hi all,
Im trying to implement an activity that uses ExpandableListView and I have gotten so far but now I have found some strange behavior.
My activity is meant to record food intake as specified by the user. they have a choice of menus (breakfast, lunch and dinner - the outer group) which expand to show their contents.
when a user clicks on an inner menu item a dialog appears asking them for the qty. once they enter a qty and dismiss the dialog the text on the menu item changes to reflect the quantity of that item that has been consumed
The above image shows the list in a closed state.
below is the list after I have opened the lunch menu and clicked on 'Potato Chips' and indicating a Quantity of 1. As you can see the 'Potato' itemtext has now been changed to reflect the Qty of 1.
The strange part happens now. if I click on 'Lunch' and close the list and then click on it again re-opening it, the 'Qty X 1' text has jumped to another item (Milk)
each time I open and close the list it jumps back and forth between the two items. Also if I open up other items, such as breakfast, I find that they too have now gotten items with 'Qty X 1' even though I havent clicked them.
The bits of code that are relevant are as such:
The XML for a child element:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<TextView android:id="@+id/childname"
<TextView android:id="@+id/qty_display"
The code thats triggered on clicking a child element:
public boolean onChildClick(
ExpandableListView parent,
View v,
int groupPosition,
int childPosition,
long id) {
// open the dialog and inflate the buttons
myDialog = new Dialog(this);
myDialog.setTitle("Food Item Qty");
final Button ok = (Button)myDialog.findViewById(R.id.fi_ok_but);
Button cancel = (Button)myDialog.findViewById(R.id.fi_cancel_but);
//the id for this item is stored as a hash key in a map (say, item_id01)
String key = "item_id"+groupPosition+""+childPosition;
current_selected_food_item_id = Integer.parseInt(itemMap.get(key));
// inflate the textview that shows the qty for this item on the expandablelist
barQty = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.qty_display);
// set the ok button to record teh quantity on press
ok.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View viewParam) {
//inflate the input box that receives quantity from user
EditText fiQty = (EditText) myDialog.findViewById(R.id.fiQty);
// get the quantity and append the text on hte list item
String qty = fiQty.getText().toString();
barQty.setText("Qty X "+qty);
//open the database and save state
String log = FoodIntake.this.application.getFoodIntakeHelper().getFoodIntakeLog(visit_id);
// append the main food intake list and close the dialog
list.setText("Food Intake Log:\n\n"+log);
The above code opens a dialog, accepts a value for quantity, appends the list element to reflect this, also saves to database and sets a textview with the selected item and quantity.
Sorry to just dump a whole load of code, but this has me stumped and hopefully someone can help.