
Text in Label not displaying correctly with setText method

I'm trying to set the text in a label dynamically by calling the setText method whenever a button is clicked. Here is my code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; class Date { public static void main(String[] args) { new MainWindow(); } } class MainWindow { static Label month = new Label(); static Label...

Problem with setting text into a uneditable JTextField

I have a tabbed pane with a couple of uneditable JTextFields which I want to fill in with information from a database. However, when I set the text in the text fields to anything, it doesn't show up when I run the program. When I get the text and print it out, it does show. What could be the problem here? public void input() { UI...

code to edit the text in an EditText widgit

Hello, I am a newbi programmer and am having trouble with a measurement conversion program I am working on. What I would like to do is have several EditText boxes. When one is filled in and a calculate button is hit then the rest will be populated with a converted number. The part I am getting stuck on is outputting the answers to EditTe...

TextView defined in main.xml - how to "name" it to be able to use - setText() method?

Hi, I am exploring android and developement and I found one problem. My app UI is defined in main.xml I have 2 texts and 2 buttons defined - easy app. I read that I may be able to change TEXT in the ACTIVITY using the setText() method. And thats the problem - how do I POINT the setText() Method? How do I tell it to change a specifie...

Strange behaviour in Expandablelistview - Android

hi all, Im trying to implement an activity that uses ExpandableListView and I have gotten so far but now I have found some strange behavior. My activity is meant to record food intake as specified by the user. they have a choice of menus (breakfast, lunch and dinner - the outer group) which expand to show their contents. when a user c...

Calling TextView.setText() periodically causes the UI to jerk

I'm coding an audio player where a thread updates the TextView representing the track's elapsed time, every 250 milliseconds. The display looks like this: 1:30/2:30<-----Progress Bar-----> TextView 1 is 1:30/ and TextView 2 is 2:30. Both are set to wrap_content for width. What happens is that on every 250 millisecond cycle, the thre...

Android Development: How To Automatically Add Linebreaks When Using setText()?

Hello, In my app is the ability to read a file. This works perfectly, but there's a problem. No line breaks or whatever they are called get added when I append the file's contents to my big EditText, so this: function hmm(){ echo 'Hello, PHP!'; } would turn into this: function hmm(){ echo 'Hello, PHP!'; } How can I stop this and m...

How to modify ToggleButton behaviour with or without xml in Android

Hi, I've to do a memo card game in android for my project. As for now i'm at the stage where i try to figure out the basic shape of my app. I've read some tutorials, but i can;t figure out how to modify a lot of dynamically created buttons (ie. in 'for' loop), from xml, or even from the code. To make my question clear here's the code i ...