...

Update the Progress bar using winforms c#

There is a functionality in my module, where the user can scan the number of serial ports in the system and when the user clicks "Auto scan" button, the code will have to go through each serial port and send a test message and wait for the reply. I am using Progress bar control to show process of autoscan. For which i need to pass th...

What is proper way to detect all available serial ports on Windows?

There are several ways to list serial ports under Windows but I'm not sure what is the proper way: the way that does detect all serial ports that are available. One good code example is - where there are 9 (nine!) ways of enumerating serial devices. The question is: what is the optimal way of doing ...

Dispatcher.CheckAccess() isn't working from my console application, is there a better way.

I wrote an application in WPF / VB and separated the business logic and UI into different projects. The business layer uses a serial port which runs on a different thread, Now that I'm trying to write a command line interface for the same business layer, it seems to fail when .Invoke() is called. (no error, just doesn't work) I'm pre...

Serial Ports, CreateFile and SetCommState

I'm using Windows API's CreateFile and SetCommState functions to open a number of serial ports to read and write from, selecting ports using this notation: \\?\COM1 I've been logging performance closely, and for some odd reason the CreateFile call takes about as much time as the SetCommState calls do (about 4.1 seconds). I find t...

How to use QSerialDevice in Qt?

Hello, I am trying to use QSerialDevice in Qt to get a connection to my serial port. I also tried QextSerialPort before (which works on Windows Vista but unfortunately not on Windows XP ..) but I need an API which supports XP, Vista and Win7... I build the library and configured it this way: CONFIG += dll CONFIG += debug ...

How to apply encoding when reading from a serial port

I'm reading data from a serial port. I read this posting: He is writing about many of the issues I have encounter, but in his writing he refers to using: System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("Windows-1252"). The problem I'm having is when and...

Need help with displaying the message correctly in the pole display always starting at the beginning

Hi, I am using an HP RS232 pole display with the following setting: Char type: USA/Europe (default) Command mode: EPSON (default) Baud rate: 9600, n , 8, 1 (default?) Passthru None (Default) Here's the code using System.IO.Ports; private SerialPort port; port = new SerialPort("COM2", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits....

rs232 communication, general timing question

Hi, I have a piece of hardware which sends out a byte of data representing a voltage signal at a frequency of 100Hz over the serial port. I want to write a program that will read in the data so I can plot it. I know I need to open the serial port and open an inputstream. But this next part is confusing me and I'm having trouble underst...

C# SerialPort.GetPortNames() behavior

In my C# 2008 application, I use the SerialPort.GetPortNames() function to retrieve the list of currently available ports. What I have noticed is, when ever I plug in a USB device, it's port number i s shown in the list on my Application and when I unplug it and refresh the list, the port number is no longer there. One phase of the appl...

VB6 Serial port programming

I'm not much experienced in VB6 serial port programming. I need to control another circuit through serial port. (I have heard that pin 4 and pin 7 are used for that purpose. If these pins are incorrect please tell me what pins are used for such purposes) My requirement is to set those pins to high or low and read their levels(high or lo...

Using mozilla plataform to develop desktop applications

Hi everyone. From what It seems mozilla platform was designed to be used focused in web development (browsers, e-mail clients, instant message...). I want to use Mozilla platform to develop desktop applications that need most access to computer serial port and some applications that have nothing to do with web. I'm considering mozilla ...

.NET Serial Port: Port Configuration Dialog

I'm going to be writing a small app based on the .NET SerialPort class. Is there a generic dialog available for setting the port settings, ala baud rate, data bits, stop bit, parity bit, flow control, etc? I didn't see one in the MSDN documentation, but I would think that one exists, since that stuff doesn't change. ...