
Creating a Visual Studio Web test to upload a file with a random file name

I have (after quite a bit of work) a web test that will upload a file to my SharePoint document library using a file that is included in the test and DeploymentItem that identifies that file so it can be used in the file upload post parameter. That works great, now ignoring the SharePoint factor for a moment, image that I want to run th...

How do I programatically set the SharePoint's site collections Search Center property?

I have a site collection and I want to set the search center value to be the same as another site collection. The site collection is created in code, so I need to be able to set the property after the site collection has been created. How can I do this programatically? ...

Microsoft Enterprise Search - FAST

Does it handle Sharepoint? ...

Communicate with Document Library Browser Web Part

Background My task is to, in SharePoint, show an image of a process map which should be clickable. Think of an imagemap in html. Some areas take you to other process map images and other brings up a pop-up window. "Connected" to each process map is a set of documents. These documents are stored in a document library. There are one proc...

Sharepoint Lists - GroupBy?

Hello, I'm trying to get data from a Sharepoint list and put it into some Flex graphs. I can call the list data just fine using a CAML query, but I want to use a GroupBy to consolidate the rows by Teams. So, for example Team 1 may have 20 records, Team 2 may have 8 records, and Team 3 might have 25 records... Instead of showing 53 rec...

Sharepoint: How can I deploy a custom authentication provider?

How can I deploy a custom authentication provider in MOSS 2007? Is there any provided functionality to do this (like a Sharepoint feature)? Or do I have to install it in the GAC on each box in the farm manually? ...

Strategies for moving to Team System

Does anyone have any strategies/tips/traps for moving to Team System? Should it be done in baby steps, or all at once? Should we migrate our SourceSafe library over, or draw a line in the sand and move forward? Is it worth brining SharePoint into the mix? Any thoughts are appreciated. ...

PortalSiteMapProvider causing excessive SPRequest objects

We have a custom navigation webpart that uses the PortalSiteMapProvider of MOSS to build a menu navigation. It seems that the Provider is not managing it's objects. Any idea on how to manage the objects that are being created in the Provider? It is causing log errors like so: Potentially excessive number of SPRequest objects (9) curren...

SharePoint searching external database

We're looking at doing a MOSS 2007 site which will have a fairly dynamic component (an external product catalog). The external produces will be stored in a database (not managed by SharePoint) and all interaction will occur via Web Parts. Is it possible to configure the SharePoint search to index the textual content and the external dat...

What is the easiest approach to exporting a Sharepoint list in xml format?

Pretty self explanatory. I just need to export lists easily to xml format. Are there any tools that accomplish this? ...

Moving sharepoint installation to a different port / URL

Hi, We've installed Windows Search Server Express on one of our servers, which apparently runs on top of sharepoint. Sharepoint was installed on port 80, where our "normal" intranet runs. When I disable the intranet and run the sharepoint site, everything works as intended. The intranet is linked in many places it would be a pain to m...

How to limit the number of users that can access a SharePoint site collection?

We're implementing a hosted Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 system and I need to limit the number of users that a customer can give access to a site collection. A customer should be able to manage his entire site collection. He should just not be able to delete the site collection itself or add more than a given number of users to the si...

Duplicate a list

Is there a way to easily duplicate a list code wise? ...

Sharepoint selectors in Central Administration don't work in IE 6 on the server VM (MOSS 2007)

Sharepoint Central Administration site uses the selector control I'm talking about a lot (for selecting site collections and web applications primarily) I have MOSS 2007 installed on a VM. When I open Central Administration from outside the VM from my desktop everything works fine. But when I open it from IE 6 installed on the VM the ...

How to move documents from SharePoint 2003 to SharePoint 2007 with versioning?

I'm desperately searching for a tool allowing me to copy documents with their old versions from a SharePoint 2003 to a SharePoint 2007 site. Do you know about any simple (and preferably free) tool which does this? ...

Is creating a view on SharePoint tables bad style?

I have only been working with sharepoint for three months but right from the start I was told that the SharePoint content db was off limits as MS could change the schema at any time. The recommended route is to use the object model, and in most case I kind of understands that. Now I need to join some lists in order to present the conten...

Sharepoint: Is it possible to make subgroups in top navigation menu?

I need to make subgroups in the top navigation menu, like: Home -Group --Subgroup Is it possible? I can not make more than two levels! ...

Coming up with a topology for a public facing SharePoint website

I'm currently planning the migration of a Microsoft Content Management Server (MCMS) website to a SharePoint 2007 publishing site. The top-level site is a public facing, anonymously-accessible website. It will contain two areas which need to be protected with forms-based authentication - each of which will have a distinct set of users. ...

MOSS 2007: SPListItem.GetFormattedValue for DateTime fields has a bug?

SPListItem.GetFormattedValue seems to have a strange behavior for DateTime fields. It retrieves the DateTime value through SPListItem's indexer which according to this MSDN article returns local time. Here's a snippet from Reflector public string GetFormattedValue(string fieldName) { SPField field = this.Fields.GetField(fieldName); ...

How do I add custom column to existing WSS list template

I need to use feature stapler to add some text columns to Posts list inside OOTB blog site definition. I plan not to use site columns, but only to add those columns to list (I don't use site columns because I have multiple site collections and there will be only one Posts list per site collection, so site columns are not very reusable in...