
I need to have more information (an image and description) about a site in Sharepoint 2007?

Hello, I have a website in Sharepoint 2007 (it is a publishing portal). I want to create a site with more specific info than what it comes with Sharepoint. You know, when you create a new site, the only info you can enter is title and URL. I would need an image and a description. The solution is not a custom list, because i need to ha...

How to edit and read data in a SharePoint List

Hello all, I want to query a SharePoint list and want to use the data to be displayed in a usercontrol that I have created. Earlier I had the data coming from a database. Now I need to modify it to work with a SharePoint list. Can you please guide me. Grace. ...

Repeated Reporting Services Login issue when deploying through BIDS to a remote server

We are having a problem deploying a reporting services report to a sql reporting services computer that is configured in SharePoint Integrated mode. I can successfully deploy to the SharePoint document libraries set up for reports and data connections if I do it locally from the box that SharePoint and Reporting Services are deployed on....

"A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated." when trying to copy a file using WindowsIdentity.Impersonate

I am trying to copy a file from sharepoint to a unc path. I am using the following code: var id = new WindowsIdentity("[email protected]"); var p = new WindowsPrincipal(id); var wic = id.Impersonate(); File.Move(oldName, newName); wic.Undo(); oldname is C:\test.txt newName is \\server\folder\test.txt I am getting the erro...

URL to network file in SharePoint

I have a column in a SharePoint list that I wish to make a link to a file on the network. The file location is generated in code so I need to write a CAML script to update the column. Could someone please give me an example of what the value stored in the database would be? In this example the file location is \server\folder\file.txt. I...

Registry key value SearchThrottled was not found under registry hive

Registry key value {SearchThrottled} was not found under registry hive {Software\Microsoft\Office Server\12.0}. Assuming search sku is not throttled. There are a lot of sites on the web where this question is asked with no real solutions. It doesn't seem to hinder my SharePoint functionality but it's annoying seeing it in the logs over ...

Good tutorials for routing a document in Sharepoint

Hi, I would like to know if there are good tutorials for Microsoft Sharepoint. Specifically solutions that involves routing documents for approval. Use of Microsoft Infopath for form making and Microsoft SQL Server for the database is needed. What I meant by good is that the quality that they possess is similar to the video tutorials ...

Find latest approved version of an SPListItem

I am trying to iterate through the SPListItem.Versions collection to find the latest approved list item. My list item has three versions: the first two are approved, the last is in draft. But my code says they're all in draft! Please help! // Iterate through all versions for (int index = 0; index < item.Versions.Count; index++) { S...

stsadm addcontentdb - add content database from sp1 to sp2 environment?

I'm trying to add a content database from a sp1 environment to a sp2 environment, but I am getting the error, Login failed for user "username". Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection I've tried all accounts, from Farm Admin, Web app account, to SQL Admin Method's are both true from here:

Accessing a SPListItem from SPListItemCollection directly

Hi, I have a SPList object and use SPList.Items to get the SPListItemCollection. From this collection I need to access one SPListItem for which the UniqueID or GUID is not know. Is it possible to access the element directly using Display Name or any other information (other than GUID or UniqueId). Any idea will be appreciated. ...

GetUsageData() in a web part returns null

I am trying to display some SharePoint usage data in a web part. Here's my code: SPSite spSiteCollection = new SPSite(myURL) spSiteCollection.CatchAccessDeniedException = false; SPWeb spWeb = spSiteCollection.OpenWeb(); DataTable dtResults = new DataTable(); dtResults = spWeb.GetUsageData(SPUsageReportType.url, SPUsagePeriodType.lastM...

sharepoint event receiver events not firing

I added a workflow to my document library (with a custom content type) and now my content types event receiver function itemcheckingin doesnt fire. Double checked my xml files and it's being properly refered to and other events (itemupdating, itemadding) are firing. Any ideas? ...

Sharepoint web part for editing list items

Hi I'm trying to create a web part that will enable users to edit items without ever leaving the AllItems.aspx page. The web part should have a similar functionality like the EditForm.aspx page. I've created a simple web part with a ConnectionConsumer("Row") that successfully shows the selected ListItem but I'm trying to figure out ho...

Script SharePoint crawl rules

I want to exclude certain pages from MOSS indexing like a confirmation page that sits in the pages library in the root of my site: http://server/Pages/ConfirmSignup.aspx I can do this by going to search administration / search result removal and adding the url to the URLs to remove box. Because I have dev, staging, uat, production envi...

SharePoint 2007 (wss) search and Unable to validate data Exception

We have a problem with SharePoint's search box. Whenever we try to search for something we get: Unable to validate data. at System.Web.Configuration.MachineKeySection.EncryptOrDecryptData(Boolean fEncrypt, Byte[] buf, Byte[] modifier, Int32 start, Int32 length, IVType ivType, Boolean useValidationSymAlgo) at System.Web...

How to show customaction menu item depending upon user permission

I have a CustomAction menuItem <CustomAction Id="DocumentManagement.DocLibNewToolbar" Location="EditControlBlock" RegistrationType="ContentType" RegistrationId="0x0101002bae451fbd3640fb9bae5df410b4a9a0" Title="Print"> <UrlAction Url="~site/_layouts/ELSActionMenu/PrintListItem.aspx?List={ListId}&amp;ID={ItemId}"/> </CustomA...

Sharepoint Deleting an Item from a list using UpdateListItems WebService

I am trying to delete an item from a list and have the following xml <Batch PreCalc='TRUE' OnError='Continue'> <Method ID='1' Cmd='Delete'>\ <Field Name='ID'>185</Field> </Method> </Batch> This is returning the following error 0x81020030 - Invalid file name The file name you specified could not be used. It ma...

Setting web part title from resource file

I am trying to set web part the title and description through a resource file. My .webpart file has this content: <?xml version="1.0"?> <webParts> <webPart xmlns=""&gt; <metaData> <type name="MyWebParts.MyWebPart" /> <importErrorMessage>Cannot import this web part.</importErrorMes...

Integrating SharePoint with a web application

Is it possible to have a Java/J2EE web application integrate/communicate with SharePoint to load, search, and retrieve docs? ...

How to query data in SharePoint from multiple lists

Hello All, I have multiple SharePoint lists and want to display data from them on to a gridview control. Please guide me. Grace ...