
ASP.Net number of servers estimation

Let's assume our average page weights P KBytes and we've got N visits per unit time (let's say, per hour). How could we estimate the number of servers needed to support this load with a reasonable response time? ...

How many Requests per Minute are considered 'Heavy Load'? (Approximation)

Often times people talk in their (optimization & performance related) questions and answers about 'heavy load'. I'm trying to quantify this in the context of a regular web application on a typical server (take SO & its fairly small infrastructure as example) in a number of Requests per Minute, assuming that they return immediately (to ...

How dangerous is this sql query?

The query: UPDATE node as n right join content_type_product as c on n.nid = c.nid right join uc_products as p on p.nid = n.nid set c.field_product_price_eur_value = p.sell_price * 0.0961, c.field_product_price_zar_value = p.sell_price * 1, c.field_product_price_gbp_value = p.sell_pric...

How to get requests per minute count within java web app

In my particular web app I need a heavy load statistics, such as "requests per minute". How to obtain this value within Servlet API based webapp? ...

Is there any way to access information about a Coldfusion server's load from within coldfusion?

I am writing a scheduled task which I would like to run frequently. The problem is that I do not want this task to be run if the server is experiencing a high traffic load. Is there any way other then getting the free/total/max memory from java to try and figure out whether this task should continue? ...

Android server load advice

Hi, I'd like a bit of advice on how to retrieve, process and store data. I'm building an app which gets finds the nearest laser tag site to where you are. The adderss data is stored (due to some bad design) in one field in an external database, with it's country coming from another table (told you it was a bad design). I may change whe...

Php explode or unique Mysql table for user's friends?

Hello, I will create frienship system for my project. I couldn't decide whether I should store friends in a column at user's row or create a friends table and store there with user IDs? To clearify which usage is better: Should users table be like this? +-----------+-----------+---------------+ + id + username + friends ...