
Is there any way to check for the existence of an SPList or SPListItem without a try/catch block?

In SharePoint, I'd like to be able to check if a particular List or ListItem exists before performing operations on it, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do this without simply catching an ArgumentException. Surely there's a better way? ...

sharepoint workflow dll not being found

I have a very simple workflow that is just trying to send an email with the task title, but I can't get it to run. I always get a "failed to start" error. The logs report back that "Load Workflow Assembly: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly" for my dll. I did load it into the gac using the gacutil.exe com...

Sharepoint event handling.. which column changed?

I'm writing an event handler to handle the updating of a particular SPItem in a list. The event is asynchronous and I get the SPEvenItemProperties without a problem. What I would like to find out is which of the SPItems columns' actually fired the event. Anyone have any idea how? Thanks in advance. ...

sharepoint copy a list to a different web

how can i copy a sharepoint list with all its data to a different web? is there an stsadm command to do this? or even through the gui. ...

Customize MOSS People Picker (PeopleEditor) Control

Hi, I have modified my MOSS 2007 configuration to query a given target AD successfully. I would like to show some custom LDAP fields (such as country) in the PeopleEditor control and allow users to search against these fields. Can someone point me towards useful resources/tutorials showing how to do this? Thanks, MagicAndi. ...

Add permission in folder via SharePoint Web Services

Is it possible to add or update permission in folder or sub-folder in WSS 3.0 with Web Services? Now, I created the folder inside list(document library) and the permission inherit from parent but I need to add new permission in folder inside list. The /_vti_bin/permissions.asmx not allow to add permission in folder level. How should I...

How to re-compress the .cmp file, created by stsadm export command, after editing

I need to manually edit some of the files inside of the .cmp file created by stsadm export command (or SharePoint Designer backup). I can extract the files and make the edits, but don't know how to properly re-compress the files so that the resulting .cmp file is valid for use with stsadm import. ...

Sharepoint: find out if current user belongs to specified group

How can I find out programmatically if current user belongs to some group on sharepoint website? I need it because I would like to show a different content for the users belonging to one group. ...

Why 'People' columns are not available for Read-Only users in SharePoint Datasheet view?

I can see columns that list people names in SharePoint's datasheet view, but read-only users cannot. Is there a way for read-only users to see columns of this type? The type of information in this column is: Person or Group, no mandatory information, allow multiple selections, People only, choose from All users, show field - name with p...

Rollup of all Tasks of a Recurring Meeting in SharePoint

We have set up a SharePoint meeting workspace (using WSS 3.0) for our weekly team meeting. As part of our process we will enter tasks and assign them to individuals during the meeting. Unfortunately the task lists are specific to a particular meeting. We are looking for a way to roll up all of the task generated during our weekly meetin...

Creating a calendar event in SharePoint

Hi, I need to create a recurring event in SharePoint calendar. I am able to create non-recurring events. Please help. ...

How to display XML returned by SharePoint for web parts?

Lately I've been doing a lot of custom styling in SharePoint by modifying the XSL used to display various web parts. Knowing what the actual XML looks like, including which elements have actual values, really helps when working in the XSL. I've discovered a way to show this XML when using Ontolica web parts, but not when I'm using the ...

how to create file sharing system like Microsoft Groove

Hi developers, I need to create file sharing and chatting system like Microsoft Groove under .NET (c#). But i don't know how to create it. I had a questions: Groove using peer 2 peer? if you know about this, tell me any library. Groove is using what service? Groove is using what technology for network service? ...

WSS and Document Converters

MOSS suports installing document converters on the server, is this also supported in WSS? ...

Executing SPWebApplication.Update with System account throws SecurityException.

Hello. I`m doing some web.config modifications with SPWebConfigModification class. When adding them to WebApplication and calling Update to it, it throws me SecurityException, although I run code with elevated privilages (and open new instance of SPSite) my assembly is in GAC application pool account is from *wss_admin_wpg* group an...

When is SPFile.Properties != to SPFile.Item.Properties in SharePoint?

One of our customers has a problem that we cannot reproduce. We programmatically copy a document's properties to a destination file using SPFile.Properties. However, for some reason the file's properties do not match the meta data specified on the list the file is stored in. Now, we can probably solve this by copying SPFile.Item.Propert...

Form based authentication - Login get fails

Hi All, I am using form based suthentication in my site. I have used one custom user control in my site which read items in sharepoint list and display it in a grid. Everything works fine with windows authentication but when I change the authentication to form based the login process get fails. I see the Error log it is giving me an err...

Finding out document template type of document library

Hi, When I make a document library in Sharepoint 2003 and select the document template type etc and come back to edit/administer the document library, how can I find out what document template type I selected at the time of creation? Another way of putting it: If an administrator makes a document library and selects a document template...

Migrate the discussion list in SharePoint?

Hi All I want to migrate a Discussion List from one site collection to another site collection with all content. Is there any way to do it? We can not save the list as a template. Because we want to keep all the original information, like the Created By. Best Regards ...

Custom action location and group ID, SharePoint

I'm working with MOSS 2007 and want to install a list feature that will be accessible on the list tool bar as a link next to "Actions" instead of placing it within one of the standard dropdown menus. Apparently, since the location of my feature will be outside of the standard Microsoft.SharePoint.StandardMenu, i'm not sure what group id...