
What happens when I edit web.config?

I need to edit the web.config file on a live Sharepoint environment, but I'm unsure what will happen if I do (I want to output custom errors). Will this cause the IIS6 worker process to recycle? Will active users lose their session state because of this? Or can I safely edit the file? ...

Sharepoint InputFormSection control look-a-like

I'm looking for a similar control to the InputFormSection control in Sharepoint that I want to use in a regular web page that doesn't run in the context of Sharepoint. Here's how the inputformsection looks like : ...

MOSS 2007 Document Library - choice column not displaying selected value

I have something funky going on with MOSS & was wondering if anyone out there has seen anything like it: I have a document library in MOSS that has several custom columns added to it. I have a column of type choice. For one document in the library (a word document), the selected value does not get displayed for the one column - all of...

Exporting SharePoint usage log files into a database using LogParser

So basically we have lots of SharePoint usage log files generated by our SharePoint 2007 site and we would like to make sense of them. For that we're thinking of reading the log files and dumping into a database with the appropriate columns and all. Now I was going to make an SSIS package to read all the text files and extract the data w...

Windows SharePoint Services vs. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server?

There's Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) and then there is Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS). MOSS considerably more expensive than WSS (which ships as part of Microsoft Server licensing). My question is: what does MOSS do that makes it worth the extra cost? ..and does Microsoft Search Server not compete with the Business D...

Versioning by default in SharePoint

How can I modify a SharePoint site so that versioning is turned on by default in Document Libraries? ...

How to begin as a .net and SharePoint developer

I'd like some feedback regarding how to begin learning (C#) and SharePoint development. What have you found useful to jump start your career? Any particular books, videos, boot camps, college courses, web sites, etc. that have helped to shorten the path to becoming a developer? I've gone through a couple of books and begun par...

Sharepoint disaster recovery

What are your disaster recovery plans for Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 ? Currently we are backuping all databases (1 content, admin, search and config) using sql backup tools, and backuping the front end server via dataprotector. To test our backups, we use another server farm, restore the content database (following the procedure o...

Add ScriptManager to Page Programmatically?

I am developing a WebPart (it will be used in a SharePoint environment, although it does not use the Object Model) that I want to expose AJAX functionality in. Because of the nature of the environment, Adding the Script Manager directly to the page is not an option, and so must be added programmatically. I have attempted to add the Scr...

How to change SharePoint extended web application's web.config file

Hi! Using the SharePoint API, how can I modify an extended webapp web.config file? I have to do some changes in this file to specify the connection string, membershipprovider, etc... for using Forms Authentication. Currently, I can change the "master" webapplication web.config file, but not the extended one. Edited I'm using ...

Best of Sharepoint

In a previous question I asked what sharepoint was mostly because I have been asked to explore sharepoint at work to see if its a viable option for us. Is there a project or a how to or what not out there were I can demonstrate the best features of Sharepoint? I am looking for a project out there that I can build to show all the great f...

SharePoint Lists vs Database Tables performance...

Hi, We are looking to store transactional data in SharePoint lists. The lists will easily grow to 100,000+ items. How would the query performance be compared with queries on a database table with these columns? Queries: Select by Id Select Where ColumnValue = X Group By OrderId Group By Date The SP List will be 6 columns wide: Id, D...

SharePoint and Enterprise Library 4.0

Has anybody been successful in integrating the Enterprise Library v4.0 with SharePoint WSS 3.0? I created a very simple .ASPX page. It's only purpose will to be to connect to an Oracle database and display some values in a DropDownList. But right now, all it does is displays Hello World. I've added the necessary references and everyt...

Can I pass a sharepoint security context value to a reporting services report parameter?

I'm considering using reporting services 05 SP2 with share point integration on a new reporting project. In this project's reports users can only see records they own. I was thinking a simple userId parameter on the report would allow me to filter the report's results to only these "owned" records. I'm curious: Can I pass the current...

WSS/MOSS Development ... Where to draw the line?

Our organization started on the SharePoint path about two years ago. Before that, we (the developers) wrote mostly front ends for SQL back ends. Now it seems like every time a new project comes up, we are asked to “make” it fit in SharePoint; and we have stuffed some things into SharePoint that probably should have been stand a...

Cascading list boxes, with multi-select

Hello, I wound up modifying the source from a publically posted POC:, which is a custom field definition for cascading drop downs. The modifications were to allow parent-child list boxes where a user can multiselect for filtering and selecting the values to be written back to a ...

How to migrate a 3rd party web part from SharePoint 2 (2003) to SharePoint 3 (2007)

I am migrating a site from SharePoint 2 to 3 (in fact, from SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007). There are a handful of 3rd party web parts and since this is a migration, not an in-place upgrade, I need to install these web parts on the new farm. How do I do this, given that I have the packaged up ...

GetResponse to Sharepoint site unauthorized

I have the following code which will ping a typical anonymous website without a problem but I receive either an unauthorized error or forbidden. Here is the code that's giving me the forbidden error. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls;...

"The selected files was not found" on an InfoPath form in Sharepoint

When using a file attachment control on a InfoPath form as part of a SharePoint workflow I get the error "The selected files was not found". ...

"Class not Registered" restoring a Sharepoint ( WSS ) 2003 backup.dat file

I need to do some work with a backup WSS .dat file and I'm having real trouble making it do anything. I've got it installed through stsadm and that appears to have gone smoothly, but the site now redirects me to an error page - just the classic "File Not Found" one, but in the URL it suggests the errortext would be "Class not Registered...