
C# serial port driver wrapper class code and concept quality

Hi folks, Would like to know from all you guys what do you think about my Serial Wrapper class. Had been a while I've been working with serial ports but never shared the code what somekind make me closed to my very own vision. Would like to know if it's a good/bad approach, if the interface is enough and what more you see on it. I know...

iPhone Development with Bluetooth SPP OS 3/4

Hi all, I am in the process of developing an iPhone application that communicates with a number of Bluetooth devices that all support Serial Port Profile - well I assume that it is SPP as they show on my MacBook as Serial Port DevB etc. I understand that iPhone OS 3.x does not support SPP - is that correct? Does anyone know if that ha...

Serial: write() throttling?

Hi everyone, I'm working on a project sending serial data to control animation of LED lights, which need to stay in sync with an animation engine. There seems to be a large serial write buffer (OSX (POSIX) + FTDI chipset usb serial device), so without manually throttling calls to write(), the software can get several seconds ahead of th...

Problem with sending out variable to serial port using api JAVA

We are developing a java program for school. But we are experiencing problems with sending out a variable created by 3 sliders. The idea is that we have 3 sliders. One slider for every color. Red green and blue. The variable has to have a value between 0 and 255. Everytime the value of the slider changes is has to send a variable for th...

C# .Net Serial DataReceived Event response too slow for high-rate data.

Hi, I have set up a SerialDataReceivedEventHandler, with a forms based program in VS2008 express. My serial port is set up as follows: 115200, 8N1 Dtr and Rts enabled ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1 I have a device I am interfacing with over a BlueTooth, USB to Serial. Hyper terminal receives the data just fine at any data rate. The data ...

C: cross-platform RS232 serial library?

Hi folks, I am looking for an open source cross-platform library for working with the serial port in C, something along the lines of the awesome pyserial library (Unfortunately I have to use C for this application) I have only found this one: and that doesn't seem to have mention OSX compatibility. Any re...

How to generate unique serial number of machine in Delphi?

Hi, I have question how to generate unique serial number of machine in Delphi? I tried to do this using the ID the motherboard or processor, but unfortunately it's unfortunately supported. Partition serial numbers, etc. fall off, because it is changing after the formatted. I'm looking for something that doesn't change after the formatt...

Reading XBee data into Processing

I've recently built a Tweet A Watt ( wireless power monitor, which uses XBee for data transfer. I'm attempting to get the Tweet A Watt data into Processing for use in creating some visual energy feedback prototypes. Using the XBee API Library for Processing (

iPod Serial Commands

I was wondering if anyone knows if Original iPods (ie. 4th generation and up) and iPod Touches/iPhones use the same type of serial commands to do communications? Do you know if because of the new OS on the Touches they have changed how the serial communicates? Or did they drop the serial command protocol all together? ...

Generating serial or unique ordernumber

Hello, How do generate unique serial or order number in php without checking against db? ...

how detect caller id from phone line?

Is it possible to read bytes directly from modem or phone line without losing any info? If use SerialPort after ringing nothing happened on ReceiveData event! I want to read caller id info directly from line. My modem doesn't support Caller Id! ...

Qn. on payload in ZVT protocol Hi All, I'm implementing a driver for the ZVT protocol, using a simple state machine. To receive a message it parses the received bytes until it gets an ETX, then reads the next 2 bytes as the checksum. Is it true that the contained APDU will never contain an ETX as a data by...

Implementing escape sequences for a serial devices

Hello everyone! I have a serial device connected to a linux host. The host will be need to be able to process standard AT commands. I need to include the standard AT '+++' escape sequence for a serial device.. I haven't had much luck finding code. Anyone know of any open source libraries or code I can take a look at for the actua...

how to detect a buffer over run on serial port in linux using c++

Hey Guys We have a big problem. At present we are accessing a serial port via the following hooks fd = open( "/dev/ttyS1", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY ) then we read from it using the following chunk of code i = select( fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv ) . . . iLen = read( fd, buf, MAX_PACKET_LEN ) the problem is that before we read, we need t...

Problem in reading from linux serial port....

I am working on robot which has to control using wireless serial communication. Robot is running on micro controller( by burning .hex file). I want to control it using my Linux(Ubuntu) pc. I am new to serial port programming. I am able to send the data but I am not able to read data. few piece of code which is running over micro controll...

Is it possible to define a serial datatype which autoincrements when updating a row?

when a new row is added to a table containing a serial column, the next highest integer value is assigned to that column when the row is committed. can I define a serial datatype which will autoincrement when updating a row with a previously assigned serial value? datablade?.. I'm currently using the following functionality for an i...

DRM over SD Cards safe?

I'm trying to implement a DRM based around SDCard's serial number in Windows CE. There are a few question I'm concerning. Is SDCards' serial numbers unique like the MAC address ? In Windows CE 6 (as some source codes are available, can someone make a SDCard Reader driver that reports wrong serial number. (A number that is not coming fr...

Serial communication: How to send several byte[] over bluetooth to ArduinoBT?

Hey everyone Using the SDK example BluetoothChat I've been experimenting sending byte[] to ArduinoBT in smaller chunks. For example, I'm sending a byte[] of size 800. I can perfectly send this array, but only under specific circumstances. The part that is puzzling me at the moment is why some arrays are not being sent correctly where oth...

C write() doesn't send data until close(fd) is called.

So I have this test code to send "HELLO" over a USB serial port: int fd; struct termios tty; if((fd = open("/dev/ttyUSB0", O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_NOCTTY)) == -1){ err(1, "Cannot open write on /dev/ttyUSB0"); } tcgetattr(fd, &tty); tty.c_iflag = 0; tty.c_oflag = 0; tty.c_lflag = 0; tty.c_cflag = 0; tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; tty.c_cc[VTIME] = ...

Not able to read data through serial port

Dear all, I am to read data on serial port. My setup OS: Ubuntu linux Device 1: BeagleBoard Device 2: My laptop I am using a serial to usb converter. Serial device on BeagleBoard: ttyS2 Serial device on Laptop : ttyUSB0 I did a simple thing to test the connection, I ran minicom on both the machines. when I type something on Beagl...