
Customizing an item's view in SharePoint Designer

I've created a list called Newsletters (columns: Title, Date and News - a multi lookup to a News list), and a DataFormWebPart displaying an item from this list. Now I'm modifing the XSLT transformation to change the displayed view. At the moment an item is simply displayed with its Title, Date and News attributes, where News attribute...

SharePoint : How to add a reference from C#

How do I add a reference to SharePoint 2007 from C#. What is the name and location of the DLL please? ...

Visual Studio ASHX files debugging

I have a ashx file in a non web project in VS2008. The type of web project (stsdev that is used with Share Point) deploys the ashx file to the server. I can navigate to the file and it is there. In VS2008 when I try and put a break point in the ashx code it will not let me. This means when I connect to the WP3.exe process to remotely deb...

SharePoint: How to add an attachment to a list item programatically?

I have the following code: SPList list = web.Lists[this.ListName]; SPListItem item = list.Items.Add(); now what I want to do is: FileInfo[] attachments = attachmentDirectory.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo attachment in attachments) { // Add the attachment from file system to the list item... ...

Best practice for redesigning a SharePoint site

Basically need to use SharePoint (because we promote MS yay!) as a content management system for an internet facing site. How do I get rid of the default SharePoint look and feel and make it look like however I want it to? I know the process involves creating a new masterpage with SharePoint Designer. However I prefer to code webpages...

Sharepoint: SPAttachmentCollection a collection of what exactly?

Take the following code snippet: SPAttachmentCollection attachments = item.Attachments ; What exactly is SPAttachmentCollection a collection of? Most collections tell you what they're a collection of.... but remember the golden rule of SharePoint - that's right, if its possible to break, its already broken. In case you're wondering ...

Save web part configuration for a certain web part page

How can I save the configuration of a web part for a certain web part page in SharePoint? ...

Code Access Security and Sharepoint WebParts

I've got a vague handle on how Code Access Security works in Sharepoint. I have developed a custom webpart and setup a CAS policy in my Manifest <CodeAccessSecurity> <PolicyItem> <PermissionSet class="NamedPermissionSet" version="1" Description="Permission set for Okana"> <IPermission class="Microsoft.SharePoint.Security.SharePo...

SharePoint : best way to insert a list item with formated hyperlink?

I have the following code: web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; SPList list = web.Lists[this.ListName]; SPListItem item = list.Items.Add(); item["linktoAttachment"] = this.SiteAddress + file.Url; My question is how can I have friendly link text... like in a classic hyperlink you have <a href="technical link">friendly link here</a> Tha...

SharePoint : how to authenticate from c#

I have the following code snippet: using (SPSite site = new SPSite(this.ListAddress)) { using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) { } } How can I authenticate so that I can set a domain username + password in a configuration file. ...

Creating membership pages in SharePoint

Hi We have some pages that include the membership user controls for forms based authentication and would like to make use of these in a SharePoint MOSS environment. Can anyone suggest the best place to deploy these and the best method for deployment, I was hoping to use solution packages to deploy them to the root of th...

Sharepoint: Changing the "Export Event" link on the toolbar for events

Hello, Is there any way to change the text of the toolbar links on the page that shows items in view mode (DispForm.aspx)? More specifically, I would like to change the "Export Event" link to something more descriptive, say, "Export to Outlook", on the event view page. Can this be done? Thanks in advance. ...

SharePoint Content Editor CSS customization caching

When SharePoint's content editor CSS file (HtmlEditorCustomStyles.css) is customized how can I get the updated css file updated on the client browser? In testing I've found the updated version is ignored in favor of the browser cached version and I've only been able to get the updated version by deleting the CSS file from the browser ca...

Anonymous access to a SharePoint site root

I have configured anonymous access on a SharePoint site for "Lists and Libraries". I then enable anonymous access to the individual lists/libraries as per my requirements. This works great, but I cannot access the root site URL where I expect to be redirected to the welcome page: Access to http://servername fails with Access Denied...

SharePoint: Will deploying a WSP install DLL's in Gac?

I was wondering, if I deploy a WSP using the stsadm command: stsadm -o addsolution –filename myWSP.wsp Will this also install the required DLL's (already included in the WSP) into the GAC? Or is this another manual process? ...

Giving users access to a web site in virtual server running on a laptop

im running a sharepoint services website on my laptop using a virtual server on the same laptop. i need to show other people (on external machines) the website in a development stage. i have sent them the same address i am using to open and ive given them their own log ons- they work on my machine. the problem is that the site comes up ...

SharePoint: How to have a unique constraint in a list?

In SQL its possible to have fields that cannot contain duplicate data. How is this possible in SharePoint? Lets say you have a list containing values like ORANGES APPLES PEARS How do you ensure that the user cannot enter ORANGES APPLES PEARS ORANGES Thanks ...

SharePoint Development and Data Centric Projects

I was involved in a SharePoint(WSS) project that was very data centric. The project consisted of more than 500 lists that has very complex relations between them. The client also asked for more than 350 Reports. Don't tell me why did you use SharePoint from the beginning. It was a managerial decision and we already delivered the project ...

SharePoint : Check if item exists in a list, minimum overhead

How can I check if a list contains an item... really only interested in checking 1 field, not every single field in the list. How can this be done in the most efficient way, creating a SPListItemCollection and itterating through this to check for unique values is really going to flatline the cpu usage... Surely there must be a way to d...

Integrate SharePoint into an existing website

Wanting to integrate aspects of SharePoint into an existing website - rather than integrating applications into a SharePoint site. Is this actually possible using the SharePoint API's and Web Services? Is it even possible (without many months of work) to make SharePoint leaner (JavaScript and CSS included) - i.e. less bandwidth hungry. ...