
Can traffic be streamed from client to Web Service using IXmlSerializable in C#?

Using the following as a guide I am attempting to implement a streaming file upload from a client to a server through a Web Service. The example provided below is streaming in the opposite direction from Web Service on a server to client. I am using IIS 7 on Windows 2008 R2 and .Net Framework 3.5 How To: Chunk Serialized Data http://m...

Silverlight "Add Service Reference" to ASP Service error

I'm not sure what's causing this error. The service markup: <%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="WebRole1.ExpenseService" CodeBehind="ExpenseService.svc.cs" Factory="System.ServiceModel.Activation.WebServiceHostFactory" %> The service code behind: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")] [AspNetCompat...

android service persistent

In my application I implemented a remote service that exchange data with a webserver each 20 minutes and modify the value of some object in MyApplication Class that extends Application. After 12 or 15 hour android kill MyApplication class and/or my Service. I tried to implement the android:alwaysRetainTaskState="true" without results...

Getting packages from PackageManager

I'm writing an app, that has a somewhat modular system. It has a core app, and some apps, that consist of a single Service, that implements the desired interface. I followed the guide to create the IPC communication. But now I need to get all the services, installed on the system, that my core app can wotk with. How do I do this? I mean,...

a windows service monitors local system time to start other services?

Hi all, need your advices on this scenario: I have a bunch of services installed on a server, they need to be set to start and stop dynamically depending on the local system time, meaning the start time and end time are different almost everyday, e.g, today these services are set to start by 9am and end by 9pm, and tomorrow could be 10...

GZIP compressed web service provider

I am consuming a web service method and i want to send GZIP compressed file to service provider as request. Is it necessary that if service provider have implemented GZIP at their end then only they will receive GZIP compressed file other wise it will ignored or mis-readed at their end. What will happen if we send GZIP compressed file t...

How to Start Windows Service in Administrator Mode

i bet its pretty easy question , any way im trying to run a windows service which host WCF service in administrator mode! i keep getting the exception of : HTTP could not register URL http://+:8000/. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace (see for details) i know its so...

Application not running on 2.2

hi i have made an app which have target sdk a 2.2 and min sdk version as 3. And i have 2 services which start at boot time. when i run the app on 1.6 than it is running fine but as i try to run the app on 2.2 my services get start but got Crash after some time.. why this is happening? when i look at log cat it is giving me something like...

Service written in c# not working after installing it.

A windows service written in c# which actually interacts with MS Word works fine when run in debug mode..or running it from the command prompt.. But it's not working after installing it as a service. The account which runs the service is an Administrator (local). Server 2008 R2...never had a problem before using in 2003 ...

Is there an Android VOIP solution (such as skype) that can be used as a service from my own activity?

I assume that it is possible to invoke skype or another VOIP solution by starting the appropriate activity. My question is; are there any VOIP solutions that can be used as services in some way, making it possible to write a separate app with its own user interface that just uses the VOIP functionality of the original VOIP app? This que...

jquery ajax call custom web service asmx

Hi, i need to access custom web service based on Sharepoint 2007 with jQuery. This web service has some operations (oper_get_smt1(), oper_get_smt2() ... ) I should probably use .ajax() function. But i don't know how to correctly define URL parameter. $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "http://site/_vti_bin/w...

How to achieve service discovery like "Printer Discover" on android?

Hi, I would like to know about the 'service discovery' mechanisms supported by android - particularly, Printer Discovery. Does android provide such a discovery option? example : support for snmp broadcast? I tried out an application "PrinterShare" link : where Printer Discovery is achieved thro...

Inconsistent behaviour while debugging and executing without debugging

I am writing a small windows service using .net framework 3.5 and its exibiting a wierd behaviour. The code gets stuck on using (OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection("Data Source=abc;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xyz;Password=xyz;Unicode=True")) { . . . however when I debug it by attaching debugger t...

WCF transmit datatable as binary

Hello guys. I need fast transmit data from my wcf service to client. As SO helps, it means good binary serializer\derializer and data through List But I've got only XML text of DataTable serialized on service. It's big overhead. Ok I should move to binary encoding of List. I haven't any DTO, just xml of DataTable. Could you help me wit...

Webservice timeout java web service

Hi Guys, I have a webservice stub. I am setting the timeout for the stub like this. stub.getServiceClient().getOptions().setTimeOutInMilliSeconds(timeout * 1 * 1000); But this doesnt work (i.e. the connection is alive even after the timeout period). Can you please tell me why is it so? Thanks in advance. :) ...

Does anybody know how to program the Luxeed LED keyboards directly?

I have a Luxeed, either the U5 or the RaMa series (not sure which, these people don't give you a lot to go on). I want to program the LEDs directly, but I have no idea how. Their software isn't that intuitive and seems limited anyway (though it's hard to tell, it being so unintuitive and all). Ideally it would be in Python (or possibl...

How to implement callbacks using IntentService on Android?

If it must implement with AIDL? And please kindly provide an example, thanks. EDIT: There are several solutions, Does anyone know which is better? ...

How to copy data from Chrome local database to another via a web service?

Hi, I have a normal form where the user can enter data in textfields, select values in dropdowns etc. As it is now the user clicks on submit and a web service inserts the data into a server. I have added functionality so that the user enters data about a customer, click save and it is saved temporarily in safari's/chrome's local databa...

Java running as a Unix service

Hello there! I have build a little daemon in Java and I would like to run it as a service under Unix (e.g. Debian 5). I have read, that there is a possibility of using a Java wrapper - but isn't there any other option which is easier to implement? Can't I just use a Unix command such as "xxx java -jar program.jar"? Thanks in advice, gu...

There was no endpoint listening at <urlToMex> that could accept the message.

I have a WCF-service running inside a windows service. There is an mex-endpoint at http://localhost/... I can navigate to it via a browser but if I use MetadataResolver.Resolve, the above mentioned exception will be thrown (with inner exception of "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."). The only difference I spotted i...